Main Page

From Icadyptes

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We have a new site now, this is deprecated and dated. Please use, although we will probably keep this site for historical reasons. Many thanks to for hosting this page :-).
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Icadyptes is a new Linux distribution in development; this is it's wiki. It is based on Arch Linux and is aimed at satisfing the greatest geek while being easily usable by an average user.
Icadyptes is a Arch Linux-based distribution in active development; this is its almost useless wiki (new hosting and a new site will come soon). It is aimed at, eventually, being usable by any average user, but focusing first and foremost on its internals and having the most clean and streamlined system within reason.
This is yet another project of mine ([ Teran McKinney/sega01]). I want the development process to be as open as possible and open to change. Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions to the way I am developing this, or for the distribution itself. Sorry for the lack of content, more should come soon.  
NOTE: Most of the information here is outdated, innaccurate, and/or incomplete, but the most accurate thing I can say is that Icadyptes is quite beta and subject to change and breakage (but I try to minimize the breakage as much as possible :-) ). The tags: "Lua, IPv6, GNUPG, GNUTLS, Lighttpd, e17" slightly describe the distribution. If you are interested you can ask about it on the IRC channel ( #icadyptes), or ([ contact me directly]). It is distributed under the ([ GPLv3]); GPL compliance is a high prioirty, and I will be working on some ways to make source distribution and mirroring much more efficient.
This is another project of mine ([ Teran McKinney/sega01]). I want the development process to be as open as possible and open to change. Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions to the way I am developing this, or for the distribution itself. Sorry for the lack of content, more should come soon.
bioe007 gave me some excellent advice to write a "vision" of sorts. I had finished a document that outlines what I am hoping for, though without any specifics. See: <- Unfortunately, a while ago I had a rm -r /var/www instance on my server. Last backup was far too far, and thus I don't have this file anymore (along with a Bluag 0.2 tarball incase you might have one). If anyone has a copy somewhere, I would greatly appreciate getting the file back. Thanks!
Repository and PKGBUILD's are available here {ftp,rsync}://
2009-01-16: New site is released, and so is Icadyptes 0.2 :-).
2008-12-10: Yes, Icadyptes still lives. Sorry for the lack of updates, but expect a true 0.1 release on 2009-01-13 :-). I know that the ISO links are broken, and this page is horribly out of date. We have hosting now, and things are *much* progressed, though there is still much to do. Expect a new site before 2009-01-13. Thanks!
2008-07-14: Madhat tried downloading the 0.1 ISO via the torrent, and while my client could see him as a peer, it would not seed. The client was seeding just fine with other torrents, and TPB just wrote on their blog that they are having instability issues (I also seeded the Icadyptes via torrent earlier with no problems). Madhat downloaded the ISO via my FTP repository at home and then uploaded [ the ISO to his host]. Icadyptes itself is coming along quite well, and [ once I can afford] a good VPS, I will probably release a 0.1.1 ISO updated to use the new host by default (along with lots of bugfixes). Icadyptes 0.1 ISO's MD5SUM is 209400dd9ff4fc23a859602d4d8eae54 . Cheers!
2008-06-30: Things are still moving along, bugs are being fixed, and Zeqadious has finished a massive update to Xorg which I need to merge into the main Icadyptes tree. ([ Weblua 0.3]) was released; it was its first release in over a year. I am working on an Icadyptes-powered WebLua-scripted 486 on Slashdot project. It has been going quite well and I will post about it later :-). Cheers!
2008-06-15: This wiki was down for ages; I thought that it was removed due to inactivity or lost in a server move. But it greets us once more it, so I will update it. New hosting should hopefully come soon; probably as a VPS from (with native IPv6 :-D ). Turns out that my ACT testing was the day after Zenserver 0.5's one year anniversary, so I wrote a post on the Zenserver forums thanking the users and such. I had an iso ready since yesterday, but I had moved from DD-WRT to OpenWRT due to QoS not working (desprately needed, as my ping can go up to over a second when the upload bandwidth is flooded). I had a few issues at first, but the QoS was simple to get going. The repositories were missing a module needed for implementing hacks related to FTP and NAT, so connection to the repository was only possible with clients that do not use the PORT command or are on IPv6. Everything is fixed now and working better than ever :-). Main router is a WRT54GL with OpenWRT -trunk(ish), with the 2.6.x kernel. Maybe someday we can do a router distribution from Icadyptes. But, anyways, back to the ISO. This is the fourth or fifth release, but it is finally beyond a pre-pre alpha stage and now maybe into a genuine alpha stage. X needs lots of updates, I have plans for revamping the build system, need to develop an automatic network detection and setup thing while porting netcfg2 to iproute2, and about a thousand other things on the list. So, if you are interested: . I could continue writing, but if you are reading this you may very well already know most of it. Thanks! --sega01 (Teran McKinney)
2008-05-18: Yes, we are still alive. is in the repository, along with Firefox 3 (though broken as it points to an old libpng symlink, and needs to be updated to RC1), Claws Mail, Nexuiz, Nouveau, E17, ndisc6, Xine, lighttpd, Wine 1.0RC1, bmon, and others. Icadyptes still needs a new name and help with development. After contemplating this and changing my original stance of several months back, I decided that Icadyptes will be purely open source and not include even any proprietary firmware in its repositories. If I give you a 7/8 apple and 1/8 cherry pie, is it still an apple pie? I think that the same applies to open source. While firmware is less of a security hazard than binary blobs, it is still distributing that which we are trying to make free. There are plenty of devices with pure open source drivers requiring no firmware, and while it does inconvience the user to not include closed-source in the repositories, I think that it would be worth while in the long run. Drivers requiring firmware are still in the kernel package, as they are open source themselves and more easily enable the user to support their hardware with closed source if they choose to do so.
