
From Hyrule

Revision as of 03:54, 30 April 2008 by Sabertache (Talk | contribs)

A Thief is by far the most awesome of all classes. The Thief class must be aligned with Chaos, no if-ands-or-buts. However, they have an incredibly large amount of cool abilities.


Shared Skills

With Rangers

  • Disarm Trap—Allows you to deactivate any trap you detect using an awareness check with a successful Innate check.

Thief Skills

  • Train: Garrote
  • Pick Lock—Allows you to pick a lock on a door or check as long as you possess a skeleton key and perform a successful Innate Check.
  • Choke—Allows you to choke an enemy, thus removing it from combat (as long as it is not struck for the duration) for three rounds. To choke an enemy, first you must successfully stealth in the previous round, then use an Innate Check to sneak up behind the enemy and choke it with a Garrote. Failure leaves you vulnerable to a free attack by the enemy, which you may counter with a Dodge Check. (this is the most badass skill in the game)
  • Stealth—Allows a thief to temporarily remove themselves from sight in the next round. Requires a successful Innate Check to perform.
  • Pick Pockets—Allows a thief, while stealthed, to pick the pockets of an enemy or npc for trinkets or Rupees. Requires a successful Innate check.


The Thief class wins. End of discussion.


Raven Arrika

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