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Hyrule Adventures 2 character

Birth date  ?
Blood type  ?
Gender Female
Height  ???
Weight  ???
Race/Ethnicity Sheikah
Occupation Thief
Marital status Lives with Sovelis... guess the rest ;)
Relative(s) Deceased mother
Status Alive

Arrika is a teenage Sheikah thief with dark eyes and jet black hair to match. She has a very loose personality, part of which includes her habit of making crude jokes. She also has a habit of drinking, which is probably due to Kobas's early influence on her young, highly impressionable mind.



Arrika used to live with her mother in a small house northwest of Rauru, deep in the forest, but one day their house caught fire and only Arrika managed to escape alive. Whether the house was set on fire on purpose remains to be determined. Arrika was only 11 or so at the time and managed to succeed in forgetting about her previous life as a way of getting rid of the pain. It has all started to come back to her recently, thanks to a few attempts at peaceful camping trips with one of her best friends, Sakiko.

She met Kobas when she attempted to steal food from him, not knowing he was a skilled rogue and knew her intentions before she had crossed the room. He was amused by her and pitied her as well, homeless and starving, and decided to take her under his wing and trained her to be a thief as well.

Kobas disappeared, and on his last day gave Arrika a silver state alchemist's pocket watch, one that greatly resembled the one belonging to Edward Elric, who Kobas had met long ago. Arrika believed at first that it did belong to Ed, but in truth it was just one that Kobas had stolen when he was in Amestris. Inside is a small shard of the Philosopher's Stone, and it is still unknown how Kobas came to possess it. Arrika keeps the watch with her at all times and was exceptionally protective of it when Kobas was absent for a year.

Catfights Galore

Arrika's best friend is a pale, silver-haired mage girl called Sakiko. They met when Arrika was searching for the money Seth had stolen from her and hidden in a tree. Their first impressions of each other didn't seem to go very well, and they seemed very close to clawing each other's eyes out. When Arrika found a shard of a letter from Kobas to Rebecca with the words "Don't look back. Don't ever look back. That was my motto. Leave it all behind, start again. Learn from your mistakes. Don't live in the past. Look towards the future." Arrika's cold exterior cracks as she and Sakiko find that they're not as different as they first believed.

Two attempts at bonding through camping trips didn't end very well- In the first, Arrika and Sakiko were attacked by two half-vampire children, Arrika being possessed and killing the children's Hylian mother and attempting to kill Sakiko. Sakiko barely survived but the near-death situation seemed to strengthen their friendship.

The second attempt at camping took place on one of the Tantari's northern beaches. A seagull stole Arrika's pocket watch and as she chased it slipped from the wet rocks and into the sea. She almost drowned but was saved by Sakiko and Sovelis, who ripped out his metal arm so he wouldn't automatically sink.

Meeting the Tempest

The Oracles had a performance in North Castle Town in the early fall. On a whim Arrika decided to hop on stage and dance with the Oracle Flame, Din, one of the sole reasons being she wanted to toss down a hat and collect some spare change from the onlookers. A blond mage with a metal arm joined them all soon after, and moments later Arrika disappeared to sack his house in Rauru Town, not knowing who he was. The first thing she spotted was his katana, the Tempest Blade, but before she could make off with it she stepped on one of the discarded bottles that formerly contained alcohol lying on the ground. Sovelis Shifted there moments later, and Arrika's chances of escaping it alive seem very bleak, and even worse since a shard of glass embedded in her foot and the Tempest has a lethal look in his eyes, one so familiar to her...

In the end Arrika somehow convinced Sovelis to take her on as his next apprentice. He later asked her why she gave in so easily, and she admits it was because his eyes resembled Kobas's so much.

The Sheikah girl quickly finds herself falling for the handsome Tempest and the morning before they leave to seek Sela the Seer, Seth's eldest sister, he admits he loves her and the bond between them seems to grow even stronger.

People Arrika Knows

Kobas Rebecca Rhyss Seth Lynchwood Mirielle Sovelis Sakiko Zeze Aureliano Sabertache Worru Ryk

To be continued soon.

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