There have been countless minor changes and improvements. IPv6 is supported by default in almost every place I have thought of, so things are going really well on that end. Deprecated non-libata and non-mac80211 drivers have been removed. 7.4 is coming soon, so we should see a lot of X updates soon. Arch is starting to catch up to us. They moved their ABS to rsync too, so I hacked in Arch's prettier script (although it had a major issue that had to be fixed). I'm confident enough to say that, in theory, we may, possibly, just have a major release on 2008-06-13, but we will see. That date is the 1 year anniversary of Zenserver 0.5, but also my ACT (end-of-grade) testing day :-(.
Zeqadious has been a huge help in the department of X and finding all sorts of little bugs, along with much needed feedback. Thank you :-).
2008-sometime in Febuary: ks1 needed a more modern Icadyptes update, and has been a great help. Thus, we have the Kenneth-edition Icadyptes ISO release. - MD5SUM: 4d4389b97b5eed05c7b2ff9535e8af8a . Icadyptes is still only recommended for usage by those who are fearless and don't mind a half-broken experimental system ;-).
2008-01-17: Lots, and lots of progress :-). I'm working on a new project with Icadyptes, and hence it has been getting a good checking and assortment of packages for vpn-related and some ipv6 stuff. This should be revealed soon. 2.6.24rc8 is now in the repository too :-). Oh, did I mention that we have a working X setup :-)? `pacman -S xorg` should get you a working twm setup, and Wine is in the repo too. I've been playing Garry's Mod in Icadyptes and it seems to be working great :-). Zeqadious did almost all of the work on Xorg, with grouping the packages nicely and building them all back when Icadyptes was i686/generic (he had them in his own repository too). I just rebuilt his packages and tweaked things slightly. Thanks again Zeqadious!
Not sure if it is a bug with Pacman or not, but I changed around the packages and updating will now break your ping and traceroute unless you reinstall iputils. Originally ping and traceroute were in corebins, and there was no iputils. They were somewhat lacking though, and traceroute did not support ipv6. I decided to remove them from corebins while updating Busybox at the same time (1.9.0 beta now), and make iputils a dependency to install automatically since the functionality is removed from corebins. When you update, it installs iputils first since it is the new dependency. However, the old files from corebins exist and are not overwritten. Normally Pacman refuses to install a package if there are conflicting files. There are no warning messages, but it simply doesn't copy the files onto the old corebin's packages (thus you have a few symlinks to busybox applets that it now does not have). To get around having a broken ping and traceroute, you can either force updating just corebins first and then install iputils, or update normally and reinstall iputils afterwards. Sorry about this, but Pacman should at least give a warning message when it does not overwrite the other package's files.
Alright, the i486 ISO is here! Sorry for the long wait, but it seems to be working quite well. If you wish to do encrypted rootfs, you must untar the kernel package into / of the installer. One module seems to be missing, and I ran out of patience and CD's to do another :-P. Also, Zeqadious has been doing a great job of X packaging, which *should* be added to the main repository soon. This is still developer preview, but is now closer to "slightly more refined" developer preview. Many, many changes are yet to come.
So, the changes:
1MB bigger at 110MB.
Bug fixes.
2.6.24-rc5 :-).
A few more packages, with many more to come.
And best of all, you can install it to <i686 hardware. Currently running quite nicely on a K6-2 (suprisingly not a pure 686, as I learned the hard way).
The ISO is now at: (MD5 is c721503e30e7164b1006e724b9b43efd )
Thanks for even looking at the site, let alone reading this far :-). And many thanks for the support and help I have recieved. Cheers! --Teran McKinney (sega01)
After finding out that AMD K6's are not fully i686 compliant (along with most Via C3's that are still sold today) some investigation was done on whether it would be worth compiling for i486 instead. After a few days worth of benchmarking and discussing, we have decided to move to -march=i486 -mtune=generic on all packages. The performance difference is so negligible, and even faster in some cases. So fire up those 486's! :-)
The torrent was just posted. For the curious or those interested in developing, who are not afraid to loose all data on their box: . This is a console-only ISO with development packages. Note: this is a new tracker. I was having problems with the other one though I am still keeping it going. Please use this one instead.
The torrent was just posted. For the curious or those interested in developing, who are not afraid to loose all data on their box: . This is a console-only ISO with development packages. Note: this is a new tracker. I was having problems with the other one though I am still keeping it going. Please use this one instead.
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And... well, you'll just have to see for yourself :-).
And... well, you'll just have to see for yourself :-).
I will be handing out a few root-access and user-level accounts on boxen here with it installed.
I will be handing out a few root-access and user-level accounts on boxes here with it installed.
==IRC Channel==
==IRC Channel and Forums==
The semi-official IRC channel for this is #icadyptes on
The semi-official IRC channel is #icadyptes on
==Main things that need to be written and discussed==
==Main things that need to be written and discussed==

