Sara Lynning

From Incantatem

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'''Ethnicity:''' British/Scottish/Irish/Greek
'''Ethnicity:''' British/Scottish/Irish/Greek
'''Strong Point:''' Charms
'''Strong Point:''' Divination
'''Weak Point:''' Potions
'''Weak Point:''' Potions
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They act much like sisters, but there are many times where Sara wants nothing more than to slit her throat.
They act much like sisters, but there are many times where Sara wants nothing more than to slit her throat.
* [[Carson Greer]] (Distant Cousin on Mother's): Sara sees the prefect often, but that is mostly when she messes up. Yep, not a happy trip.
* [[Carson Greer]] (Distant Cousin on Mother's): Sara sees the prefect often, but that is mostly when she messes up. Yep, not a happy trip.
* [[Rose Tippet]] (Distant Cousin on Mother's): They're actually pretty close friends, having to try to survive how the strange reunions together.
* [[Rose Tippet]] (Distant Cousin on Mother's): They're actually pretty close friends, having to try to survive the strange reunions together.
* [[Annabel Lynning]] (Adopted Cousin on Father's): If one said they were good friends, then they would probably be met with a punch in the face. Sara cannot stand her cousin, getting into frequent arguments with the girl.
(More members will be updated once Sara interacts with them.)
(More members will be updated once Sara interacts with them.)
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===Main Relations===
===Main Relations===
*[[Ichabod Snow]] Best Friend: "I'm sorry. I know I should be more honest with you."
*[[Ichabod Snow]] Best Friend: "You seem to have taken a liking to that girl. Good luck to you."
*[[Cadell Rukin]] Crush: "I'm a coward, aren't I? ...I'll get to it someday."
*[[Cadell Rukin]] Boyfriend: "We still have a lot to learn, I think."
*[[Cian Blake]] Best Friend: "Sorry for tripping over you, heh."
*[[Cian Blake]] Best Friend: "Er... I'm not sure why you're living here..."
*[[Eleanor Rivers]] Friend: "There's a lot of people you need to see, but sometimes, you have to be the first to talk."
*[[Evra Kanon]] Annoyance: "If you mention the word party EVER again, I swear..."
*[[Olivia Pate]] Friend: "I envy you."
*[[Liam MacGowan]] Friend: "I'm glad you and Dani managed to get out of the World Cup."
*[[Evra Kanon]] Annoyance: "Don't get Ichabod into any trouble."
*[[Gavin Hart]] Friend/ Mentor/Adoptive Father: "Time with you have been some of the best."
*[[Liam MacGowan]] Friend: "Heh, don't worry about the kick in the gut. I was able to breathe after a few minutes..."
*[[Nathaniel Jerico]] ???/Friend: "This should be interesting."
*[[Isis Jerico]] Friend: "Be careful here and let me know any problems."
(Will change based on status as time goes on.)
(Will change based on status as time goes on.)
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===Involvement in the Plot===
===Involvement in the Plot===
* Sara is a [[half-blood]] and had previously prefered to stay on the sidelines before her career choice.
* Sara is a [[half-blood]] and had previously prefered to stay on the sidelines before her career choice.
* Sara is involved in the attack at Hogsmeade.
* Sara had been involved in the World Cup incident.
===Personal Development===
===Personal Development===
* She had learned recently that her uncle is dying and it's been stressing her lately, only contributing to her odd sleeping habits.
*Recently adopted by Gavin Hart and changing her name to her new father's, Sara agrees to helping making the makeshift family official.  
* Sara is currently looking for an auror to be sort of a mentor. The decision had came to her while she was at Williamson Cemetery in a post.
*Sara has recently gotten into a fighting rivalry with [[Mallory Coyle]].
* Evra has been plotting to get her into a relationship, annoying her.
