Cold War overview

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Causes of the Cold War:


Factors contributing to the Cold War

Long-term origins (1917-1941)

  • WWI(1917): Communist Bolsheviks come to power and withdraw Russia WWI, where it had been in alliance with the United States.
    • Bolsheviks executed Tsar Nicholas II and his family
      • Bad because they were related to British royalty
    • Bolsheviks were Communist. Just thought that should be repeated, because it's really important. Capitalism and communism were seen as naturally opposing systems.
  • Russian Civil War (1918-1921): the Reds fought the U.S.-backed Whites.

Short-term origins (1941-1946)

1945 Meetings:

  • Yalta:
    • Germany to be split into four zones(American, British, French, Russian), Berlin too.
    • Eastern Europe to have free elections
    • U.N. to be created
    • Stalin agreed to join the war against Japan
      • Condition: Japanese-occupied territory given to USSR
  • Pottsdam
    • Couldn't agree on what to do with Poland or Germany

I have read 2 post apocalyptic nveols that really made me think about life and how frail it can be. One Second After by William Forstchen was the first and the second was by a much less know author who wrote a 10 part series called Renewal by JF Perkins. Both held my attention and made me realize how quickly life as we know it could change and lifes most simple needs would become paramount.

1945-1953: The start of the Cold War

  • Europe
    • Atomic bomb
    • Eastern Europe
    • Containment and roll back
      • Truman, Marshall, Cominform, Molotov, Comicon
    • Berlin blockade and airlift
      • NATO

Debs, este1 tudo lindedssimo! Adoro a maneira com a qual vocea catrupe o momento! Os mais especiais Te desejo TODO sucesso desse mundo, continue assim!Beijocas.

The 'Thaw' (1953-1957)

  • Reasons for a thaw
    • Death of Stalin
    • McCarthy discredited
    • End of Korean War
    • End of Indo-china war
    • Russian concessions
    • The Austrian State Treaty
  • Continued tensions
    • Continued Russian grip on Eastern Europe
    • Actions to protect communism
    • The Warsaw Pact
    • Russia builds up arms
    • Berlin problems (Recognition)

The Khrushchev Era (1956-63)

Destalinisation Polish Crisis (1956) Hungarian Uprising Suez Crisis Increased power of Khrushev and USSR Second Berlin crisis (1958-1962)

  • Threats by Khrushchev against Western powers in west Germany/Berlin (Berlin Ultimatum)
  • Demands to get rid of West Berlin
  • Geneva conference
  • Berlin Wall

The Arms race (1949-1958 and onwards) Cuban missile crisis (1962)

  • Fidel Castro
  • Bay of pigs incident
  • Missiles in Cuba
  • Naval blockade
  • Consequences


  • Deterioration of Relations

The 'Long Peace' in Europe (1963-91)

Detente in Europe

  • Distracted super powers
    • Vietnam
    • USSR and China
  • Controlling nuclear development
  • France withdraws from NATO
  • The Hamel report
  • Brezhnev doctrine
  • Ostpolitik
  • China and the USA

The Third Cold War (1979-1985)

  • Weakening of Détente
  • Solidarity
  • Ostpolitik threatened

End of the Cold War

  • Gorbachev
  • Detente renegotiated
  • East Europe
    • Economic problems
    • New conflicts without communism
  • Collapse of GDR
  • Reunification of Germany

Collapse of the USSR

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