Current revision as of 01:54, 27 June 2012



We have a new site now, this is deprecated and dated. Please use, although we will probably keep this site for historical reasons. Many thanks to for hosting this page :-).


sPO25UJAUR =-= =-= =-=


Icadyptes is a Arch Linux-based distribution in active development; this is its almost useless wiki (new hosting and a new site will come soon). It is aimed at, eventually, being usable by any average user, but focusing first and foremost on its internals and having the most clean and streamlined system within reason.

NOTE: Most of the information here is outdated, innaccurate, and/or incomplete, but the most accurate thing I can say is that Icadyptes is quite beta and subject to change and breakage (but I try to minimize the breakage as much as possible :-) ). The tags: "Lua, IPv6, GNUPG, GNUTLS, Lighttpd, e17" slightly describe the distribution. If you are interested you can ask about it on the IRC channel ( #icadyptes), or (contact me directly). It is distributed under the (GPLv3); GPL compliance is a high prioirty, and I will be working on some ways to make source distribution and mirroring much more efficient.

This is another project of mine (Teran McKinney/sega01). I want the development process to be as open as possible and open to change. Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions to the way I am developing this, or for the distribution itself. Sorry for the lack of content, more should come soon.

bioe007 gave me some excellent advice to write a "vision" of sorts. I had finished a document that outlines what I am hoping for, though without any specifics. See: <- Unfortunately, a while ago I had a rm -r /var/www instance on my server. Last backup was far too far, and thus I don't have this file anymore (along with a Bluag 0.2 tarball incase you might have one). If anyone has a copy somewhere, I would greatly appreciate getting the file back. Thanks!


Repository and PKGBUILD's are available here {ftp,rsync}://

2009-01-16: New site is released, and so is Icadyptes 0.2 :-).

2008-12-10: Yes, Icadyptes still lives. Sorry for the lack of updates, but expect a true 0.1 release on 2009-01-13 :-). I know that the ISO links are broken, and this page is horribly out of date. We have hosting now, and things are *much* progressed, though there is still much to do. Expect a new site before 2009-01-13. Thanks!

