Adrik Sergo

From Incantatem

Revision as of 05:38, 9 July 2007 by Duff (Talk | contribs)

P e r s o n a l i t y :

Adrik is definitely not the fellow you would want to meet in a dark alley, even though he’s the most likely you would. There are several good reasons for this. One, because he’s a Death Eater, and doesn’t even bother to hide it. He may be useless in situations where Voldemort might want a spy, but other factors already rule out that as a way to help his Master. Adrik proudly claims his allegiance when asked and would never deny it even if his life was on the line- though because of another reason, that’s also rare. Why are these things true? Why, it’s because Adrik is not human and not in attitude alone; he is a Child of the Night- a Vampire. He enjoys what he is and is definitely not ashamed of it. After over seventy years of being such, shame tends to die out.

Along with the two holes in the side of his neck and two fangs glinting in his mouth, Adrik has gained much more from being a vampire. One, he has the bloodlust. While ‘noble’ vampires who have chosen to side with the Ministry of Magic or go ‘vegetarian’ by dining on only animal blood, Adrik embraces it willingly and eagerly. It seems as though he almost constantly has the bloodlust even though he might have just eaten. His vicious nature shows through with each encounter he has with people. Sergo never tries to ‘turn’ fellows to create new vampires. Instead, he bites to kill. He doesn’t want to have to drag around some goofy teenager as an apprentice and for that reason is determined not to be a sire and prefers to just completely destroy his meals.

When on the hunt, he enjoys using his vampiric powers to his advantage. The allure over women is one he particularly enjoys- he won’t deny having his way with a girl before killing her and his good-looks (though pale and cold) definitely helps with his charm. But never has he actually fallen in love- those stories of vampires falling in love with humans and having to ‘fight their bloodlust not to destroy their love’ are nothing more than myth in his opinion. He views anyone without fangs to be lesser than he, because it’s true; they are mortal while he will never die by bullets, spells or old age! Only decapitation and a stake through the heart will stop him and he’s not going to be stupid enough to die by something like that.

Because he was once a human and the Ministry rules allow it (he wouldn’t care if they didn’t) he still carries a wand. But he doesn’t like using it- he keeps it for things like sending messages and making like more convenient but when it comes to things like murder, he ultimately prefers using his fangs and bare hands to kill who he likes. Why use Avada Kederva to kill when the victim’s blood will no longer be fresh and pumping? Why use Imperius when vampire hypnosis works just as well? Why use Crucio when sinking your teeth into someone’s neck and sucking the very life out of them accomplishes the same purpose? He keeps it sheathed during battles and instead keeps his fangs bared.

But even though he’s an evil vampire and all that, he still manages to have a sense of humor. Adrik is very sarcastic and uses his biting wit to poke fun at friends and foes alike. Hardly a serious thing comes out of his mouth- he always says it in the same dry voice so that sometimes it’s hard for the more dense people to pick up that he’s even saying something sarcastic, which just makes Adrik even MORE sarcastic and if that goes on for too long, he gets fed up and just kills them. Well, if they’re enemies. If they’re on the same side then he’ll just stop trying and walk away with a new view on the person he was just talking to.

A p p e a r a n c e :

Adrik retains the good-looks he had when he was thirty even though he’s now over 100, as all vampires look the same as they do when they were bitten… because when your body no longer functions, it no longer ages. So he’s basically a young man with all the experience of an old one. On actual looks, he also has the usual symptoms of being a vampire. No heartbeat, pale skin, hollow-looking eyes and two long fangs in his mouth that are most of the time splattered with blood. He inherited his father’s looks, mostly, but with his mother’s dark hair. The result is something that looks amazingly Slytherin when coming from two nice and generous Hufflepuff parents.

Long jet-black hair falls from his head and about down to his shoulders, parted at the side and sometimes tied back in a ponytail if he feels like it’s going to get in the way. It’s very sleek, shiny and limp- no body whatsoever and looks as if it’s constantly wet… probably wet with grease. Dark eyebrows match his hair and are usually lowered to create the constant look of slyness or anger across his face. Below these are his eyes, which are a stunning blue and provide a nice contrast to his pale and dark features. They’re usually sparkling as if someone has just told him a terribly funny joke, even though the joke is usually on the unfortunate person he has just bitten into.

On overall appearance, he’s tall and gangly and looks as if he has really no muscle on him. But while he may not, the unnatural enhanced strength that one gets from becoming undead makes up tenfold for his lack of muscle. While his scrawny shoulders and stooped posture aren’t very intimidating, when an eerie smile flits across his face and reveals two frighteningly long fangs, one knows to be afraid of him. On clothing, he prefers robes of course. Usually dark colors and mostly blacks, though leather boots would never be denied. Sometimes he wears fingerless gloves while he works, simply because he says ‘you can get a better grip on someone’s neck with them’.

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