Professor Logan Oemul

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Professor Logan Oemul

“Logan Oemul” (lo-GAN o-MOOL) is a previous Slytherin and is the Care of Magical Creatures Professor at Hogwarts School. He is a character in the RPG Incantatem. He is played by Uriel.


Birth Name: Logan Orunitia
Current Age: 34
Birthday: January 1st, 1959
Height: 5’11”
Education: Seven years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Three years St. Hampton High School for Young Men Two years at Romanian Wizarding School for Teaching
Primary Language: Romanian
Secondary Language(s) : English Marital Status: Single
Blood: Supposedly Pureblood – Actually half-blood


Logan always appears tired, fatigued and stressed out, which may be due to his lack of sleep for he can be usually found sleeping in one form another or “resting his eyes”. There are dark circles underneath them and he appears pale just because he doesn’t get enough rest, though on better days he is tan. He stands at 5’11” and has long hair pulled in a pony tail. He usually wears worn out robes and wraps over his hands, giving him a disheveled look, despite how he usually tries to appear professional. He seems weak, though he is quite built, especially in his arms.

Some instances, he can be described as “handsome” though he’s cold and disheartening and often that is enough to turn people in another direction. He carries himself with excellent posture, though he also comes off as too serious as his facial expressions rarely change. Smiles he does have pass nothing more than a grimace of pain. He is the basic archetype of a quiet, reclusive man, except for the fact that he have a set of earrings on his right ear, his long hair and a face tattoo under his right eye that moves questionably from his cheek down his neck and into his shirt. The pattern continues onto his hip, though it is questionable if it goes any further.

He is strong in the back muscles and arms because well, he’s an avian animagus. No, he isn’t one just to be one, he has very specific reasons why he is one and his animal of choice turned out to be very fitting. He takes the form of a black barn owl, a little bit large in size with excellent eyesight and talons.



Too many rumors surround Logan that make it definite to know what is true and what is false. From the bizarre that he eats mice and misbehaving students, to the possibly true, that he is from a line of dark wizards—he is altogether just… strange.

Logan is not a socialite of any kind, rarely talking to or intermingling with other students or professors. All suspicions and rumors he generally overhears, but does his best to ignore them except for the most vulgar ones. He’s not animated and always looks bored or in a stay of a daydream. Even when conversing with others, he doesn’t appear always there. Reserved in emotions, he appears professional in all aspects of his life, except for the fact that he has a way of sleeping when he shouldn’t.

He always appears paranoid and on edge, looking over his shoulder and constantly rushing in tasks that he does. Not interactive with people, he is interactive with his creatures and is fond of them, if nothing else. He has a fear of being inside the Hogwarts buildings, though this might be connected to claustrophobia, he has been seen having no trouble going into his stables or into his hut. He doesn’t eat in the great hall and gets all his food from other sources. He lives nocturnally, thriving at night rather than in the day.

When he does talk, he is very precise, brief and to the point. His voice is soft, yet professional and he almost always is serious. The only times he does seem nervous is when he is around too many people or if he is one of the rare situations when he gets stuck inside Hogwarts, like for the opening feast or all that jubilant what-not. He does not like partying or being touched, though if he is hugged or touched. Usually people get a hang of the fact that Logan apparently needs his personal space, or rather, a lot of personal space in the end. When people talk to him and he finds it inappropriate, he can be very brash, concise and rude about how he feels.

As a Professor

While Logan might be one not willing to take risks, he doesn’t seem to mind as a professor and brings all manners of creatures out, especially the dangerous kinds to teach his students. Detentions with him are rare, as he likes his time alone, but if one does get dragged into it, you can almost bet that it will be long and tedious, things from balancing tea cups on your head to doing jumping jacks until he is satisfied have been observed. For students, he doesn’t like apparently angry students, emotional students, violent students, too happy students, too brainy students, too cocky students, and too quiet students. Oddly enough, he seems to prefer those that talk a lot because well, he doesn’t have to talk, but if someone comes up to him blabbing their mouth off, yes he will get irritated. For adults, he really doesn’t like them usually unless they have a little quirk or are amusing in some way, unusually witty or get him right off the bat. He doesn’t usually like nice people because he doesn’t trust nice people because he rarely believes it is genuine.

