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From Honest Honesty

Revision as of 20:51, 9 April 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
Welcome to the
Codex of Honest Honesty!
This month’s featured article:
Libertarian Girl
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The Codex of Honest Honesty is a compendium devoted to the philosophy of Honest Honesty, more commonly known as True Classical Liberal Neo-TeX Laissez-Faire Anarcho-Capitalism. More specifically, this codex aims to focus on the various exciting happenings surrounding the Honest Honesty movement, as well as the closely related Libertarian movement.

Articles here are written from an Honestly Honest Point of View, which makes this codex distinct from

  • Conservapedia, which adopts a Superstitious Point of View;
  • Wikiality, which adopts a Tubular Point of View;
  • Citizendium, which adopts an Elitist Point of View; and
  • Wikipedia, which adopts a Treasonous Point of View.

If you would like to contribute to this codex, please register for an account, and take some time to read the editing help page which contains editing instructions and style guidelines.

And last but not least: happy browsing! <plain_html> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> var sc_project=1478118; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_partition=13; var sc_security="fc9a38a2"; var sc_remove_link=1; </script>

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