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A land octorok


Octoroks are a staple of Ganon's army, although they haven't been seen much in North Hyrule. They come in two varieties, each with a very distinct appearance. The land octoroks have four legs and a round body with a protruding hollow snout. Water octoroks have a more arrow-shaped body, and their legs are more like tentacles, which they use to jump out of the water to attack. While land octoroks come in both blue and red, both with white markings around the eyes, all water octoroks take on a bluish-purplish tint.

Both species have a habit of launching rocks at dangerously high speeds out of their snout, and can attack from long distances, making them a serious threat in large numbers. When reached, however, they are weak and easy to kill, although the blue ones tend to be slightly tougher than the red. The water octoroks are often defeated by deflecting their rocks back at them, or shooting them with arrows, since it's hard to reach them with melee weapons.


Octoroks usually just mill around and attack on sight. As they are less humanoid than a Moblin or Zora, it is hard to judge their intelligence in relevance to the humanoid races that populate Hyrule.


As stated before, Octoroks are a common part of the monsters roaming Hyrule, although they are more cannon fodder than a heavy hitter of the army, and none have ever been known to hold a high position. However, there have been a few rare sightings of an exceptionally large octorok, and even seafaring tales about things such as Big Octos that have been brought back by sailors. However, none of these have been seen by anyone in Hyrule, so they have not been documented in this database. Only time will tell if these miraculous beasts will ever be discovered...

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