Main Page
From Icadyptes
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Icadyptes is a new Linux distribution in development; this is it's wiki. It is based on Arch Linux and is aimed at satisfing the greatest geek while being easily usable by an average user.
This is yet another project of mine (Teran McKinney/sega01). I want the development process to be as open as possible and open to change. Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions to the way I am developing this, or for the distribution itself. Sorry for the lack of content, more should come soon.
I will hopefully be releasing a "developer preview" ISO quite soon. I'm currently just waiting for the kernel to come out for better stability. It has Glibc 2.7, GCC 4.2.2, and bunches of bleeding edge. I think this will be a very bloody iso, but hopefully stable enough to develop on :-). Thanks for the interest and for waiting.
IRC Channel
The semi-official IRC channel for this is #icadyptes on
Main things that need to be written and discussed
A new name for the distribution.
What is included in a default desktop and default server installation.
Goals of the project.