Rules Set

From Hyrule

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(Weapon Upgrades)
(New Abilities)
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Musical Talent—Non-bard characters must possess this talent to use musical instruments.
Musical Talent—Non-bard characters must possess this talent to use musical instruments.
            L1        Applies                                    1 TP
L1        Applies                                    1 TP
==Learn Languages==
==Learn Languages==

Current revision as of 04:09, 25 February 2008



There are a total of five skills which can be used to perform special abilities or tasks within certain situations (like events and quests). To perform a skill, one must declare they intend to do so, then the GM will roll a d20 and add the characters INT plus any other bonuses and then compare that number to a predetermined number that they must overcome. If the number is surpassed, then the skill check succeeds. Otherwise it fails.

Translate—Used to determine whether or not a character can understand a language that they are either being spoken to in, or attempting to read, that is otherwise not one of their natural language. To successfully translate something a character must meet or overcome a set check number, and then they get bits and pieces of the target language so that they can understand what it means. If the check succeeds by more than 10, the character perfectly translates the target. Checks are as follows:

1 To translate a language a character innately speaks

5 To translate a language a character has learned

20 Translate a common language they don’t know.

40 Translate an uncommon language they don’t know.

Note: Scribes get a +10 bonus to all Translate checks.

Dodge—Dodge is used to see if a character evades either death blows or a trap within a dungeon. A dodge check, in addition to the normal counting method, also counts AGI as a bonus. If a dodge check succeeds, the character takes half DMG from the attack/trap. If it succeeds by more than 5, they take no damage.

Insight-- is unique as it allows a character to make an insight based on their array of knowledge for a particular situation. Say, in a battle a character wants to discover what the enemy's element is, they can do an Insight check and compare it to a set value. Insight is heavily tied to RPing and is applicable in many, many situations. When in doubt, insight!

Innate—Innate is the skill check used to see if a character’s racial special ability (such as the Sheikah Shadowmeld) succeeds. Racial may also be utilized for special class skills as well.

Awareness—Awareness is used for searching a room for items, monsters, notes of interest and more, or to attune your senses and detect incoming danger.

RESISTANCES AND DEF CHECKS Resistances and DEF checks are used to avoid DMG from attacks, specifically magic or physical (respectively). When attacked via magical damage, a character does a resistance check by having a GM roll a d20 and adding the character’s SPI to it. If the resist check exceeds 20 they take half DMG, and if the check exceeds 25 the character takes no damage. For physical attacks, one adds DEF + AGI to their Armor Class (ie. the total armor rating of their clothing combined). If the value exceeds the enemy’s chance to hit, they avoid DMG completely.


Conversely, to hit an enemy there are two distinct ways to do so. For magic, you cast a spell and hope the target does not resist the magic and mitigate the total damage you can cause. For physical, to see if an attack lands, one calculates Weapon attack bonuses + Talent bonuses + AGI to a d20 roll. If your attack chance is higher than the target’s total Defense roll (as detailed above), your attack lands and deals the DMG of your weapon plus any applicable bonuses.


Certain abilities have the effect of stunning or otherwise removing an enemy from combat temporarily. If an attack indicates it stuns, assuming the stun sticks, the enemy is unable to attack on its next round. It may be attacked before its round has occurred and it will still remain stunned. When in case of an enemy being “removed from combat” (as with choke and polymorph), if the removal sticks, then the enemy will be unable to attack for its next three rounds. If it is attacked at all prior to the conclusion of its last round, the enemy will be able to resume combat as normal. Any area-of-effect attacks (like bombs and Elemental Explosion) will hit the removed enemy. If an enemy is disarmed, the weapon is knocked from their hands, and they have to spend their next round picking it up. Otherwise, the disarmed enemy could cast a spell, but cannot resume physical combat until they spend a round picking up their weapon. Lastly, if an enemy is confused, it is considered stunned, but has a 25% chance of doing nothing, 25% chance of attacking itself, 25% chance of attacking normally or 25% chance of attacking its allies.

