
From Ianreadgood

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This page serves as the online home of my "To Read" list.<br>
shah mian on saya nak tanya..saya ada pc n laptop&#8230;.saya baru beli (4-port adsl 2/2 + wireless-g modem router)&#8230;dan sy pakai streamyx&#8230;so skrg ni mcm mana sy nk buat supaya dua2 tu bleh connect se&k2takr#8n30;serg ni ..kalau sy connect ke pc..laptop xleh connect&#8230;ada cara ni sama jugak&#8230;.dan satu lagi..camna sy nk buat supaya laptop sy tu leh connect sebagai wifi?..mintak bantuan sgt2&#8230;
To suggest a book, click the edit button above. You don't need to log in.<br>
The following format is meant to be a rough guide only:<br>
'''''Author''''' - '''''Title''''' - '''''Your name or initials'''''<br>
''If you wish, tell me a bit about why you liked this book on the next line.''
Should you have any trouble with formatting, simply leave me text and I'll screw around with the rest later. Feel free to make use of links.<br>
Please feel free to use this space as a venue to''' share ideas in other mediums''' as well (written, video, audio, whatever).
Irvin D. Yalom - Staring at the Sun: Overcoming the Terror of Death<br>
Dona Schneider & David E. Lilienfeld - Public health: The development of a discipline, from the age of Hippocrates to the Progressive Era<br>
George Rosen - A history of public health<br>
Dorothy Porter - Health, civilization and the state: A history of public health from ancient to modern times<br>
Margaret Atwood - Payback: Debt and the Shadow Side of Wealth<br>
Albert Camus - The Fall - ''Recommended by MG''<br>
Voltaire - Candide<br>
Ben Rawlence - City of Thorns: Nine Lives in the World’s Largest Refugee Camp<br>
Jocko Willink & Leif Babin - Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win<br>
Guy de Maupassant - La Horla - ''Recommended by EPC''<br>
Daoud Kamel - Meursault, contre-enquête - ''Recommended by D''<br>
Thomas Piketty - Capital in the Twenty-First Century<br>
Kurt Vonnegut - Slaughterhouse-five<br>
John Steinbeck - The Grapes of Wrath<br>
Gabriel García Márquez - One Hundred Years of Solitude One Hundred Years of Solitude<br>
David Foster Wallace - Infinite Jest<br>
Zadie Smith - White Teeth<br>
Italo Calvino - If on a Winter's Night a Traveler<br>
Charles Dickens - A Tale of Two Cities<br>
F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby<br>
Neil Strauss - The Truth: An Uncomfortable Book About Relationships<br>
Murray Brewster - The Savage War: The Untold Battles of Afghanistan<br>
Pamela Druckerman - Lust in Translation: Infidelity from Tokyo to Tennessee<br>
Pamela Druckerman - Bringing Up Bébé: One American Mother Discovers the Wisdom of French Parenting<br>
Christopher Andreae - Lines of Country: An Atlas of Railway and Waterway History in Canada<br>
R. Kent Weaver - The Politics of Industrial Change: Railway Policy in North America<br>
Patrick Leigh Fermor - A Time of Gifts<br>
Patrick Leigh Fermor - Between the Woods and the Water<br>
Patrick Leigh Fermor - The Broken Road<br>
Mark Miodownik - Stuff Matters: Exploring the Marvelous Materials That Shape Our Man-Made World<br>
Jeswald W. Salacuse - Leading Leaders: How to Manage Smart, Talented, Rich and Powerful People<br>
Daron Acemoglu & James Robinson - Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty<br>
Jean-Jacques Rousseau - The Social Contract<br>
Stephen Hawking & Leonard Mlodinow - A Briefer History of Time<br>
Jared Diamond - Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies <font color="gray">(reread)<font color="black"><br>
Nicholas Carr - The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains<br>
Ben Kaplan - Feet, Don't Fail Me Now: The Rogue's Guide to Running the Marathon<br>
Sheryl Sandberg - Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead<br>
Slavoj Zizek, Eric L. Santne & Kenneth Reinhard - The Neighbor: Three Inquiries in Political Theology (Religion and Postmodernism) - ''Recommended by MT''<br>
Jared Diamond - The World Until Yesterday: What Can We Learn from Traditional Societies? - ''Recommended by JY''<br>
Neil Hutcheon & Gunter Handegord - Building Science for a Cold Climate<br>
Rob Dietz & Daniel O'Neill - Enough Is Enough: Building a Sustainable Economy in a World of Finite Resources<br>
Jonah Berger - Contagious: Why Things Catch On<br>
