Nikolai Vosiliev

From Incantatem

Revision as of 16:56, 27 June 2007 by Kazuu (Talk | contribs)

This article is on the character Nikolai Vosiliev, a Healer in the RPG Incantatem.



The Shady Past

Nikolai “Kolya” Vosiliev (Neek-Cole-Eye, "Cole-Ya", Vaz-eel-lee-ehv) was born to the rich roots of pure magical heritage, given unto him by his mother, Sonia, and his father, Konstantin. Their pudgy little blot of a son continuously amazed them as he grew older, always tinkering with magic, forever fascinated and awaiting that day when he would waltz on into Durmstrang, the exalted, speculated as strictly ‘pureblood’ Magic School of which both his parents, and their parents before them, and their parents before them---well, you get the gist--- had gone to.

When that day finally came, poor little Kolya (who had, by this time, ‘stretched out’ into a strapping and healthy looking eleven-year old) stood wrapped in his shawls and his overly large tsigeika coat, shuddering in fear at the other burly lads and ladies crossing the threshold, stunning old friends with curses and using words he had never heard before. Eventually, Nikolai grew accustomed to this vigorous, dark way of living, and managed to come out of Durmstrang seven years later, basically unscathed and with a passionate ideal of being a Healer. He had encountered so much dark magic in his school, so much violence…that the instilling warmth inside him was tugged out by this existence, till the very end.

It is true that Kolya dealt with dark magic in school, and it was damn near impossible to avoid it. This also holds to a more shady truth that during his seventh year of schooling, he was remarkably and almost incurably close in toeing alliances with Death Eaters--- and had been toeing the line of becoming one himself. However, at the realization that his future ideals of helping people and finally getting away from the cold and brutal life he lived, he fled, only a few days after his seventh year,. Of course…this realization only came to after a particularly nasty bout of torture came his way after being locked to a dungeon wall with the 'Incarcerous' spell, weaved unto him by a few D.E’s in training--- a pretty bad reproduction ‘fraternity hazing‘, if you asked Kolya. Now that he was free from a callous, and perhaps even bloody schooling, Kolya took it upon himself to venture out to St Mungo's, where he has found affection, and the heart he had lost those last few years at Durmstrang.

The Shining Future

Nikolai has been working his way up the ranks as a Healer at St.Mungo's for about seventeen years now, and through such diligent work he is one of the most well-respected, well-rounded MediWizards at the Facility. He is not alone, however, and two of his friend/cohorts who are also excelling due along with his guidance are Nefertari Menes, and Danielle Reid. Both of these young women seem to look up to Nikolai in other ways than perhaps just a mentor, affectionate ways, but it is unknown at the moment, whether Kolya receives or is even aware of this.

Other acquaintances of his have been made by way of his healing abilities. Frequent visits from a trio of Aurors--- Gavin Hart, Thomas Cummings, and William Ryder--- on more than one occasion has allowed him to get to know them better, apart from their norm of Death Eater-induced afflictions. Gavin, Kolya knows a little better than the other two, as he has tended to his self-inflicted wounds after the man has transformed into a werewolf more times than either of them can count.



Quick Stats

Age: 35
Eyes: Indigo
Hair: Black
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 160 lbs
Skin: Used to be fair, but tanned and callused from work.
Blood Origins: Pureblood
Origins: Russian
Loyalty: Against Voldemort
Portrayed By: Gerard Butler

Stern, calculating looks and an altogether blotched, callous exterior coats Kolya like a second skin. There are genuinely soft, electric blue eyes, flecked with verdant greens and yellows settled in his face, but they are oftentimes oppressed by a disgruntled looking disposition. There is a persistent sallow flush across his cheeks, and dark pools under his eyes that evoke many late nights of work and …well, for this one, researching. Apart from theses strenuous inflictions that come with his chosen job, though, Nikolai is reasonably attractive, and has kept a very healthy physique for himself at hitting thirty years of age. But then again, who ever heard of a doctor that’s out of shape, really?

A short cut mop of raven’s wing black (you know…the way when the bird rustles, its feathers almost seem blue? Exactly.) splays across his head in a royal flush, and even its there’s hardly any of it, what Kolya has is rather unkempt. This same scruffiness appears to have splotched down to his jaw, which is sculpted in a rather nice shape, but buried under wires of black stained all around a solemn, slim mouth. Behind those pale lips lies a clean, flashing smile, so appealing and playful that it could be counted as a shame that it hardly ever appears. Smiling really is a rarity with Kolya, but he’s oftentimes seen pulling a little smirk--- a faint, almost evil little twitch that always pulls at the right side of his mouth.

Whenever he’s not slouched over patient’s beds or a desk brewing up potions, Nikolai stands tall at a height of 6’5”, supporting a rather muscular anatomy with poised, squared shoulders, slim legs, brawny forearms and a very appealing abdomen. As appealing as it sounds, however, Kolya’s not entirely ‘ripped,’ and its quite the contrary; he’s usually put off at the thought of being beefy like a heavyweight, and most of his naturally strong physique comes from his robust Russian/Lithuanian lineage.


Nikolai is a sweet, sweet man, bounteous in witty quips and appealing musings underneath the thick shell of his studious, stern behavior. His work is so close to his heart, closer than a women could ever be, possibly, and through the gentle dictations of his hands and wand does he express a very likeable, very loving attitude towards his patients. Warmth may be something seemingly foreign when it comes to Nikolai, for he does tend to don a very businesslike, very intellectual tone around those he does not know, sometimes even becoming reclusive around people he is unsure of, but those seldom few who know him closer are aware of what a tender man he is.

Intelligence is highly regarded to Kolya, and he utilizes his own ample pool of knowledge frequently. A Healer must always have an attentive eye, ready to examine the most miniscule of mutations and the most grotesque curses, and Nikolai is no exception to the rule. He is an emotional listener, face pulling the most amusing and attractive of contortions when soaking up and marking down words that are spoken to him in his mind.

This also comes from the fact that one of Kolya’s biggest annoyances is people that are too talkative. He generally loves people, loves to be in the presence of academic, kind-hearted women and men, but when the bloated ego of a big mouth comes in, mussing up the relaxing air…he becomes rather vindictive. It is a rarity indeed, but sudden fluctuations from passive to highly aggressive do happen, if some unlucky person starts to tease the wrong buttons.

Misc Information

  • Nikolai has a daughter, Anja Vosiliev, a pureblood lovechild from a feeble romance with fellow Healer turned Death Eater, Feodora Raminov. Kolya told his daughter, at the age of three, that her mother had died...although she died later, after being condemned to Azkaban at the time.
  • Kolya's patronus is a Simurg, or Simurgh: A multi-hued, phantasm of a bird, with the face of an Indian Priestess flanked in many sparkling jewels. These Persian 'Sphinxes' of sorts are said to have healing powers, which is why some of his fellow colleagues speculate this Patronus was made for he is a Healer, with a very elusive nature.
  • Most appropriately, at home, Kolya has a solemn, massive Canaan dog, with a pelt of silver and is called, Rodion, or Rodya.


  • Nikolai Vosiliev is played by Kazuu.
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