At times he can get comfortable, though conversations he starts rarely go out of the vicinity of, “oh, the weather is particularly bland”. He never really makes friends with any other professors, so he is more of a mystery and enigma rather than a co-worker. Those that he went to Hogwarts with probably didn’t get to know him very well, though he was a lot more outgoing and devious when he was young and spry. More than anything, he loves Hogwarts as a whole, though it doesn’t always appear that way.

Nostalgia for Romania

Anything about his past, including Romanians, people who speak Romanian and anyone who asks if he has brothers or sisters will probably get shot down. While he is usually calm in other frustrating issues, everything about Romania seems to irritate this man.


< blockquote>He eats mice. (Assumed true, as he has been found to be an owl animagus)
He has been sleeping with a woman on Hogwarts grounds. (Assumed true, he was found stumbling out without a shirt)
He’s schizophrenic (Assumed false, student argument proves otherwise)
He is a vampire (Unknown, he has several vials of blood in his office)
He and Sergio Damiano have a “thing” (Unknown, though their contacts with one another are definitely interesting)</blockquote>

Before Teaching

Birth and Bloodline

In order to keep the “Orunitia” bloodline pure, there has been of course, arranged marriages and mixed breeding used excessively. The result of this was the marriage of Kitsae and Francis Orunitia, her cousin, which like many ,leads to discontent in the relations. The Orunitia family of Romania is known for its center of prestige, being pureblood, rich and high class citizen wizards. Kitsae’s first child was a son, Mewt, her second, a daughter, Chalice, but by her third, Kitsae escaped the marriage to have an affair with a muggle named Clyde Irvine. This affair was the cause of her second son, a half blood named Logan Irvine. However, two years after their fling, she took her child, bored of the muggle lifestyles and moved back to Romania where she was accepted, with much difficult back in the family to take care of her other children. She bore another child with Francis, Logan’s younger sister named Laine. Growing up under Francis was not easy, especially when the man despised having a child of mixed bloodline, a child who looked nothing like him or his siblings.


Childhood was not easy for Logan, for while his bloodline was hidden from outsiders that Logan went to school with, it was not hidden from his family, close or distant as they were. He had very hostile relations with Mewt and Chalice and while in the beginning his mother turned to protecting him, she eventually began to overlook it, seeing as Logan was her failures and her past happiness rolled into a single bundle. He had fairly okay relations with his younger sister, Laine and next to none existed with his step-father Francis. It took him years to figure out what “half blood” meant and why it only pertained to him, and after such news, he and his step-father constantly fought. Family gatherings from all over would result in very uncomfortable dining room chats that were borderline, “Oh, Logan, so you’re the bastard child of your whore mother” in which he was forced to smile and answer politely, of course. This grew nothing but resentment in his heart for Romania and the Orunitia family and for his childhood “friend” Tod Ebbings he was treated no better.


His largest dispute amongst his parents was whether or not Logan would be allowed to attend wizarding school his step father of course, refused to allow a pureblood bearing his name to go into the Romanian School. His father kicked him out of the house, but his mother was at least able to send him, with much embarrassment to his birth father, Clyde, though Logan could only barely speak English. He was sent to the St. Hampton High School for Young Men, where he wasn’t widely accepted, being a foreigner who talked with a weird, funny accent. Around muggles, it was a totally different thing not under his step father’s strict rules, and he got into constant fights, turning to kick boxing and regular boxing as an alternative to burn anger. However, he was still destined to go to a wizarding school, so when dozens of owls bombarded Clyde’s house with letters, his embarrassed mother swooped him up again and this time, finally sent him to wizarding school.

