Julian Tippet

From Incantatem

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(Quick Overview)
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'''Julian Tippet''' is a former Ravenclaw Prefect (1993-1995) and currently Head Boy of Hogwarts on the roleplaying site, [http://www.acornrack.com/Incantatem/ Incantatem].  Despite his surname belonging to [http://editthis.info/incantatem/User:Rose Knightley], Julian is otherwise an original Incantatem creation of [http://editthis.info/incantatem/User:Cor Corinne].  Julian's playby was formerly Julian Morris, but after few pictures were to be found, this was changed to Tom Welling.
'''Julian Tippet''' is a former Ravenclaw Prefect (1993-1995) and currently Head Boy of Hogwarts on the roleplaying site, [http://www.acornrack.com/Incantatem/ Incantatem].  Despite his surname belonging to [http://editthis.info/incantatem/User:Rose Knightley], Julian is otherwise an original Incantatem creation of [http://editthis.info/incantatem/User:Cor Corinne].  Julian's playby was formerly Julian Morris, but after few pictures were to be found, this was changed to Tom Welling.
== Quick Overview ==
=== Quick Overview ===
'''Full Name:''' Julian Christian Tippet<br>
'''Full Name:''' Julian Christian Tippet<br>
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'''Occupation:''' Head Boy of Hogwarts, Captain and Chaser of Ravenclaw's House Team, Ravenclaw Student<br><br>
'''Occupation:''' Head Boy of Hogwarts, Captain and Chaser of Ravenclaw's House Team, Ravenclaw Student<br><br>
=== Appearence ===
=== Appearance ===
If there ever was a pretty boy, Julian would be it. Standing around 5'11" and weighing about 150 lbs, Julian is fairly average, save for the fact that he's got enticing blue-green eyes and a smile to make just about anyone melt into a lovestricken puddle. Most of Julian's weight comes from simply substance, but anything extra is only carried in terms of muscle; he used to be a bit more lanky than what he is now, but after officially being indicted a Ravenclaw house team Beater for Quidditch, he has to make sure that his upper body, especially, is in good shape at the least. Believe it or not, Julian's looks come naturally - he doesn't try too hard to impress, especially when picking out his wardrobe. Nonetheless, his clothing style is what one would probably consider 'prep,' though that's not to say that he can always pull off a matching or coordinated outfit. In fact, Julian normally has to be confronted by a female friend or family member before walking too far into public that a sun-yellow shirt simply clashes with khakis and green shoes. He's got nice taste in clothes when they're seperate, but he's never exactly seemed to be able to pull off creating a nice outfit...quite unfortunate for such a handsome boy.
If there ever was a pretty boy, Julian would be it. Standing around 5'11" and weighing about 150 lbs, Julian is fairly average, save for the fact that he's got enticing blue-green eyes and a smile to make just about anyone melt into a lovestricken puddle. Most of Julian's weight comes from simply substance, but anything extra is only carried in terms of muscle; he used to be a bit more lanky than what he is now, but after officially being indicted a Ravenclaw house team Beater for Quidditch, he has to make sure that his upper body, especially, is in good shape at the least. Believe it or not, Julian's looks come naturally - he doesn't try too hard to impress, especially when picking out his wardrobe. Nonetheless, his clothing style is what one would probably consider 'prep,' though that's not to say that he can always pull off a matching or coordinated outfit. In fact, Julian normally has to be confronted by a female friend or family member before walking too far into public that a sun-yellow shirt simply clashes with khakis and green shoes. He's got nice taste in clothes when they're seperate, but he's never exactly seemed to be able to pull off creating a nice outfit...quite unfortunate for such a handsome boy.

Current revision as of 21:20, 16 August 2008


Julian Tippet

Julian Tippet is a former Ravenclaw Prefect (1993-1995) and currently Head Boy of Hogwarts on the roleplaying site, Incantatem. Despite his surname belonging to Knightley, Julian is otherwise an original Incantatem creation of Corinne. Julian's playby was formerly Julian Morris, but after few pictures were to be found, this was changed to Tom Welling.