2008-07-14: Madhat tried downloading the 0.1 ISO via the torrent, and while my client could see him as a peer, it would not seed. The client was seeding just fine with other torrents, and TPB just wrote on their blog that they are having instability issues (I also seeded the Icadyptes via torrent earlier with no problems). Madhat downloaded the ISO via my FTP repository at home and then uploaded the ISO to his host. Icadyptes itself is coming along quite well, and once I can afford a good VPS, I will probably release a 0.1.1 ISO updated to use the new host by default (along with lots of bugfixes). Icadyptes 0.1 ISO's MD5SUM is 209400dd9ff4fc23a859602d4d8eae54 . Cheers!

2008-06-30: Things are still moving along, bugs are being fixed, and Zeqadious has finished a massive update to Xorg which I need to merge into the main Icadyptes tree. (Weblua 0.3) was released; it was its first release in over a year. I am working on an Icadyptes-powered WebLua-scripted 486 on Slashdot project. It has been going quite well and I will post about it later :-). Cheers!

2008-06-15: This wiki was down for ages; I thought that it was removed due to inactivity or lost in a server move. But it greets us once more it, so I will update it. New hosting should hopefully come soon; probably as a VPS from (with native IPv6 :-D ). Turns out that my ACT testing was the day after Zenserver 0.5's one year anniversary, so I wrote a post on the Zenserver forums thanking the users and such. I had an iso ready since yesterday, but I had moved from DD-WRT to OpenWRT due to QoS not working (desprately needed, as my ping can go up to over a second when the upload bandwidth is flooded). I had a few issues at first, but the QoS was simple to get going. The repositories were missing a module needed for implementing hacks related to FTP and NAT, so connection to the repository was only possible with clients that do not use the PORT command or are on IPv6. Everything is fixed now and working better than ever :-). Main router is a WRT54GL with OpenWRT -trunk(ish), with the 2.6.x kernel. Maybe someday we can do a router distribution from Icadyptes. But, anyways, back to the ISO. This is the fourth or fifth release, but it is finally beyond a pre-pre alpha stage and now maybe into a genuine alpha stage. X needs lots of updates, I have plans for revamping the build system, need to develop an automatic network detection and setup thing while porting netcfg2 to iproute2, and about a thousand other things on the list. So, if you are interested: . I could continue writing, but if you are reading this you may very well already know most of it. Thanks! --sega01 (Teran McKinney)

2008-05-18: Yes, we are still alive. is in the repository, along with Firefox 3 (though broken as it points to an old libpng symlink, and needs to be updated to RC1), Claws Mail, Nexuiz, Nouveau, E17, ndisc6, Xine, lighttpd, Wine 1.0RC1, bmon, and others. Icadyptes still needs a new name and help with development. After contemplating this and changing my original stance of several months back, I decided that Icadyptes will be purely open source and not include even any proprietary firmware in its repositories. If I give you a 7/8 apple and 1/8 cherry pie, is it still an apple pie? I think that the same applies to open source. While firmware is less of a security hazard than binary blobs, it is still distributing that which we are trying to make free. There are plenty of devices with pure open source drivers requiring no firmware, and while it does inconvience the user to not include closed-source in the repositories, I think that it would be worth while in the long run. Drivers requiring firmware are still in the kernel package, as they are open source themselves and more easily enable the user to support their hardware with closed source if they choose to do so.

There have been countless minor changes and improvements. IPv6 is supported by default in almost every place I have thought of, so things are going really well on that end. Deprecated non-libata and non-mac80211 drivers have been removed. 7.4 is coming soon, so we should see a lot of X updates soon. Arch is starting to catch up to us. They moved their ABS to rsync too, so I hacked in Arch's prettier script (although it had a major issue that had to be fixed). I'm confident enough to say that, in theory, we may, possibly, just have a major release on 2008-06-13, but we will see. That date is the 1 year anniversary of Zenserver 0.5, but also my ACT (end-of-grade) testing day :-(.

Zeqadious has been a huge help in the department of X and finding all sorts of little bugs, along with much needed feedback. Thank you :-).