SPELL The Spell, Spell, is an odd incantation that has a random effect. When cast, the GM rolls a d20 and the result depends on what is rolled. (1-10) Enemy is confused for two rounds (11-15) Enemy is removed from combat (16-18) Spell fails/nothing occurs (19) Bag of 50 Rupees appears, nothing happens to enemy or (20) A free Thunder spell attacks the enemy.


Damage for magical attacks is calculated as follows: (caster’s level + base class) + INT. The base class factor is 3 for Scholar, 2 for Vagabond, and 1 for Grunt. Example: a L1 Scholar with 5 INT cast’s a spell, DMG would be, using the formula, (1 + 3) + 5, thus 9 DMG total. At L2, the DMG would be (2 + 3) + 5, and thus 10 and so on. For Physical attacks, your DMG is the weapon DMG rating + STR bonus.

HP (HEALTH POINTS) To determine your HP amount you look at your base class and add your SPI to it. Scholars start with 20 HP, Vagabonds with 30, and Grunts with 40. Many accessories and items (like Heart Containers) add to HP.


To determine your SPL amount you look at your (level x base class) + SPI. Scholars get 3 per level, Vagabonds 2, and Grunts 1. Many accessories and items (like the Magic Jar) add to SPL.

REGAINING HP AND SPL After a tough battle, a party often finds itself low on health or magic points. Rather than the antiquated rest system, when an enemy dies it will usually drop hearts or jars of varying sizes. These hearts/jars will be set aside for the entire party to divide up upon successful completion of combat.

Small Heart Restores 25% of your HP

Medium Heart Restores 50%

Large Heart Restores 100%

Small Jar Restores 25% of your SPL

Medium Jar Restores 50%

Large Jar Restores 100%

Note that Nomads have the Find Sustenance talent, which allows them to search a room for food (scaled as above) and drink (ditto) upon a successful Innate check.

SPI AS WILLPOWER In every event, a character can use their willpower (SPI+Lvl, but your total is capped at 9) as a separate special chance modifier independent of the actual stat. That is, one can use their willpower pool to fudge their rolls to become more in their favor. If a character has 5 willpower, they can take a point or more of that and apply it to any chance to hit/dodge/skill check roll as a bonus. The pool is only available once per event, and once used up cannot be refilled for the rest of the event.

RP BONUS To encourage good RPing, you can gain a bonus to your chance to hit when writing out how you attack a target. Great examples on how this works is as follows:

Cassandra swings her sword in a arc, slamming into her opponent's leg.

+1 to Chance to hit.

Cassandra brings her blade around in an arc, there is a moment when the light catches it just right,

the sun flares off its razor edge before the motion continues down toward the Moblin's vulnerable throat.

+2 to Chance to hit.

Cassandra's vorpal blade hangs in the air, the light gleaming of its mirrored surface. In it's quicksilver glare you can see her smile, wild, wide, joyful. The blade completes it motion, smooth, simple. There is no wasted motion. There are no curves. Her foe's chest fountains blood as he falls to the ground with a crash or steel and bone. She shakes the blood, which falls with the light patter of rain, from her blade and sheaths it.

+3 to Chance to hit.

The exact bonuses are at the discretion of the GM. Rule of thumb: it’s not quantity, but quality that counts. Also, keep in mind that an RPing bonus can effect other actions, such as skill checks. As always, the bonus is at the discretion of the GM.


A talent point is awarded per level and for the successful completion of mini-quests, as well as participation in events. Talent points are used to “buy” skills from the Talent Book. The use of a talent point and what it was used for must immediately be sent as a notice to Royal Guard in a PM.


1 per Level

For certain quests

For participation in events

For best RPer award in events

For best RPer award once per month


Costs: SCHOLAR (1 S, 2 V, 3 G); VAGABOND (1 V, 2 G, 3 S); GRUNT (1 G, 2 V, 3 S).

Costs are always at least 1 TP. Special race-named Talents are –1 TP for the race it names.

