
From Hyrule

Potions in Hyrule Adventures 2 usually serve as Quest Items, as the two shown so far are offered as the reward for certain quests. It is unknown if more will be made available at a later date

Syrups Potion

This was the first Quest in the game, and the only, so far, to require multiple item's to be located. First, one must defeat one of the Keese in the Windmill. Second, they can collect a Leever's Claw in Tantari Desert. Finally, is the Deku Spores, which are located in the Deku Woods just north or Rauru Town. Supply all of these item's to Syrup to obtain the potion, which supplies the character with an extra TP.

Immunity potion

For those who wish to participate in Slaying the Spider, this is mandatory, unless you want to die. One must journey to Parapa p12 to obtain the Red Desert Flower by clicking on one of the cacti. Give this to the mayor of Ruto to become immune to Gohma's poison.

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