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Denkou is a thief, and one of the minor characters in Kasei's storyline. He is, more or less, a comic relief character, on who is often beated up by other characters easily. Despite this, Denkou is quite a proficient fighter.



Denkou's history is completely unknown and, according to him, far more peacefull than the average adventurer. Apparently, he is one of Kasei's subbordinates, as he is often seen doing Kasei's orders. It is suggested that he knows a bit more than he shows, and may have discovered the way to defeat Sovelis.


Normally Denkou is, to put it nicely, obnoxious, rude, obstinant, overconfident, sneaky, and a jerk. He is a sexist, and does not hesitate to try to prove his supiriority over females, though he often fails miserably. Denkou lives a free lifestyle, and, though he often steals from them, is tolerated by the Royal Guards due to his good side in battle. He also is a fan of apples, often stealing them from passerbyes. Though, he does have many good qualities. He is very kind to people, is often shown trying to cheer someone up (albiet, in an odd way).

In battle, Denkou is almost a completely different person. He is calm, collective, observant, and very serious. He is careful in a tough situation, and does not hesitate to try and find a way to end a fight quickly.


Very little of Denkou's skills have been shown yet. He is a known manipulator of lightning, and may know the Thunder spell. Denkou can creat and manipulate electricity at will and use it to travel at extremely high speeds. He can also launch area-wide energy strikes. Some of his skills seem to be lesser versions of some of Alpha's techniques. The most deadly technique he is shown using thus far is impaling his opponent and discharging 1000 volts of electricity directly into their bodies. This is usually an instant death. He is, in some cases, shown to be stronger than Kasei. He carries a dagger to fights, and has many side-weapons, many of them stolen.


  • Unlike Alpha, who can both use and is imune to lightning-based attacks, Denkou is not completely immune. If he holds out a hand to catch lightning, he can convert it into energy. However, if lightning struck him in, say, the back, it would have the same effect as if it hit anyone else.
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