Gordon Gibson - A New Look at Canadian Indian Policy: Respect the Collective-promote the Individual<br>
Daniel Parrott - Tall Ships Down: The Last Voyages of the Pamir, Albatross, Marques, Pride of Baltimore, and Maria Asumpta<br>
Bruce K. Siddle - Sharpening the Warriors Edge: The Psychology & Science of Training<br>
General Bruce C. Clarke - Guidelines for the leader and the commander<br>
Ozzie Zehner - Green Illusions: The Dirty Secrets of Clean Energy and the Future of Environmentalism<br>
Nelson Mandela - Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela<br>
Thomas R. Berger - Northern Frontiers, Northern Homeland: The Report of the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry<br>
Jack Lagan - The Barefoot Navigator: Navigating with the skills of the ancients<br>
Timothy C. Winegard - Oka: A Convergence of Cultures and the Canadian Forces<br>
Ernest Hemingway - A Farewell to Arms<br>
Samuel Shen & Janet Surrey - We Have to Talk<br>
Niall Ferguson - The Ascent of Money<br>
Howard G. Coombs - The Insubordinate and the Noncompliant: Case Studies of Canadian Mutiny and Disobedience, 1920-Present<br>
Mark A. R. Kleiman - When Brute Force Fails: How to Have Less Crime and Less Punishment<br>
Amartya Sen - The Idea of Justice<br>
style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow">
The Secret Life of Words: How English Became English</font><br>
James Loney - Captivity: 118 Days In Iraq And The Struggle For A World Without War<br>
Ian D. Clark, David Trick & Richard Van Loon - Academic Reform: Policy Options for Improving the Quality and Cost-effectiveness of Undergraduate Education in Ontario<br>
Roger Morris - Between the Graves: America, Afghanistan and the Politics of Intervention<br>
Michael Lewis - Boomerang: Travels in the New Third World<br>
Paul G. Bahn & John Flenley - Easter Island, Earth Island: A message from our past for the future of our planet<br>
William Golding - The Inheritors<br>
William Golding - Pincher Martin<br>
J.-H. Rosny Aîné - La Guerre du feu<br>
Abhijit Banerjee & Esther Duflo - Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty<br>
Ray Moynihan & Alan Cassels - Selling Sickness: How the World's Biggest Pharmaceutical Companies are Turning Us All into Patients<br>
John & Jean Silverwood - Black Wave: A Family's Adventure at Sea and the Disaster That Saved Them<br>
Ian Mulgrew - Bud Inc.: Inside Canada's Marijuana Industry<br>
Witold Rybczynski - Makeshift Metropolis: Ideas About Cities<br>
Bob Shacochis - The Immaculate Invasion<br>
Seth Mnookin - The Panic Virus: A True Story of Medicine, Science, and Fear<br>
Sue Shephard - Pickled, Potted, and Canned: How the Art and Science of Food Preserving Changed the World<br>
Erwin H. Ackerknecht - A Short History of Medicine<br>
Kenneth J. Carpenter - The History of Scurvy and Vitamin C<br>
style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow">David Burch - Emergency Navigation: Pathfinding Techniques for the Inquisitive and Prudent Mariner</font><br>
Alexander H. Harcourt & Fans B. M. De Waal - Coalitions and Alliances in Humans and Other Animals<br>
style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow">André Cédilot and André Noël - Mafia Inc.: Grandeur et Misère du Clan Sicilien au Québec</font><br>
Robert Engen - Canadians Under Fire: Infantry Effectiveness in the Second World War<br>
Martin Horn - Britain, France, and the financing of the First World War<br>
John MacFarlane - Triquet's Cross: A Study of Military Heroism<br>
Carroll Quigley - Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time<br>
John Rae - Practical Hints for Arctic Travelling<br>
Michael E. O'Hanlon - The Science of War: Defense Budgeting, Military Technology, Logistics, and Combat Outcomes<br>
Audrey Kurth Cronin - How Terrorism Ends: Understanding the Decline and Demise of Terrorist Campaigns<br>
Peter Singer - Animal Liberation<br>
Wendell Berry - The Whole Horse<br>
John Berger - Why Look at Animals?<br>
Daniel Bell - The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism<br>
Lieutenant-Colonel John Conrad - What the Thunder Said: Reflections of a Canadian Officer in Kandahar<br>
style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow">
Albert Feavearyear - The Pound Sterling: A History of English Money</font><br>