* Her father has recently turned up missing, the suspicion lying on Death Eaters to be the cause.
* She's suffering from recent insomnia.  
(Data Subject to Change)
(Data Subject to Change)
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===Little Facts===
===Little Facts===
*Sara is a libra in the western astrological chart, proving a sort of irony as they're complete opposites.
*Sara is a libra in the western astrological chart, proving a sort of irony as they're complete opposites.
*She has a strange fear of dogs. She can't stay still when one is in the room.  
*She has a strange fear of dogs. She can't stay still when one is in the room. However, this fear doesn't seem to be effective with her regards towards werewolves.
*Despite the fact that she constantly destroys things in the classroom, her favorite teacher is [[Professor Beckett Rhys]], merely explaining that he's, "forgiving."
*Despite the fact that she constantly destroys things in the classroom, her favorite teacher is [[Professor Beckett Rhys]], merely explaining that he's, "forgiving."
*She plays as reserve for the Gryffindor Quidditch Team.
*She has a pair of reading glasses that she only uses when she studies and writes.
*She's against Voldemort and the Ministry, prefering to stay in the position she's in; however, she hates Voldemort more.  
===Creator's Comments===
===Creator's Comments===
Well, Sara is my first character on [[Incantatem]] and my favorite as she is the closest like me in my honest opinion. Sure, I put an aspect into each of my characters, derived
Sara is my first character and may very well be my absolute favorite. She is the one character that I seem to relate the most towards, even as there is an aspect I share in all of my characters. It's the personality that her and I share at school is what makes me get in her mindset very quickly. I'm always the quiet one that hangs in the background.  
from my own personality, but Sara is the closest I can relate too actually. There were a lot of things that have changed about her since I first created the gryffindor, putting more
complexity in how her mind works. She's a strange character, moreso than I keep letting on in her own profile and it frustrates it endlessly. Let's be honest here, it's difficult to
put all sides of someone's mind in words, but I promise you, I'll be exploring all points in my posts over this current year of Hogwarts, even if we're already halfway done with the
year. I think I'll be attempting to do that with all my characters for the time being and I'll try to go through detail for the wiki. So yes, all the information in here, is very much subject
to change over the course of the next few months, even during the school's winter break.  
A brief thank you to Ai and Una for helping me with plots for the gryffindor! I owe you two a bunch!
Anyway, even with all the future plots and everything, something is bound to change like it already has. I'm telling you, Sara was meant to be darker than she is now, but believe me,
As this year comes, I find that this year will most likely be the one of resolutions with her new family and name. Depending on others' actions, however, it could be the year to open up even more into her mind. My plans for the gryffindor are likely to be the wildest for all of my characters. Once again, I send my regards to Ai and Una, and now the addition of Corinne with plot development.
I'll be exploring that side for a bit in the next few threads with her. I've contemplated many different things to do with this girl, but I think I've figured out how I'll do this over this year
and possibly, the next. It never hurts to plan ahead, but I think I've abused that phrase. Heh, blame my muse songs, more notably: "Must be Dreaming" by Frou Frou and "Asura"
by Deadsy. Don't know these songs? Go check them out!
==Played by==
==Played by==

