The Golden Ones

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The title of Golden One is bestowed upon the beings which hold the various Goldforce Powers. There are always supposed to be ten, though with Zaboorak's actions that number is steadily decreasing.

[edit] Current Golden Ones

Zaris Valyan - the Golden Sheikah, he joined the adventurers for several months. After Horohn's death, however, he returned to hiding.

Richarn Noval - the Golden Hylian, he has chosen to hide in plain sight, serving as a General in the Hylian Knights and the leader of the Royal Elite Remnant.

Koura - the Golden Gerudo, Koura has been traveling with the adventurers ever since FoG IV.

Ukedra - the Golden Deku, he remains in hiding.

Andek - the Golden Human, she remains in hiding. It seems she and Zaris are in contact with each other regularly.

Irisos - the Golden Kokiri, she remains in hiding.

Zaboorak - the treacherous 'Golden' Zora, who has been hunting the others for nearly three-fourths of his 200+ years.

[edit] Previous Golden Ones

Alpha Morrid - the first Golden Sheikah, whom Master Zaris renamed Keyru after.

Xaradis - the most recent Golden Goron, Xaradis was the first to realize Zaboorak's treachery, and was subsequently killed by the 'Golden' Zora. His sacrifice gave the other Golden Ones the forewarning needed for them to escape Zaboorak's reach.

Nyra - the Golden Gerudo, and predecessor to Koura. She was Koura's adoptive mother, who spoke out against following Ganon's forces and was exiled from Parapa Village as a result. She died peacefully in recent years of old age.

Sheera - the most recent Golden Fairy, she was killed by Zaboorak during the Golden Battle.

Horohn - the most recent Golden Rito, he committed suicide after being surrounded by the Hakiems. The Rito Goldforce escaped Zaboorak and has not been seen since.

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