Robert D. Putnam - Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community<br>
Dan Chiras & Dave Wann - Superbia!: 31 Ways to Create Sustainable Neighbourhoods<br>
David Kilcullen - The Accidental Guerrilla: Fighting Small Wars in the Midst of a Big One<br>
Steve Coll - Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001<br>
Dan Ariely - Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions<br>
Rick Smith, Bruce Lourie & Sarah Dopp - Slow Death by Rubber Duck: How the Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Life Affects Our Health<br>
Bruce Mau, Jennifer Leonard & The Institute Without Boundaries - Massive Change<br>
Daniel H. Pink - A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future<br>
Daryl Collins, Jonathan Morduch & Stuart Rutherford - Portfolios of the Poor: How the World's Poor Live on $2 a Day<br>
Daniel Sekulich - Terror on the Seas: True Tales of Modern-Day Pirates<br>
Ori Brafman & Rom Brafman - Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior - ''Recommended by SD''<br>
Alexander H. Harcourt & Frans B. M. de Waal - Coalitions and Alliances in Humans and Other Animals<br>
Michael R. LeGault - Think!: Why Crucial Decisions Can't Be Made in the Blink of an Eye<br>
Robert B. Reich - Supercapitalism: The Transformation of Business, Democracy, and Everyday Life<br>
style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow">
Dandridge M. Malone - Small Unit Leadership: A Commonsense Approach</font><br>
style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow">
J.D. Pendry - The Three Meter Zone: Common Sense Leadership for NCOs</font><br>
Jonathan Barnett, F. Kaid Benfield, Paul Farmer, Shelley Poticha, Robert Yaro and Armando Carbonell - Smart Growth in a Changing World<br>
Alan Weisman - Gaviotas: A Village to Reinvent the World<br>
Chris Carlsson - Nowtopia: How Pirate Programmers, Outlaw Bicyclists, and Vacant-Lot Gardeners are Inventing the Future Today! - ''Recommended by MW''<br>
Michel Foucault - Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings, 1972-1977 (Colin Gordon, Ed.) - ''Recommended by SK''<br>
Yevgeny Zamyatin - We - ''Recommended by MW''<br>
Jane Jacobs - The Question of Separatism: Quebec and the Struggle over Separation<br>
Jane Jacobs - Systems of Survival: A Dialogue on the Moral Foundations of Commerce and Politics<br>
Scott E. Page - The Difference: How the Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups, Firms, Schools, and Societies<br>
style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow">
Michael Pollan - In Defense of Food</font><br>
John Kenneth Galbraith - Economics in Perspective<br>
C. K. Prahalad - The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Eradicating Poverty
Through Profits<br>
E.F. Schumacher - Small Is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered<br>
William Marsden - Stupid to the Last Drop: How Alberta Is Bringing Environmental Armageddon to Canada (and Doesn't Seem to Care)<br>
Douglas Coupland - Generation X<br>
Mikhail Bulgakov - Master and Margarita<br>
Vine Deloria, Jr. - Red Earth White Lies - ''Recommended by LQ''<br>
Noam Chomsky - Hegemony or Survival<br>
Jeffrey Sachs - The End of Poverty<br>
Amartya Sen - Development as Freedom<br>
Steven E. Landsburg - The Armchair Economist: Economics And Everyday Experience<br>
Mancur Olson & Satu Kahkonen - A Not-So-Dismal Science: A Broader View of Economies and Societies<br>
Mancur Olson and Hans J. Landsberg - The No Growth Society<br>
Anne Power & John Houghton - Jigsaw Cities: Big Places, Small Spaces<br>
Thomas C. Schelling - Choice and Consequence: Perspectives of an Errant Economist<br>
style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow">Ngakpa Chogyam - Roaring Silence: Discovering the Mind of Dzogchen</font> - ''Recommended by CS''<br>
Richard Dawkins - A Devil's Chaplin - ''Recommended by AB''<br>

Current revision as of 03:48, 1 May 2017

shah mian on saya nak tanya..saya ada pc n laptop….saya baru beli (4-port adsl 2/2 + wireless-g modem router)…dan sy pakai streamyx…so skrg ni mcm mana sy nk buat supaya dua2 tu bleh connect se&k2takr#8n30;serg ni ..kalau sy connect ke pc..laptop xleh connect…ada cara ni sama jugak….dan satu lagi..camna sy nk buat supaya laptop sy tu leh connect sebagai wifi?..mintak bantuan sgt2…

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