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Cómo ganar dinero

From Huasitodf

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Revision as of 03:07, 30 Septiembre 2006

Como sabes, este artículo es sobre ganar dinero. Yeah. Bueno?!!

Primer método:

Do you see that sidewalk out yonder? The gray floor? Walk on top of it. Good. Now I want you to pick up a solid 100% authentic oaken club with titanium foil and lead insides. Where do you find this solid 100% authentic oaken club with titanium foil and lead insides? Go rob a bat store, dumbo, and we'll meet you back here.

Now, that you have the club, do you see that old lady out there? The one who looks like she could do with a nice beating from her husband? Give her exactly what she needs, take her purse and RUN! Don't stop until you see your apartment, tin shack, forest, or wherever you live in. If the police bust you (damn, they're so annoying) beat the shit out of them with the club call Mr. T. He will exact his pitying revenge on the cops (serves them right!), and then will pity you, making you miserable as hell. But hey, it's better than serving 10 years in jail, right?

Segundo Método:

Ok, so you don't want to get pitied or get busted by the cops. That's OK. There's many other different methods. Do you see the large house with the sign "Airport" on it? What? It's not a house? Fuck you you're going to hell bitch Fine. It's an airport. (I'd love to beat the crap out of you...) Ok, now I want you to raise your hand and ball it into a fist. Good. Now I want you to force that fist at the security guard. Don't hesitate for the killing blow, or he will shoot you down (and that's much worse).

Get on the plane. Now I want you to take your Colt Magnum 0.1mm and raise it in the air and demand money. What? You don't have a Colt Magnum??? OMGZOR N00B!!!!! Now you gotta walk down the plane, punch your way through millions of police officers, kill the dude who owns a Colt Magnum 0.1mm and then come right back and then hijack the plane. You definitely failed on this one, you idiot.

Tercer Método:

Ok esta es otra guía para aquellos aweonaos ingenuos al extremo. Tiene que ver con una pistola. Ahora ANTES DE QUE HAGAS ALGO, QUIERO QUE CONSIGAS UNA PISTOLA. En serio, voy a sacarte tu maldita cabeza y pegarla con cola fría si no consigues una. Ohh? ¿Ya tienes una?. Te salvaste. Qué alivio.

Ahora, necesitas caminar a la casa que es blanca. Una vez que estés en la casa que es blanca, necesitas caminar y subir y subir a una habitación rodeada de guardias. Elíminalos y entra a la sala. ¿Ves a aquél tipo detrás del escritorio Ese weón raro con el pelo blanco por el que votaste? Quiero que tomes la pistola y la apoyes en el ojo de esa perra amigo. Díle lenta y claramente que quieres dinero, o le dispararás en la cabeza. Qué? ¿¡No trajiste las balas?!? Bueno, estás cagado si el dice que no, pero piensas que tienes 50 % de probabilidad de que ganes.

Sales victorioso, pensando en las prostitutas que podrás contratar, en vivir en Las Bahamas, pero lo que no te diste cuenta, es que el llamó a la CIA, y te han disparado en el trasero a muerte.

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