Kasei Dornmos Gobi
From Hyrule
Kasei Dornmos Gobi, the rebel flame, is a mercenary Sheikah warrior. He seems to be a reliable, if somewhat straightforward, guy. He is currently one of the survivors of the Dusk Village.
As a survivor, Kasei is now a servant of the gods, more specifically the fierce deity. In the service, Kasei carries out many orders, including the removal of Sovelis' powers when the Tempest entered Hyrule. Although Kasei serves the gods, his allegiance is doubted by many characters.
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Stats(in game)
STR>>>4 AGI>>>7 INT>>>1 SPI>>>1 DEF>>>2 SPL>>>22 HP>>>40
Personality and Abilities
In contrast to most Sheikah in Hyrule, Kasei is a very open character. He is very kind and generous, and will listen to another's story. He offers his help whenever he feels it is needed, and knows when not to get involved. Even so, he is still a Sheikah, and as such keeps himself composed. Ever since his return to Hyrule he has been serious, which comes in handy in most situations. He is very analytical, and takes in his whole surroundings. Nevertheless, he likes to take life hands-off, drinking and partying wherever he feels.
As far as power goes, Kasei has no bounds. His service to the deities of Hyrule enables him to have a near-limitless supply of power, something he detests, stating he prefers to gain his own power. The only thing given to him by the gods is his life-force spell, which lets him elongate his life by stealing an opponent's life-force. As with many other characters, Kasei practices magic, especially fire spells, which come naturally to him as he is ignipotent. This mastery of fire has earned him the title "The Rebel Flame", though it is not his only skill.
His true power lies in physical combat. He is exceptionally skilled with a sword, and with hand-to-hand combat. His unnatural physical strength and speed, gained from years of hard training, make him deadly in a fist fight, and his speed makes a sword fight against him difficult.
All else aside, Kasei is a Sheikah, and is therefore the inheritor of their shadow arts, though he is wary of them. He is not so quick to use anything more than Shadowmeld, unlike other Sheikah such as Alpha. However, when he does decide to use shadow, he is far more powerful than in any other of his battles. Utilizing darkness, Kasei can create alternate worlds to send his opponents and battle them freely. He also can create weapons of shadow, fire blasts of darkness, and even force open the rift using the power of the Sheikah.
He is not without flaws; however, as his old age means that his strength is wavering, his attacks are strong but his grip is brittle. He is also, like any other Sheikah, susceptible to light attacks, as well as the fact that being drenched in water makes his fire spells useless.
Service to the gods
The story of Kasei begins at Dusk Village in Tantari Desert, the home of the Shiekahn elementals. Around the age of twenty, Kasei's home was destroyed, many of it's inhabitants were killed in one night. The Sheikah spent the next few weeks wandering Hyrule, until he was found by the gods, who offered him any one wish in return for servitude. He agreed, and was made a servant of the gods.
Only a few months later, Kasei was ordered to use his special abilities to end a country alongside the seven stars. He was hesitant, but agreed when he saw how corrupt the nation's people were. Over the next hundred years, Kasei traveled the globe, doing the god's will and collecting many artifacts, witch he now keeps in a back room at his house.
plot overview
Kasei story
Introduction arc Kasei, along with his granddaughter, Aria, are summoned from Volgaria to visit Hyrule at request of an old friend, Sosei. Upon arrival at the castle, the two meet some new friends, Orpheous and Worru. Not long after, they run in to Sosei, who leads them to a small pub to fill Kasei in on his newest mission. Afterwards, Kasei runs into Michael and Cathy, two more adventurers.
Later, Kasei and Aria go to the north woods to train, preparing for the upcoming mission. Once again they run into Worru and Orpheous, though the latter is followed by his apprentice, Simon. Kasei asks Worru if he'd like to fight Aria, and precedes to ask Orpheous to a little training. The Battle between Worru and Aria begins, and is mainly uneventful, except for a few surprise attacks from both Worru and Aria. In the end, Worru is declared winner since Aria overexerted herself, and Kasei stopped the fight. The fight between Kasei and Orpheous is slightly more interesting, but in the end, Kasei is the victor, having pinned Orpheous to the ground and broken his wrist.
Later in the week, Kasei takes place in the grand tournament. Kasei is matched up against Orpheous, who learned a new trick, Elemental Burst. Using it, he was able to beat Kasei down to only a few HP, and the mercenary surrendered, not wanting to reveal his true form or purpose yet.
A little while later, Kasei is seen carrying a body to the bounty station. On his way there, he meets Sovelis, a person on his bounty list. The two fight briefly, but Kasei flees, having recently acquired an illness. At the bounty station, Kasei turns in the bounty for an unknown amount of rupees, then saves Sovelis from the bounty collectors. Kasei is seen over the next few days collecting bounties on weak bodies, not actually able to find any strong ones. The mercenary is walking through town when he comes across Dogura threatening Michael. Dogura is one of Kasei's most wanted bounties, so Kasei is instantly on the rooftop where the samurai threatens the prankster. After a short talk, both Kasei and Dogura go their respective ways, with Kasei telling Michael to meet him in the town square in two days.
