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Zaboorak's title of Golden Zora is not very accurate anymore. Early in his life, he was seduced by the promises of power given to him by the Lord of Darkness, Ganon. He became a being of pure evil, and soon turned on the other Golden Ones, striking first at Xaradis, the Golden Goron. With the Goron Goldforce he made plans to destroy the other eight Golden Ones, but these plans never came to fruition, primarily due to the actions of Zaris, the Golden Sheikah.

Zaboorak became obsessed with finding Zaris, to the point of hiring a group of radically vengeful, yet incredibly efficient, mercenaries, the Hakiems. Though he was a faithful servant for three-fourths of his 200+ years, three years prior to Hyrule Adventures 2 he officially abandoned Ganon and his army, withdrawing his powerful support from Dark Link's attempts at resurrecting the Dark Beast. This has earned him the hatred of many of his former comrades, including Jormund Gobi.

History with the Hakiems

Just over twenty years ago, Zaboorak stumbled upon the Hakiems Tribe, and offered them an enormous sum of money in exchange for the death of Zaris. During their best opportunity to kill him, when in Keyru's village, Jinur was killed and Zaboorak gave the order to blow the entire city sky-high. When Zaris still managed to escape, the Zora began making plans – not only plans to kill the Sheikah, but also to assume control of the Hakiems Tribe himself. Had he acted sooner, Karunik might not have risen to fill that position.

As time went on and Zaris continued to elude their capture, Zaboorak was made an honorary member of the assassin group.


Zaboorak absolutely adores toying with people and their emotions, and takes a very perverse pleasure at manipulating Karunik's desire to avenge his father to effectively control the Hakiems. However, the process is currently moving too slowly for the Zora; he is even now making plans for how he shall kill Karunik without the other Hakiems' knowledge.

Zaboorak rarely uses his Goldforce Power, instead relying on his magical prowess. As a mage, his abilities are almost limitless. Matching his manipulative personality is his favorite spell, Polymorph. He also uses powerful techniques such as Thunder and Elemental Explosion. Aside from magic, he has trained his body well, gaining strength that would be the envy of many. His arm-fins are also special in that they are razor-sharp and tough as diamonds. However, his left fin was destroyed by Zaris in their most recent confrontation.

Other Trivia

Zaboorak seems to know Alpha from the time the young Sheikah spent away from Master Zaris, when he was referred to as Wraith.

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