Amaryllis Noircroix

From Incantatem

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Amaryllis 'Ryll' Noircroix

Amaryllis Noircroix (ama-RIL-iss NWAH-crookz) is a 5th year Slytherin who (though she denies) suffers from a few mental instabilities. She is a character on the site Incantatem. The actor used for Ryll is Christina Aguilera, but was drawn out first by her creator, Seiko Delano.


Amaryllis has as lithe figure, weighing only 115lbs, though still retains curves. Her skin is a pale, milky complexion and extenuates her bright blue eyes even more than her dark eye lashes do. Her platinum-blond hair comes down to her hips and she has her bangs cut to frame her angelic face.

She's still growing, but even at her current height, 5'4, she obtains an artificial sense of height. Her legs are slender, but long, and the same goes for her hands and fingers.

Despite her almost fragile appearance, she is no where near the sort. Being a fan on Quidditch and other hard contact sports, her body is actually quite nicely toned. Any of the girls in the Slytherin common room or locker room can vouch for this fact. Her stomach does not have a fully formed six pack, though it is still well formed from her action filled life style.

As for her normal day to day where, Amaryllis is one to stand out. She is a full blooded French maiden, though her clothing does not show this. Her style is one that mimics that of a Japanese pop star with a hint of Gothic Lolita aspects drawn in. This is due to the fact that Amaryllis has secret friend back home who introduced her to the Japanese culture. This is Ryll's well kept secret though.


Well, obviously there was a reason that the sorting hat placed Amaryllis (Ryll for short) in Slytherin. She is the exact opposite of what her appearance tends to make people think. She is quite bold and a bit of an elitist when it comes to a person's mental ability.

Amaryllis was born with a form of Savant Syndrome, thus making her able to learn things at unheard of speeds. The one problem with this is that her social interaction with others is a bit warped. If she becomes confused or unease in any way she knows how to fix it is to resort to some form of violence.

Strangely enough, Ryll's elitist view comes from her mental disability. Instead of considering herself a freak for her problem, she views herself as better as anyone not able to keep up with her. Then again, her mother and father never let her think that the syndrome was anything but good for her. So she thinks of herself as a prodigy instead of anything negative.

Other than her random bursts of violent behavior and sometimes stuck up attitude, Amaryllis is charismatic girl. It took her years to get where she is today, but she finally worked around her social abilities. Rumours say that she didn't speak to anyone until she was 4 years old, that's saying something considering now she's a bit of a social butterfly.

Incantatem History

Amaryllis was the only child born to the Noircroix family, a surprising thing since she can't 'technically' carry her blood name. Her parents were satisfied with their one child, since it was a risk to her mother's life to have even given birth at all. From birth it was obvious that there was something a bit off with the girl; she did not make any sound. She was simply a quite child. He parents were certain that she would end up a mentally stunted squib, but continued to raise their child with love and attention as well as knowledge of muggles and how they were inferior beings.

Amarylls continued her life of silence until the age of four. She was with her mother, being led by the hand as they passed a candy shop that caught her attention. Pulling her mother towards it, she bumped into a person carrying a jar of Bertie Bots Jelly Beans. Looking at the mess for a moment, Ryll pointed to the ground and simply said, "150 blue!" Her mother was a bit shocked at this supposed outburst of speech from her child. Wanting to amuse the child she had the owners count off the number. She had given the exact number. Needless to say, Amaryllis was treated to quite a few treats that day and every time that she did a similar task after.

Little did her parents realize that this spoiling would lead to some very turbulent events. When Amaryllis didn't receive what she wanted she would go into tantrums and violent streaks. In order to calm the girl down they would often leave Ryll to her cousins', Aamon and Freja Verillion, attention. These two were the only ones able to tame the girl when she became violent, Freja especially since for some reason Ryll seemed to behave bettwen with other girls.

After a while, Amaryllis became a bit too much to handle and her parents decided on the best course of action. They moved from their home in the wizarding world and took up residency in muggle England. This was an attempt to strike enough fear from the unfamiliar scenery to calm their child. It worked, for the most part. Her violent temperaments began to only land on the children of her neighborhood, which simply pleased her parents, seeing that she was beating on little muggles.

One thing they did not expect was their daughter's sudden friendship with a muggle girl named Kaori. Kaori's mother and father had been from Japan, but move to England when they married. Amaryllis respected the girl, for she was quite intelligent as well.

She is half ashamed for her attachment to Kaori, knowing that her parents don't really approve of the girl. The only way she is able to cope with the matter is by saying what she lacks in being a fellow witch she makes up for in her intelligence and for introducing her to anime and all things Japanese.

Now in her 4th year at Hogwarts, Amaryllis has kept Kaori a very hushed secret. She sends her letters throughout the year, but never explaining to anyone who she writes to so often. She has also yet to tell her muggle friend about her heritage. As for Hogwarts, she has told her friend that it is a school for the 'gifted', making it seem like a school for children with similar disorders to hers.

Misc. Information

Ryll's Wand

Wood: Bloodwood tip, Ebony handle
Length: 13 inches
Core: Runespoor Fang and Ashwinder Ash

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