This wiki is now defunct and will be hosted on scratchhpad due to spammers. You guys have'nt even found half of the humor team's stuff!

User talk:Jifdjijfjiij

From Humor Team Meta

Revision as of 01:38, 14 January 2008 by Ye Olde Luke (Talk | contribs)
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GRAVY YUMMY :3 Galleio 14:10, 12 January 2008 (EST)

UNH UH IT BETTER WITGOUT GROSS MIXTURE Galleio 14:16, 12 January 2008 (EST 


You have been blocked for 2 weeks in accordance with Humor Team Policy. The reason the block is not permanent is because I feel every user is entitled to his or her opinion, however, flaming or insulting other users is not acceptable. --Ye Olde Luke (talk) 20:38, 13 January 2008 (EST)

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