Common Freikorps Grue
From Hyfenwiki
Common Name: Common Freikorps Grue (GROO)
Scientific Name: Corposos Freiorformes
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Therapsida
Family: Lumetimor
Genus: Corposos
Species: Freiorformes
System: N/A
Planet: N/A
Biome: N/A
Habitat: N/A
Physical Characteristics
The Common Freikorps Grue is the species of grue that is most often referred to if anyone simply mentions a grue without specifying another type. It is actually an artificially bred species that has genetics from both the traditional Zork Grue and a Tyranid Broodlord. This grue, as all of the family, has an aversion to light. However, unlike just about all other grues, it IS capable of withstanding light. It is an intelligent animal, though not considered sentient, and can follow orders and understand the feelings of those around them.
Behavioral Characteristics
The Common Freikorps Grue is known as a ferocious on-command killer, and was bred and genetically engineered to be such. They generally never attain the state of a deep, REM sleep unless artificially induced. Instead, they have res periods in which breathing slows as in normal sleep, but other bodies systems remain more active, just below the level of normal activity. These rest periods do not coincide with any biological clock, and can be had whenever the individual wishes. It also allows for the organism to be near fully aware at all times.
Nutrition and Diet
Almost anything. The CFG digestive system has enhanced enzymes, acids, and dismantling systems that enable it to digest almost anything it injests. As with most grues though, they enjoy a steady diet of high level adventures.