Please note that stat/chance to dodge and hit/and other increases do not stack (ie. an L2 replaces L1 and so on).

[edit] Stat Boosting

Goron Strength L1 +1 to STR 1 TP

L2 +2 to STR 1 TP

L3 +3 to STR 2 TP

Human Defense L1 +1 to DEF 1 TP

L2 +2 to DEF 1 TP

L3 +3 to DEF 2 TP

Deku Agility L1 +1 to AGI 1 TP

L2 +2 to AGI 1 TP

L3 +3 to AGI 2 TP

Hylian Intelligence L1 +1 to INT 1 TP

L2 +2 to INT 1 TP

L3 +3 to INT 2 TP

Zora Spirit L1 +1 to SPI 1 TP

L2 +2 to SPI 1 TP

L3 +3 to SPI 2 TP

Exceptional Spell—SPL is your total Magic Power pool from which your derive the strength to cast spells.

L1 +1 to SPL 1 TP

L2 +3 to SPL 2 TP

L3 +5 to SPL 3 TP

Exceptional Health—The following add to your total Health Points pool.

L1 +10 to HP 1 TP

L2 +30 to HP 3 TP

L3 +50 to HP 5 TP

[edit] Weapon Upgrades

Train: Spear L1 Can now use 1 TP

Grunt L2 +1 Chance to hit 1 TP

Restricted: Fairy, Deku L3 +3 Chance to hit 2 TP

L4 +2 DMG 3 TP

Train: 2H Sword L1 Can now use 1 TP

Grunt L2 +1 Chance to hit 1 TP

Restricted: Zora, Sheikah, L3 +3 Chance to hit 2 TP

Fairy, Deku L4 +2 DMG 3 TP

Train: Bow L1 Can now use 1 TP

Grunt L2 +1 Chance to hit 1 TP

Restricted: Fairy, Deku L3 +3 Chance to hit 2 TP

L4 +2 DMG 3 TP

Train: Slingshot L1 Can now use 1 TP

Scholar L2 +1 Chance to hit 1 TP

Restricted: None L3 +3 Chance to hit 2 TP

L4 +2 DMG 3 TP

Train: Cane L1 Can now use 1 TP

Scholar L2 +1 Chance to hit 1 TP

Restricted: None L3 +3 Chance to hit 2 TP

L4 +2 DMG 3 TP

Train: Boomerang L1 Can now use 1 TP

Vagabond L2 +1 Chance to hit 1 TP

Restricted: None L3 +3 Chance to hit 2 TP

L4 +2 DMG 3 TP

Train: Garrote L1 Can now use 1 TP

Thieves only L2 +1 Chance to succeed 1 TP

Restricted: None L3 +3 Chance to succeed 2 TP

L4 +2 DMG 3 TP

Train: 2H Hammer L1 Can now use 1 TP

Grunt L2 +1 Chance to hit 1 TP

Restricted: Zora, Sheikah, L3 +3 Chance to hit 2 TP

Fairy, Deku L4 +2 DMG 3 TP

[edit] New Spells

Learn: Resurrection—Revive any ally from the dead with 25% of their HP and SPL restored.


Cost: 15 SPL

Restricted: Clerics only

L1 Can cast 3 TP

L2 50% restored 4 TP

L3 100% restored 6 TP

Learn: Spell—See above, has a very random effect.

Cost: 4 SPL

Shadow Magic

Scholar only

L1 Can cast 1 TP

L2 +1 to Chance to affect 1 TP

L3 +3 “ 2 TP

L4 +5 3 TP

Learn: Jump—Can jump up to 15ft in the air. Lasts one round.

No element

Cost: 2 SPL

Anyone can learn

L1 Can cast 1 TP

L2 Jump 30 ft 3 TP

Learn: Elemental Burst—Launch an attack at an enemy with a random element.