After two days, Michael and Kasei meet up in town square, and Kasei attempts to train Michael to have a unique fighting style. Michael tries to get the hang of the first method, but fails, with Kasei telling him what went wrong. The two then have a practice battle to test Michael's skills. Halfway through the battle, Michael kicks through Kasei's stomach, and Kasei is administered to the hospital. Kasei eventually leaves, and the training resumes.
Kasei spends the next few weeks returning lost items to their owners. In this time, he meets Malon and Din, traveled to New Peaktop and picks up a Cucco. He makes many new friends.
Kasei's quest to get the trophy for the mayor, he comes across Tantari Rock, where the clues all point to. Venturing inside, only to find a single room, Kasei eventually falls through the wall. He had two reasons to be here; the trophy, and an ancient tome of Sheikah spells. Finding the tome in the west passage, Kasei comes across Worru again. The mercenary challenges Worru to a fight, knowing that his opponent is in the PFH. Worru hastily declines, knowing Kasei's strength, he then explains that he is here looking for his mother, to which Kasei tells Worru about his grandfather that destroyed his village. Back in town, Kasei spots a man named Tatsu, and later at home, Kasei receives a letter with instructions to head to the crossroads in three days time.
Gods of Hyrule arc.
Kasei spends the next two days training Michael, and on the third, decides to head to the spot in the letter. Upon arrival, Kasei talks to four strange beings in stranger clothes, they offer Kasei a chance to join Cell Sky, and Kasei declines. After a few attempted persuasions, one attacks Kasei, who retaliates with an attack of his own. Before he can unleash it, The Fierce Deity appears to stop Kasei, and the two vanish, apparently on their way to a meeting.
Kasei appears before Michael one last time, and explains that he will be leaving on a personal mission.
A little while later, Kasei travels to the ruins of his village and recalls the events that ended it. Shortly after, Orpheous and others arrive, and Kasei reveals a little about his past. After some encouraging words, Kasei decides to go after someone who resembles him that has been terrorizing New Peaktop, and heads to the mountain town. Where The mercenary finds a double of himself attacking the Ruto. After spotting the real Kasei, the fake one attacks. After a long battle alongside Orph and Sovelis, The tempest moves in for a final attack, but the fake flees, and Kasei asks Sovelis what he knows.
Kasei is next seen at the Tantari Cafe, where he questions Sovelis before the mage runs off. Kasei catches up to him, and the to begin a battle in a ring of fire created by Kasei, With Sovelis the victor, having dealt a horrendous wound to Kasei after the rebel flame revealed his true form. Kasei fled through the rift to a cave, where Sovelis interrogated him.
Death and Life arc.
Sovelis, Saber, Leth and co, Orpheous, Worru and Kasei all receive invitations to search the tower of illusions, once some of the group appears, they find the man who gave them all the invites, and learn of the tower and that Kasei is already inside, and Aria and the man stay out so that they can warp the group back using a group teleport. After some more info regarding the quest, the man prays for the groups safety.
Powers and abilities
Kasei is generally viewed as one of the more powerful beings in Hyrule. His status as a servant of the gods gives him access to incredible powers.
Kasei's trademark ability is fire. He is in complete control of the element, can create and use it as a weapon, teleport using it, and do various other things. This is what earned him his title, the Rebel Flame.
Even though he is best known for his adeptness with fire, Kasei claims it is one of his weaker skill, and is seen using far stronger abilities within HA2. He can harness raw magical energy for an attack, for example, throwing a blast or roaring to create a shockwave. As a Sheikah, he is naturally fast. He is also incredibly strong, and can punch through most defenses, even spells. He is shown using the power of darkness as well, and can make blades and spikes, crush people, and send them to an alternate dimension.
He is also shown using far deadlier powers, such as a spell only the dusk village inhabitants are taught; making explosions of their element. He can also force open the rift for his own use. However, his deadliest spell is the life-force technique, which steals an opponents soul to increase his own life span. His list of abilities has only just begun to appear, though.
Gobi-the grandfather of Kasei. His name has not been revealed. He is not appreciated by his grandson.
Aria 1-Kasei's wife (deceased)
Kairos-Kasei's son-in-law, and father of Aria.
Zephie-Kasei's daughter, and mother of Aria (deceased)
Reginald-Kasei's youngest child, and father of Worru. (deceased)
Labufa Worruson-Kasei's daughter in law, mother of Worru
Aria-Kasei's granddaughter
Worru-Kasei's grandson
Unknown-Kasei's unknown second child. (deceased?)
Tatsu-Hails from the same village.
Sovelis-A regular drinking partner of Kasei's.
Azador-A well-known friend of Kasei's. Ally.
Cloud-A friend Kasei has known for some time who has gone missing.
Cathy-A friend
Kayla- A violent friend.
Michael-Apprentice for a short time.