Sam's Lake

From Horrormovies

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Sam and her friends go to a camp by a lake after her father dies. She and a local boy tell them a tale about the history of Sam's lake. Soon, Sam and her friends find themselves being stalked and haunted by a mysterious strange. And Sam's friends begin to die, one by one. Can they escape the horror that is Sam's lake?


  • Fay Masterson ... Sam
  • Sandrine Holt ... Kate
  • William Gregory Lee ... Jesse
  • Stephen Bishop ... Franklin
  • Megan Fahlenbock ... Melanie
  • Salvatore Antonio ... Dominik
  • Robert William Smith ... Father




Usually, I love camp-type slasher/horror films. But this one is different from those ones. In the middle of it, fifty minutes in this, there is a great twist that most would never see coming. I didn't anyway, even though when I went back and rewinded the movie, I saw the clues leading to the climax. Anyway, this movie began to grow exciting until the end, where it fell short. I enjoyed most of it, though. The acting wasn't horrible, the blood scenes weren't all too bad. I hope that this comes out with a sequel or a remake, but this is a definte must see, just for the twist.


Sorry gore fans, nothing brutal here. But we do see some stabbings, some people beaten to death and if I remember correctly, a drowning!


The twist was amazing, the characters weren't annoying, except for one, and the scenery was beautiful. If you don't want something big budget, but not too low budget either, something without the big WHOA in it that you can relax and watch in peace, this is the film for you!

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