Element varies

Cost: 6 SPL

Anyone can learn

L1 Can cast 1 TP

L2 Can choose element 3 TP

L3 +3 DMG 3 TP

Learn: Life—Heal an ally for half their total HP


Cost: 8 SPL

Scholar only

L1 Can cast 2 TP

L2 Heals 75% of HP 3 TP

L3 Full Heal 5 TP

Learn: Fairy—Turn into a Fairy for one round, so you may pass through locks. Counts as a Life spell when used on Fairies.

Restricted: Fairies cannot learn this spell.


Cost: 10 SPL

Scholar only

L1 Can cast 1 TP

L2 Lasts two rounds 2 TP

L3 Lasts three rounds 3 TP

Learn: Thunder—The ultimate spell, attack all enemies around you with a lightening attack.


Cost: 12 SPL

Anyone can learn

L1 Can cast 3 TP

L2 +25% more DMG 4 TP

L3 +50% more DMG 6 TP

Learn: Shield—Temporarily adds +25% of your DEF rating.


Cost: 10 SPL

Anyone can learn

L1 Can cast 1 TP

L2 Lasts two rounds 2 TP

L3 Lasts three rounds 3 TP

Learn: Temple Services—Heal an ally to full HP


Cost: 10 SPL

Restricted to Clerics

L1 Can cast 2 TP

Learn: Elemental Explosion—Fire off a huge explosion at all enemies in immediate area using a random element.


Cost: 14 SPL

Restricted to Mages

L1 Can cast 3 TP

L2 Can choose element 6 TP

L3 +5 DMG 6 TP

Learn: Polymorph—Remove an enemy from combat for three rounds (disrupted by being attacked) by transforming it into a harmless, aimless Cucco. As a Cucco, a player retains their stats, but may not perform any actions or attack until the spell wears off.


Cost: 8 SPL

Restricted to Mages

L1 Can cast 2 TP

L2 Won’t break on hit 5 TP

Learn: Royal Spirit—This is a personal (can only be used on self) healing spell that can only be used when a Vassal is at 25% of HP or less. Initially restores a Vassal to 25% HP.


Cost: 7 SPL

Restricted: Vassals only

L1 Can cast 1 TP

L2 Restores to 30% HP 2 TP

L3 Restores to 50% HP 5 TP

[edit] New Abilities

Swim—Allows you to swim through calm streams and rivers no deeper than 5 feet.

Note: Zora start with L1 of this ability.

L1 Can swim 1 TP

L2 Can dive 2 TP

Dig—Allows you to smash through cracked walls of earth and stone with your bare hands.

L1 Can dig 2 TP

Sprint—Allows you to double your movement speed for a round.

L1 Can sprint 2 TP

Dual Wield—Wield two weapons at once, with a DMG penalty on the off-hand weapon (off-hand does 50% of normal DMG). When checking if you hit, you only do so once: for both arms at the same time.

Note: Available to Grunts and Vagabonds only (TP cost is +1 for Vagabonds)

L1 Can dual wield 1 TP

L2 Penalty reduced to 25% 2 TP

L3 Penalty eliminated 4 TP

Disarm Trap—Allows you to deactivate any trap you detect using an awareness check with a successful Innate check.

Restricted to Thieves and Rangers only

L1 Can disarm traps 1 TP

L2 +3 bonus to check 2 TP

L3 +5 bonus to check 3 TP

Calm Beast—Allows you to remove a beast enemy from battle (as long as it is not struck for the duration) for three turns upon a successful Innate check.

Restricted to Rangers and Nomads only

L1 Can calm beasts 1 TP

L2 +3 bonus to check 2 TP

L3 +5 bonus to check 3 TP

Track—Allows you to search a room for tracks to determine the movement of enemies through the room and what may lie in the rooms beyond. Requires a successful Innate check.

Restricted to Rangers and Nomads

L1 Can track 1 TP

L2 +3 bonus to check 2 TP

L3 +5 bonus to check 3 TP

Pick Lock—Allows you to pick a lock on a door or check as long as you possess a skeleton key and perform a successful Innate check.

