Experiment 1337
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(Experiment 1337 is a prototype of the Tartarus Initiative, a project started to create a superspy, so to speak.)
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The Tartarus Initiative, started in December of 2233 by the Freikorps, was intended to design a "Super-Agent from Hell" (Zeth Holt, press release February 2, 2234). There were 13 different trials, each with 100 different subjects. Subject 1 of Trial 1 (1-001) would be denoted as 101. Experiment 1337 was Subject 37 of Trial 13, when they finally got it right.
Personnel File
Experiment 1337, referred to as '1337' by most members of the Freikorps, is 22 years of age, being created on December 30, 2239. He has dark brown hair, down to his eyebrows, a prominent nose, broad shoulders, and a frame so wiry his ribs show through his shirt, yet he can outclass most other members of the Freikorps in a contest of strength.
Personal Information
1337 is technically 22 years old, though his being a Freikorps Prototype resulted in accelerated growth in muscular and intellectual development, then the aging process being radically slowed, almost to the point of not aging at all. Life manipulation had never been successful, as shown with the failed Reno Projects, but when the Freikorps discovered they could stimulate various centers of the brain with short jolts of X-Radiation, to control the development of the bodily systems, they immediately attempted it again. This time, they succeeded. On December 30, 2239, Experiment 1337 was created.
From the beginning, he was different from the rest of his 1336 comrades. By the age of 3, when the prototypes started the rudimentary education program the Freikorps put them through, most of the prototypes hadn't been given the growth stimulant yet. He had, and was thus the largest person in his class, both physically and mentally. This advantage, unexplained to the other members of his class, led them to poke and tease at him, but he always refused to respond.
More is on the way.