Quick Overview

Full Name: Julian Christian Tippet
Age: 17 years old
Date of Birth: August 18, 1978
Birthplace: Scotland
Parents: Jared & Alanna Tippet
Siblings: None
Other Family: Rose Tippet (Cousin), Ashlynn Tippet (Cousin)
Bloodline: Pure-Blood
Occupation: Head Boy of Hogwarts, Captain and Chaser of Ravenclaw's House Team, Ravenclaw Student


If there ever was a pretty boy, Julian would be it. Standing around 5'11" and weighing about 150 lbs, Julian is fairly average, save for the fact that he's got enticing blue-green eyes and a smile to make just about anyone melt into a lovestricken puddle. Most of Julian's weight comes from simply substance, but anything extra is only carried in terms of muscle; he used to be a bit more lanky than what he is now, but after officially being indicted a Ravenclaw house team Beater for Quidditch, he has to make sure that his upper body, especially, is in good shape at the least. Believe it or not, Julian's looks come naturally - he doesn't try too hard to impress, especially when picking out his wardrobe. Nonetheless, his clothing style is what one would probably consider 'prep,' though that's not to say that he can always pull off a matching or coordinated outfit. In fact, Julian normally has to be confronted by a female friend or family member before walking too far into public that a sun-yellow shirt simply clashes with khakis and green shoes. He's got nice taste in clothes when they're seperate, but he's never exactly seemed to be able to pull off creating a nice outfit...quite unfortunate for such a handsome boy.

Julian's hair is typical of his lineage - as most Tippets, his hair is dark and seems to naturally do its own thing. Julian rarely ever uses 'products,' such as gel (he firmly believes that hair should not be glued to his scalp). He's the kind of guy who, as long as he's showered and clean, won't really care what he does with his hair. His face is still soft and a bit boyish, which seems to be a setback with the ladies; despite the fact that he's a looker, he is sometimes mistaken to be younger than what he really is. To try and defy this, he sometimes walks around with a stern look on his face to try and come off as tough - but it always ends up failing, and he's got either a sweet smile or a goofy grin on his lips, depending on who he's with and what the situation is.


Julian's face is one of those faces that everyone knows - whether or not you've ever actually had a conversation with him or just said 'hello,' chances are that you can say "oh, yeah, that's Julian Tippet!" Despite the fact that he comes from a well-known wizarding family in Scotland, Julian has always been determined to make a name for himself - and seems to be doing a decent enough job at it so far. Julian's neither vastly popular nor the antisocial clam in the corner of Potions; he's just a well-rounded, down to earth, average guy who makes sure to be courteous to everyone (save for a few people who he'd rather hex). When it comes to making friends, Julian certainly doesn't have any bias against which houses his pals come from - probably because he's got characteristics of each house in him in somehow, someway. Julian could've easily been a Gryffindor for the fact that he's incredibly loyal and sometimes irrational (depending on the situation; he isn't careless, but, for example, if it meant defending himself or someone else physically, he'd probably begin to shout random incantations even if they didn't always make sense)...but he could've easily been a Slytherin as well because of his sometimes deceiving nature and tendency to be quite hyperbolic by means of exaggerating and being sarcastic. Another quality that could've placed Julian in Slytherin is the fact that he is an ace at manipulating and persuading others - though rest assured, he only does this for the betterment of a situation or the environment as a whole. If there's a house that Julian belonged in least, it would be Hufflepuff - however, that's not to say that he doesn't have some typical qualities of a Hufflepuff either...as far as life situations, Julian's fairly oblivious and what some people might call stupid. This is probably the only thing connecting him to the Hufflepuff house, however.

Although he most likely could have gone anywhere, Ravenclaw is essentially the perfect fit - he's a bright, witty student and gets along with universally everyone, two atypical and, at least in the former's case, crucial of students sorted into this house. Beyond the obvious, however, Julian also sort of belongs in Ravenclaw - a good majority of his family has been in the same house, including most recently, his cousin Rose Tippet. Even his own parents were Ravenclaws - so it's pretty much nature for him to be there. What most people need to understand about Julian though is that he's an avid storyteller - some consider him a compulsive liar due to it (though it's all innocent, honestly). He creates tall tales from his vivid imagination and proceeds to tell these stories to everyone - his friends, Professors, you name it. He's quite entertaining as a result.

As far as school goes, it goes without saying (him being a Ravenclaw and all) that he's gifted with a natural knack for knowledge and could answer practically anything thrown at him. Julian's an extremely quick learner, especially in his top three subjects: Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Charms. He's also very bright when it comes to Potions, and is consistent, more often than none getting his assignment completed correctly in the first try. Care of Magical Creatures is usually a breeze for Julian, as he loves animals - and it's very hands on, increasing his willingness to try and available patience. If it were possible for your typical brainiac Ravenclaw to struggle, then Arithmancy, Herbology, and Divination would probably all be listed as such; although Julian typically gets good marks in these classes, he quite frankly doesn't apply himself as much in these subjects and therefore can sometimes disappoint his Professors. As for the most horrid classes ever, History of Magic and Muggle Studies are the winners - everyone knows that although Julian has the natural smarts to get an 'Outstanding' on his O.W.L.S. for these two subjects, he doesn't have an ounce of patience for classes with so much lecture-time and so little experimentation-time, and therefore, just doesn't care.