2008-sometime in Febuary: ks1 needed a more modern Icadyptes update, and has been a great help. Thus, we have the Kenneth-edition Icadyptes ISO release. - MD5SUM: 4d4389b97b5eed05c7b2ff9535e8af8a . Icadyptes is still only recommended for usage by those who are fearless and don't mind a half-broken experimental system ;-).

2008-01-17: Lots, and lots of progress :-). I'm working on a new project with Icadyptes, and hence it has been getting a good checking and assortment of packages for vpn-related and some ipv6 stuff. This should be revealed soon. 2.6.24rc8 is now in the repository too :-). Oh, did I mention that we have a working X setup :-)? `pacman -S xorg` should get you a working twm setup, and Wine is in the repo too. I've been playing Garry's Mod in Icadyptes and it seems to be working great :-). Zeqadious did almost all of the work on Xorg, with grouping the packages nicely and building them all back when Icadyptes was i686/generic (he had them in his own repository too). I just rebuilt his packages and tweaked things slightly. Thanks again Zeqadious!

Not sure if it is a bug with Pacman or not, but I changed around the packages and updating will now break your ping and traceroute unless you reinstall iputils. Originally ping and traceroute were in corebins, and there was no iputils. They were somewhat lacking though, and traceroute did not support ipv6. I decided to remove them from corebins while updating Busybox at the same time (1.9.0 beta now), and make iputils a dependency to install automatically since the functionality is removed from corebins. When you update, it installs iputils first since it is the new dependency. However, the old files from corebins exist and are not overwritten. Normally Pacman refuses to install a package if there are conflicting files. There are no warning messages, but it simply doesn't copy the files onto the old corebin's packages (thus you have a few symlinks to busybox applets that it now does not have). To get around having a broken ping and traceroute, you can either force updating just corebins first and then install iputils, or update normally and reinstall iputils afterwards. Sorry about this, but Pacman should at least give a warning message when it does not overwrite the other package's files.

Alright, the i486 ISO is here! Sorry for the long wait, but it seems to be working quite well. If you wish to do encrypted rootfs, you must untar the kernel package into / of the installer. One module seems to be missing, and I ran out of patience and CD's to do another :-P. Also, Zeqadious has been doing a great job of X packaging, which *should* be added to the main repository soon. This is still developer preview, but is now closer to "slightly more refined" developer preview. Many, many changes are yet to come.

So, the changes:

1MB bigger at 110MB.

Bug fixes.


2.6.24-rc5 :-).

A few more packages, with many more to come.

And best of all, you can install it to <i686 hardware. Currently running quite nicely on a K6-2 (suprisingly not a pure 686, as I learned the hard way).

The ISO is now at: (MD5 is c721503e30e7164b1006e724b9b43efd )

Thanks for even looking at the site, let alone reading this far :-). And many thanks for the support and help I have recieved. Cheers! --Teran McKinney (sega01)

After finding out that AMD K6's are not fully i686 compliant (along with most Via C3's that are still sold today) some investigation was done on whether it would be worth compiling for i486 instead. After a few days worth of benchmarking and discussing, we have decided to move to -march=i486 -mtune=generic on all packages. The performance difference is so negligible, and even faster in some cases. So fire up those 486's! :-)

The torrent was just posted. For the curious or those interested in developing, who are not afraid to loose all data on their box: . This is a console-only ISO with development packages. Note: this is a new tracker. I was having problems with the other one though I am still keeping it going. Please use this one instead.

I don't have much time to write about what it has exactly, but here are some things: kernel with CFS patches and some other goodies.

coreutils and Busybox mixed into corebins (I think I have worked out all of the breaks).

`abs` uses rsync to my home server. `abs-arch` is the classic ABS and syncs from Arch to /var/abs/arch/ .

Lua :-)

No GPM or Perl *ducks from the flaming Perl arrows*

Hard to pronounce name (key feature too, but it will likely change :-) )



And... well, you'll just have to see for yourself :-).

I will be handing out a few root-access and user-level accounts on boxes here with it installed.

IRC Channel and Forums

The semi-official IRC channel is #icadyptes on

Main things that need to be written and discussed

A new name for the distribution.

What is included in a default desktop and default server installation.

Goals of the project.



Personal tools