Restricted to Thieves

L1 Can pick locks 1 TP

L2 +3 bonus to check 2 TP

L3 +5 bonus to check 3 TP

Choke—Allows you to choke an enemy, thus removing it from combat (as long as it is not struck for the duration) for three rounds. To choke an enemy, first you must successfully stealth in the previous round, then use an Innate check to sneak up behind the enemy and choke it with a Garrote. Failure leaves you vulnerable to a free attack by the enemy, which you may counter with a dodge check.

Restricted to Thieves only

L1 Can choke 1 TP

L2 +3 bonus to check 2 TP

L3 +5 bonus to check 3 TP

Leadership—Allows you to assume command of the party and rally its morale to the defeat of an obstacle. By using Leadership you choose to temporarily (for three rounds) buff a stat. Stat is further buffed by +1 if entire party targets a single enemy.

L1 +3 buff to stat 2 TP

L2 +5 buff 4 TP

L3 +7 buff 6 TP

Stealth—Allows a thief to temporarily remove themselves from sight in the next round. Requires a successful Innate check to perform.

Restricted to Thieves only

L1 Can stealth 1 TP

L2 +3 to check 2 TP

L3 +5 to check 3 TP

Pick Pockets—Allows a thief, while stealthed, to pick the pockets of an enemy or npc for trinkets or Rupees. Requires a successful Innate check.

Restricted to Thieves only

L1 Can pickpocket 2 TP

L2 +3 to check 2 TP

L3 +5 to check 3 TP

Find Sustenance—Allows you to scour the area you are in for food/drink to replenish HP/SPL. Requires a successful Innate check. Food/drink can be shared with party members.

Restricted to Nomads only

L1 Can Find Sust. 1 TP

L2 +3 to check 2 TP

L3 +5 to check 3 TP

Disarm—Once per three combat rounds, this allows you to knock the weapon(s) out of an opponents hands with a successful Innate check. The enemy can counter with a successful Dodge check. Disarm also causes DMG as normal, even if it doesn’t disarm the enemy.

Restricted to Grunts

L1 Can Disarm 1 TP

L2 +3 to check 2 TP

L3 +5 to check 3 TP

Unarmed Combat—Hone your extremities to become effective weapons in unarmed combat. DMG amounts can be supplemented with STR bonuses.


Restricted: Fairies and Deku cannot learn

L1 Unarmed attacks cause 5 DMG 2 TP

L2 “ cause 8 DMG 4 TP

L3 “ cause 10 DMG 6 TP

L4 “ cause 15 DMG 8 TP

It’s Just Business—Every time a mercenary or the party the mercenary is in defeats an enemy, the mercenary gains one rupee. This is a passive talent, does not need to be activated.

Restricted: Mercenaries only

L1 Applies 2 TP

L2 Gain 2 Rupees 4 TP

L3 Gain 3 Rupees 6 TP

Exceptional Endurance—Whenever a nomad is delivered an attack that would otherwise kill them, the nomad can roll a d20. If the dice is (1-5) they are reduced to 1 HP and survive, (6-20) they die as normal. This is a passive ability.

Restricted: Nomads only

L1 Applies 2 TP

L2 (1-7) saves you 4 TP

L3 (1-9) saves you 6 TP

Honorable Kill—Once per three combat rounds, a Vassal can execute a deadly critical attack that will double its DMG if it is the death blow (with doubled damage). Catch is, Vassal has to be lucky enough to time this attack correctly.

Restricted: Vassals only

L1 Can use 2 TP

The King’s Banner—Once per battle, a Vassal can unfurl the Royal Family’s Banner as an inspiration to their comrades. Entire party gains a buff to DEF for the next round that they perform.

Restricted: Vassals only

L1 Can use (+1 to DEF) 1 TP

L2 +2 to DEF 2 TP

L3 +3 to DEF 3 TP

Nomadic Awareness—This is a passive ability. A Nomad automatically gains +2 to all Awareness checks.