Current revision as of 03:47, 23 December 2007


General Statistics

House: Gryffindor
Birthdate: October 15, 1977
Bloodline: Half-Blood
Year: Sixth
Family: MacNamara-Lynning
Parents: Lena and Gregory Lynning
Ethnicity: British/Scottish/Irish/Greek
Strong Point: Divination
Weak Point: Potions
Wand: 10" Ivy, Kelpie's Hair


Sara is constantly changing throughout her years of Hogwarts, not only personality-wise, but physical appearance as well. It changes periodically depending on a multitude of things: mostly her cousin's, Crystal, ideas. She is not exactly the most attractive, but she has been known to grab some unwanted attention by few said werewolves (or 'werewolf'). In fact, she could easily pass up as someone who had recently recovered from an illness, her skin complexion nearly just as pale for it. Her built certainly doesn't call for physical activity, very thin, but not necessarily bony. Despite being the tallest in the closest of her kin, she only stands at about 5'3", making her one of the shortest students attending Hogwarts.
The gryffindor's hair is probably the one thing that changes the most, ranging from raven to her current hair color, blonde. It stays a varying short, normally down to her shoulders with it being reasonably straight. Her bangs are always brushed to the sides of her face to show her bright sapphire-color eyes. Her face takes an oval-like shape like many of her family with a narrow long nose and thin lips. Her chin is firm with about a medium-sized forehead.
Her clothes are the only thing that doesn't constantly change, staying loose and almost tomboyish. She doesn't try to dress to impress very often, sometimes wearing heavier than what the weather calls for. There are very few, rare, times that Sara would dress formally, the most common one being the Hogwarts' masquerade, but even then, she tries to keep it simple. She often wears a sweatshirt outside of the classes of Hogwarts, claiming that she is always cold in the school.


Sara comes from a reasonably large family, the notable tree in Incantatem being the MacNamaras'. Her relatives are a wide-range of people, from the Gryffindor prefect, Carson Greer to the school's headmistress, Keara Mckie. Ethnicity is also crazily connected in her blood though she is mostly British, or so she claims. Scottish, Greek, and Irish blood are also apparent in her bloodline along with many others. However, Sara isn't particularly proud of her family as she claims to be one of the few sane ones still living.

  • Una MacNamara (Aunt): Sara quite often sees her aunt, being the Herbology Professor and Head of Hufflepuff. While she talks to her, she often

discourages the constant pranks she pulls off.

  • Crystal Lynning (Cousin on Father's): A daily prophet reporter that constantly rattle's her nerves, constantly trying to get her to try different things.

They act much like sisters, but there are many times where Sara wants nothing more than to slit her throat.

  • Carson Greer (Distant Cousin on Mother's): Sara sees the prefect often, but that is mostly when she messes up. Yep, not a happy trip.
  • Rose Tippet (Distant Cousin on Mother's): They're actually pretty close friends, having to try to survive the strange reunions together.
  • Annabel Lynning (Adopted Cousin on Father's): If one said they were good friends, then they would probably be met with a punch in the face. Sara cannot stand her cousin, getting into frequent arguments with the girl.

(More members will be updated once Sara interacts with them.)

Character Development


To the majority of the student body, Sara comes out much like a normal student attending the school, but even the most common of person can come out to be a little strange. She's no different. The sixth-year is generally reserved to her own thoughts, unsociable to many people in the duration of classes. When she does speak, it's normally very soft and depending on the person, comes out as almost stuttering. She has never once considered herself anti-social, and for a good reason as well. Like many of her family, Sara has her fair share of odd and often looked upon strangely habits that match her periodic (and very erractic) moodswings. One fairly usual for her is that she is constantly caught muttering things to herself, mostly mental notes or an angry rant that had just poured out from her mind. Another is the fact that her hands shake uncontrollably when she gets very nervous, seen often in the Potion's classroom.
Sara is not exactly the most athletic, nor studious of them all. She's incredibly clumsy, often tripping her own two feet in a very ungraceful fall. It has gotten past being embarassing, however. Her study habits are not healthy, often falling asleep onto the common room couch and waking up late for her classes the next morning. Even at arriving her classes, she still is tired a good major of the time, falling asleep mid-lecture. She seems to be able to pass her OWLs with average scores. In most of the gryffindor's beliefs, she often blames karma for many of the incidents that she may drag herself into, but it's rather unclear of what she may have done to think that way. She merely had grown up to be a pessimistic person, very hard on herself and not having a very good sense of self-identity. She's prone to second-guessing herself and becoming very indecisive, which only frustrates herself even more. Despite this, she's very loyal to her friends and family, willing to do just about everything for them.
While it's not something that the Gryffindor realizes herself, she fits well to the Gryffindor name. With the right motivation, she's willing to jump into a fight without so much as a second thought, win or lose. While courage is there, she doesn't exactly know how to use it unlike others. It had only been recently that she started to figure out what she had wanted to do with her life, deciding that she would be an Auror, something that had been previously impossible in her eyes. She looks for someone to help her prepare at any chance she could get.
Hobbies: Art, Photography, Writing, Reading Muggle Novels

