World Wide Webbed

From Hungrysoftware

Revision as of 14:27, 9 June 2007 by Kieran Millar (Talk | contribs)
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(Up to Ducks)
"World Wide Webbed is the first official expansion pack featuring brand new levels constructed with new graphics and sound."

The second official expansion pack for Ducks, but the first huge official pack featuring forty new levels accompanied with new images and sound. Due to no new objects being added, the levels present a much more increased difficulty than the main levels, thus not being for the novice players. World Wide Webbed is currently unavailable to buy since the Hungry Software store is temporarily broken and its license status is unclear whether the creator will release it for free or will keep selling it.

"The ducks engine has the ability to use backdrops on level previews, as seen here from World Wide Webbed."

This pack is also notable for the first time inclusion of episode preview backdrops (as seen in the right picture) when previewing a level. Although version 1.2 of the game introduced this feature, it was not revealed until this pack extensively used such for its four episodes.

Since the expansion pack is exclusive to registered users, a four level demo is available for registered / unregistered users as a taster of the new levels.

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