C-20 A9 Plasma Projection Machine Pistol

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The C-20A9 Plasma Projection Machine Pistol is also called the "Bulldog" or simply the C-20.

First Deployed: 2197 (Baseline)
Type: Sub Machine Gun
Length: .45 metres (+31cm with bayonet)
Weight: 6.8 kg loaded (4.2kg empty)
Effective Range: 500m
Optimal Range: <25m
Rate of Fire: 720 shots/min
Ammunition: 5.2mm, 300 shots/cell
Fire Modes: Full Automatic

Overview and Function

Similiar to the C-19, the Bulldog is designed for use by fleet officers in times of emergency, as well as special combat teams and other personnel that either are not expected to engage in heavy combat, or require rate of fire and speed over accuracy. With only half the gauss coil length of the C-19 and a far smaller heating module, the C-20 has neither the range or the armour-piercing ability of the C-19, however, it does fire at a higher rate.

Ammunition: Both the C-19 and the C-20 can run on the same type of power cell. Roughly the size of a 20th century automatic pistol magazine, the power cell recharges automatically by leaching energy from it's surroundings, or by being slotted into a terminal. This can take up to 48 hours, as such, marines usually carry atleast 12 or so cells with them when entering sustained combat.

Attachments: The C-19 and C-20 are handle many different types of attachments, including grenade launchers, scopes, bayonets, target designators and silencers. One of the most popular features of both weapons is that their casings can be swapped out for custom made ones. Considering that most RFMs have a very dim view of the default casing, mods have become very popular, and have become a part of the social hierarchy of the RFMs, a well made or particularly original casing could propel an RFM to a position of respect within his squad.

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