On a lighter note - Julian in your regular, everyday school relationships is quite level-headed. People who are naturally dense and just really...dumb...are a pet peeve of his - probably because they tend to slow down his learning process - but also probably because Julian sometimes 'dumbs' himself down with some kind of idea that it'll make everyone else more comfortable. Of course, Julian has also begun to realize over the past few years that his fellow peers have sometimes taken advantage of him...and although he can still probably be conned into doing somebody's homework, he's beginning to pick out his true friends from the people using him more and more. As a result, Julian sometimes tries to act stupid in class so that less and less people will come to him with pleas to do their reports/essays and give them answers to homework assignments, despite the fact that people exactly like this annoy him to no end. In class, Julian tends to be well-mannered, quiet, and an all-rounded good student. Outside of class, though, is a totally different story.

Julian is a total goofball outside of class. He's loud, cracks jokes, tells his tall tales, and does other ridiculous, sometimes stupid, and often stupidly ridiculous things. He is not always the mastermind behind the obnoxious antics he takes part in, but almost always dives in feet first. This is perhaps where he loses sight of being a Ravenclaw...he rarely thinks before he acts outside of the classroom setting and as a result either creates stupid situations or gets into them. Any house points that he earns in class for answering questions and doing good things are typically lost due to the fact that he often likes to do daring things - like explore the Forbidden Forest - to downright immature things - like conjure monster swamps in the middle of hallways and set off toilets to deter a certain one grouchy janitor.


Born on August 18 to Jared and Alanna Tippet, Julian was an only child from the start - and remained such through the present. Coming from rigorous Pure Blood lines, he was taught at an early age of his gift; no secrets were held back. His father's parents passed before he was ever born, so he never had the chance to meet them; he did, however, learn to know his mother's parents before they too, passed. As any typical Grandmother would do, Julian was presented with gifts and candies as a boy. Despite the fact that - yes, he was spoiled as a child - one would never think of it now, for he doesn't have that arrogant, egocentric attitude of the normal spoiled brat. Julian's Grandfather was always notorious for being a little rough around the edges; having figured this out for himself at a young age, the two were hardly ever close until a few months before he died. Julian, to this day, will always regret the fact that he never initiated a relationship with his mother's father, but as a courteous plea for self-sanity, he tends to remind himself that his Grandfather was never the friendly or personable type. Being an only child, Julian was somewhat introverted growing up, which is a reason as to why some think he has such a large imagination. It's no secret that he used to get on his father's old broomsticks and act as though he were playing Quidditch with a whole team; though the fact that he insisted it upon his parents that he in fact had a slew of imaginary friends worried them, they never thought it was so severe as to intervene with psychological or medical treatment. It may, however, effect him in the present-day - because nobody took the liberty of corraling Julian's wild mind, he's sometimes looked at as a storyteller...or a liar by the harsher critics.

Julian received his invitation to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as any other up-and-coming student at the age of 11. It came as no surprise to his parents, but still, they couldn't help but have some sort of feelings of being elated. The first major trip to Diagon Alley soon after occurred - Julian had been there many times with his parents, but it had never meant so much as it did the day that schoolbooks and robes were purchased. It signified that Julian was truly growing up and becoming what he was, a wizard. He finally realized that he'd have to transform into a young adolescent and detach from his family; Hogwarts was fast approaching and that meant a year's worth away from his family excluding the holidays. Upon his arrival, Julian met a few faces who he would soon come to learn and, depending on certain circumstances, befriend or ignore. When the Sorting Ceremony began, Julian watched nervously, knowing that somewhere in the loud Ravenclaw table was the only person he knew here - his cousin, Rose Tippet. Though not attached to each other's hips as children, Julian and Rose had always had a healthy family connection with such bonding experiences such as the fact that she coached him in learning the game of Quidditch. When the time came for the Sorting Hat to be placed on Julian's head, the patchwork hat had no trouble at all with deciding where Julian should go. After shouting out "RAVENCLAW!," Julian joined his cousin and the other Ravenclaws. Before long, Julian had met a decent amount of students from all houses, yet even sooner was it time for him to get his first night of rest in the Ravenclaw dormatories.

And the rest, they say, is history.

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