It would take him a course of ten years to complete the supposed seven years at Hogwarts, because of his step father’s refusal to allow a half blood to go to any school, which ended him going to St. Hampton’s from time to time, causing weirdness because he usually came back to each school older than those in his class. He was housed into Slytherin, despite the fact that he was a half blood, the anger that fueled him was enough to put him into the house. At Hogwarts, having to conceal his real identity, he became used to not having a lot of friends simply for the fact that his tongue might slip, though a very minimal few were considered his gang. He was seen as someone who could be seen, but not touched, known about but never truly known. He was the kid that was popular simply for the fact he was a loner. During the times when he was actually living with muggles, defiance on his part was what came about and rebellion of all kinds. He got an ear piercing, as well as a tattoo on the most obvious spot: his face in order to spite his step-father. Back in the day he had dozens of girlfriends for his lone wolf attitudes and he seemed not to care too much about grades in any subject.

After Education

Logan went on to try to make something of himself, to at least be able to get out of his household, while his family began their steady incline into the dark arts, training the young and old alike under the same teachings of the Dark Lord. He was excused from these practices, and he lived as little as he could in the house, having graduated at Hogwarts at age twenty, he was legally an adult, though he had no money that he could access, though he did have some under his name. He spent two years studying to become a Care of Magical Creatures professor, as the best days of his life had been spent at Hogwarts and he always hoped to return. His brother’s pride in the dark arts would be Logan’s signal to leave the Orunitia house for good, for in an attempt to rid the world of mudbloods and the impure, he wanted to start at the source. Logan suffered the cructacius curse twice before leaving and changing his last name to “Oemul” to keep his family from tracking him. What money he had to his name, he withdrew after persuading his mother to open his accounts. However, Mewt’s pursuit to kill him wouldn’t stop, eventually fueling the other Orunitias that it was the right thing to do, except for that is, his youngest sister Laine.

He fled from his old life, eventually acquiring the animagus of an owl to hide in. He spent ten years in the form of an owl, constantly coming back to London in hopes for finding a job at Hogwarts, which he believed to be his only sanctum and haven. When the job did open, he was so disheveled and had picked up on too many habits of being an owl that it was strange for him to return human. He allowed the Headmistress to scan his mind to show that his real last name had nothing to do with who he was, and was eventually accepted, and Hogwarts is where he has come to rest today.


==His Wand==

Unicorn Hair/Runespoor Fang 1 Foot, Birch Wood

Contradictory elements in his wand made many question who he is and who he will be. Unicorn, meant for those who are good. Runsepoor, meant for those who mean to delve in the dark arts. The wand chooses its user though.

Birch wood brings calmness and patience. Good for leadership roles.


Incantatem Plots

  • The Care of Magical Creatures professor who has rather good reasons not to support Voldemort or any dark arts
  • Logan is the only person who knows of Tod Ebbings the janitor being a Death Eater, who is apparently at hold with keys to many of Hogwarts’ doors not to mention runespoor poison

Personal Plot

  • Trying to find a way to get Sergio Damiano off of his back at the upcoming Halloween Masquerade, Logan asked Una Macnamara the school’s herbologist to accompany him
  • Logan is scheduled to room with Sergio Damiano this upcoming summer
  • Fila Benedicta Logan’s old friend has reappeared, and with housing troubles is staying with Logan, only after getting him extremely drunk

Extra Facts

  • Logan has a small ability to intake alcohol, meaning that usually one or two shots and he’s gone and as a drunk man, can be rather curious
  • The full body length tattoo he has was a result of him getting extremely, extremely drunk
  • At Hogwarts, he’s sharing his small enough hut with Fila Benedicta an old companion
  • He prefers to do everything without magic if he can, as he believes his wand is dysfunctional because of its core
  • His animagus is a black barn owl
  • He actually DOES eat mice
  • Logan does actually still look at women T__T
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