Main Relations

  • Ichabod Snow Best Friend: "You seem to have taken a liking to that girl. Good luck to you."
  • Cadell Rukin Boyfriend: "We still have a lot to learn, I think."
  • Cian Blake Best Friend: "Er... I'm not sure why you're living here..."
  • Evra Kanon Annoyance: "If you mention the word party EVER again, I swear..."
  • Liam MacGowan Friend: "I'm glad you and Dani managed to get out of the World Cup."
  • Gavin Hart Friend/ Mentor/Adoptive Father: "Time with you have been some of the best."
  • Nathaniel Jerico ???/Friend: "This should be interesting."
  • Isis Jerico Friend: "Be careful here and let me know any problems."

(Will change based on status as time goes on.)


On October 15, Sara was born in a muggle town in the outskirts of London to Lena and Gregory Lynning as their only child. Even then, Sara was a quiet child, speaking quite rarely, but she had been prone to trouble even at a young age, for not only her non-existant coordination, but large curiosity. The visits to the hospital were uncommon, miraculously, and usually with light injuries. She was homeschooled before Hogwarts which probably contributed to her little knowledge of muggles, often confused about the terms she would read in books. In its stead, she was taught the basics of wizardry, mostly of the courses that her father was abnormally skilled for. It's no surprise that the man had high hopes for the child, girl or boy, and it was constantly shown through the tutoring sessions they were in.
Her weaknesses were figured out rather quickly, much to the distress of her parents. She was only eight when her father nearly killed her in a practice duel, dealing a spell much in instinct than anything else for the auror. While the managed to explain their way through the hospital, her hands would periodically shake ever since, most notably when she was anxious. The tutoring continued since, but by her mother's encouragement, her father had let up with the practice duels on the child. No doubt there were other incidents, but they were less harmful than her near death, mostly just bruises to a few stitches.
It wasn't much of a surprise when the letter came at 11, nor the fact that she was placed into Gryffindor, the house where her father had previously stood. It was more of confusion on her side, but it was quickly accepted as she passed through her years of Hogwarts. Despite the tutoring of her father, she still struggles through Hogwarts, but she does well for herself. While she is not the greatest of scholars there, she has been fairly happy through her years attending.

Misc. Information

Involvement in the Plot

  • Sara is a half-blood and had previously prefered to stay on the sidelines before her career choice.
  • Sara is involved in the attack at Hogsmeade.
  • Sara had been involved in the World Cup incident.

Personal Development

  • Recently adopted by Gavin Hart and changing her name to her new father's, Sara agrees to helping making the makeshift family official.
  • Sara has recently gotten into a fighting rivalry with Mallory Coyle.

(Data Subject to Change)

Little Facts

  • Sara is a libra in the western astrological chart, proving a sort of irony as they're complete opposites.
  • She has a strange fear of dogs. She can't stay still when one is in the room. However, this fear doesn't seem to be effective with her regards towards werewolves.
  • Despite the fact that she constantly destroys things in the classroom, her favorite teacher is Professor Beckett Rhys, merely explaining that he's, "forgiving."
  • She has a pair of reading glasses that she only uses when she studies and writes.

Creator's Comments

Sara is my first character and may very well be my absolute favorite. She is the one character that I seem to relate the most towards, even as there is an aspect I share in all of my characters. It's the personality that her and I share at school is what makes me get in her mindset very quickly. I'm always the quiet one that hangs in the background.
As this year comes, I find that this year will most likely be the one of resolutions with her new family and name. Depending on others' actions, however, it could be the year to open up even more into her mind. My plans for the gryffindor are likely to be the wildest for all of my characters. Once again, I send my regards to Ai and Una, and now the addition of Corinne with plot development.

Played by

Sara Lynning is played by Osaka-chan
She's also modeled after Jennifer H., a UK model.

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