Talent Point

From Hyrule

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"One of the first things you’ll hear about in the world of HA2 is Talent Points, better known as TP. TP are what are used to purchase the any of the many abilities, skill, and spells found in the Rules Set. They are the building blocks of your character, because the way they are spent dictates how you can respond to certain situations. Also, in order to obtain your Main Class, you need to spend a minimum of 3 TP on abilities specific to that Main Class.

By examining the Rules Set, you’ll come across the many dozens of abilities that are available to you. In order to purchase one, all you need to do is make sure you have enough TP, and then send me, Royal Guard, a PM saying you’d like to purchase said skill. Once I verify that you have enough TP and ensure that that’s what you want, the ability is all yours (*Note: Most of the time, abilities are nonrefundable – once you get an ability, it’s yours. If you truly want to get rid of a trait, however, feel free to PM any of the admins and we will consider allowing it).

So one of the main things you’ll need to know is how you obtain these incredible Talent Points. Enter the Quests. Scattered all over Hyrule are people who are asking for help and depend on you adventurers to aid them. Most of the time, this merely involves traveling around Hyrule until you find an item that they are looking for. These items are located in shops that can be accessed by a select few of the pictures at the top of each area. These pictures of the landscape may contain a hidden link to the shops where you can freely obtain the item. Upon returning it to its owner, you will receive their thanks, one TP, and every now and then an additional bonus. Now, you should know that not all Quests result in gaining a TP. But more often than not they do.

There are, of course, other ways to get TP. The most prevalent is the fact that you get 1 TP every time you grow a level. Now, note that this only occurs when growing a level; in the past, some people have mistakenly assumed that they get a TP for joining the game – a.k.a. they have believed they get a TP for being Level 1.

Other ways to obtain a TP include participating in Events. By simply participating to a reasonable degree, you automatically gain 1 TP. In addition to this, at the end of each Event the group that participated, they all vote on who shall receive the Best RPer of the Event Award. The winner gets a second TP.

Finally, TP can be obtained can be obtained by RPing your heart out for a month straight, and winning the Month’s Best RPer Award. Taking place at the end of every month, this voting decides who performed the best RP-wise during the past 28-31 days. And just like the Best RPer of the Event Award, the winner gets 1 TP.

So hopefully you now have a better comprehension of what is required to increase the range of your character’s skills. Some skills are exceedingly useful for fighting, others for RP purposes. Whatever you decide, we encourage you to go for and make your character unique!"

[Newcomer Articles] Who Wants TP? by Royal Guard Draug Layor

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