Una MacNamara

From Incantatem

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Una MacNamara is a Herbology Professor at Incantatem
Una MacNamara is a Herbology Professor at [http://www.acornrack.com/Incantatem Incantatem]

Revision as of 22:21, 26 June 2007

Una MacNamara is a Herbology Professor at Incantatem


Una is a young rather brawny woman that still carries a feminine charm about her despite her well-muscled body. Soft peach skin veils over her with a scent of some discreet flower she has been messing with. Of a small stature she stands at a height of 5’5 ft that is considered average for most women. Lean, as a willow tree Una weighs around 120 lbs although it does vary every day especially if she eats a lot or not. Extending from strong little round shoulders are short arms that look as if they could pack a punch. Diminutive sized hands fit upon each arm with little fingers that have nimbleness whenever they are at work. A curvy waist can be found upon Una’s body giving her a slow swaying movement when she is walking. Long legs stretch from below her with feet of an 8.5 size that have tiny curvy toes peek out.

Fitting nicely onto a short neck is a large heart shaped head that seems to hold her face rather well. Crimson colored freckles dot all over Una’s façade, but are tiny enough to not stand completely out even if there are a numerous amount of them. Hazy blue orbs mysteriously flash inside huge pecan shaped orbs with thin dark red eyebrows arched above. Descending from her head are long soft crimson locks of hair that go past her shoulders and it always appears untamable falling all over. Placed on either side of her head are small rounded ears with the tips slightly coming inward toward Una’s cranium. In-between her eyes is a nice rounded nose that peeks a little out from her face and is attached to a short bridge. Global puffy cheeks can be found upon for they give her a young youthful look, as she is getting up their age wise. Small thick lips can be found in a smile most of the time and hold glistening white teeth, which Una proudly shows through her grins.

The attire she chooses to wear at school is mainly just for the sake of her job, otherwise she would wear her regular clothes. Normally when out of school she can be seen wearing sweaters of a light or dark hue depending on her moods. When it is much warmer outside then Una can be seen wearing tank tops and even corsets just for the heck of it. Yet when it comes to pants and shorts she can be seen wearing comfy cargos as she has an odd obsession with having pockets be on her clothes. Zany stripped socks can be found upon her feet and reaching up to her knees, she even wears them at school. Just adoring boots she can be found wearing them constantly whether they are designer boots or just regular combat boots they can surely be seen on Una’s feet. Making obscure from any eyes at school, she hides a small tattoo of a fairy girl sitting on a poppy that is located upon her right shoulder. Keeping them on whether in school or not five golden earrings can be found on the tip of her left ear and seven silver earrings on her right.


A bubbly woman to meet, Una is always happy to have company unless in a bad mood. Friendly towards her fellow professors and even students she loves what she does and tries to share it with those that are interested. If someone wants to improve their knowledge of plants then they will probably end up being her pet, as Una will help them succeed with extra teachings. Spunky attitude often gets her on the good side of students yet she tends to be a little on the spontaneous side as well doing things on a whim some of the time. Quirky by heart she has an odd sense of humor and is even known to prank on not just the other professors but also the students, but mainly on those that have a good sense of humor. Living life to the fullest Una is proud of what she does and is passionate enough to be able to teach her joy to others. However there is a dark side that can easily be opened, especially when she has had a bad day. But if you’re lucky and can avoid her on these occasions, then nothing bad should happen to you.

Unbiased against any house, full-blooded witches or not as well as the occasional ‘bad’ kid Una normally looks at the silver lining of a person. She was all of those at one time or another anyway and so is easy to talk to about those kinds of things. Yet it gets under her skin whenever teachers or kids make fun of others and she is often known to just randomly explode at them right as they do it. Rants are Una’s worse for she can be seen pacing back and forth mumbling incoherent things under her breath. Discovering her anger is much better than catching her sad for she openly shows her melancholy side in a most unpleasant way. Not shy though of sharing her emotions like some people are, she tends to be even more emotional than most as she is a sensitive woman. Heed the warning of stepping out of Una’s way when she is in some dark mood for one will be crushed. Unless that person is cruel enough to pour salt on her wounds than they will only get an enemy afterwards.

Feminist all the way many people consider her a hippy or a new age gal for she is into all those weird things. Generous to most however Una is a kind woman who is inclined to give chances and likes to be fair. Talented with not only the knowledge of plants she can play a few instruments such as the delicate wild Celtic Harp, Pan Pipes and the Celtic flute as well. Kindling her love of plants though is what she remains true to do, and many can catch her reading a book or two about plants. Zealous about reading Una loves going to a bookstore or at the library in Hogwarts just to find something to read whenever she is not teaching or messing with plants. Easygoing for a teacher when she knows a kid can pass her class and is failing, she often gives extra credit and tries to help in anyway. All she wants is to see people graduate from Hogwarts and is willing to do everything she can for them. Oh and if anyone is caught destroying a plant in front of Una than the vengeful side of hers will come like a bat out of hell, nature never did anything to you!


(Being redone)

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