Restricted: Nomads only

L1 Applies 1 TP

L2 +3 bonus 2 TP

L3 +4 bonus 3 TP

Arcane Archery—One must possess this talent to use Ice, Fire, or Light Arrows.

L1 Applies 2 TP

Epic Poem—Once per battle, a scribe may spend one round scribbling on parchment which then buffs all their party members by +2 to all stats and HP/SPL. Buff lasts 2 rounds.

Cost: 5 SPL

Restricted: Scribes only

L1 Can use 1 TP

L2 +3 buff 2 TP

L3 +5 buff 4 TP

Master of Linguistics—A passive ability. A Scribe receives a +10 bonus to any Translate checks.

Restricted: Scribes only

L1 Applies 1 TP

L2 +20 bonus 3 TP

The Quill is Mightier than the Sword—Once per battle, a Scribe can spend a round scribbling on parchment a detailed description of an enemy’s anatomy, and then give the scroll to any party member or keep it themselves (all of this occurs in one round). The receiver of the scroll can then use it on their next round to execute a devastating double-damage critical attack on the described on the enemy. If scroll is unused by the end of battle, it disappears.

Cost: 10 SPL

Restricted: Scribes only

L1 Can use 2 TP

L2 Scroll triples DMG 5 TP

Enterprise—When in the presence of a bag of Rupees (via Spell, loot on a dead body, or a treasure chest in the room) a Mercenary gains +1 to all stats (excluding SPL and HP).

Restricted: Mercenaries only

L1 Applies 1 TP

L2 +2 bonus 2 TP

L3 +3 bonus 3 TP

Musical Talent—Non-bard characters must possess this talent to use musical instruments.

L1 Applies 1 TP

[edit] Learn Languages

Speak: Moblinish—Allows you to read and speak the Moblinish language.

“Mub gur dab muhg turn garn.”

Anyone can learn

L1 Read/Speak Moblinish 1 TP

Speak: Gerudic—Allows you to read and speak the Gerudic language.

Anyone can learn

L1 Read/Speak Gerudic 1 TP

Speak: Ancient Hylian—Allows you to read and speak the Ancient Hylian language.

“Parlere verbam Hylianae linguae.”

Anyone can learn

L1 Read/Speak A. Hylian 1 TP

Speak: Infernal—Allows you to read and speak the damned tongue of the depths of Death Mountain.

“Krare trenactum de sprek Dek Muntonas.”

L1 Read/Speak Infernal 2 TP

[edit] Learn Songs

All Bards have –3 TP when purchasing a Play: Song talent. Minimum is, as always, 1 TP to pick up a talent. Bard-only songs do not receive this discount.

Play: Call of Din—Call upon the spirit of Din to strengthen your comrades. Improves STR and HP.

Cost: 5 SPL

L1 +3 to affected stats 4 TP

L2 +5 to affected stats 5 TP

L3 +7 to affected stats 7 TP

Play: Will of Farore—Call upon the spirit of Farore to fortify your comrades. Improves AGI and DEF.

Cost: 7 SPL

L1 +3 to affected stats 4 TP

L2 +5 to affected stats 5 TP

L3 +7 to affected stats 7 TP

Play: Spirit of Nayru—Call upon the spirit of Nayru to enchant your comrades. Improves INT, SPI, SPL, and Resists.

Cost: 10 SPL

L1 +3 to affected stats 4 TP

L2 +5 to affected stats 5 TP

L3 +7 to affected stats 7 TP

Play: Elegy for the Departed—Play a mournful song for a dead ally, returning them to life with 10% of their HP and SPL restored.

Cost: 12 SPL

Restricted: Bards only

L1 Can play 3 TP

L2 25% restored 4 TP

L3 50% restored 6 TP

Play: Sonata of Restoration—Play a joyful song of blooming life to restore 25% of any ally’s HP.

Cost: 5 SPL

Restricted: Bards only

L1 Can play 1 TP

L2 Restores 30% 2 TP

L3 Restores 40% 4 TP

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