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D20 RPG/Feats
From Hmb
< D20 RPG
You get to choose one new feat every few levels. Each class has set levels in which you can choose a new feat. Below is a list of all the feats you can choose from.
[edit] Feat List (Unifinished)
- Two-Weapon Fighting: This feat reduces the attack penalty of a character wielding a double bladed weapon or two weapons. The normal penalties of -6 for the main hand and -10 for the off hand are reduced by 0/4, to a total of -6/-6. Use of a "balanced" weapon in the off hand can further reduce the attack penalty by 2/0, to a total of -4/-6.
- Improved Two-Weapon Fighting: Reduces attack penalty for wielding two weapons or a double-bladed weapon by 2/2 for a total of -4/-4. A "balanced" weapon in the off hand can further reduce the attack penalty by 2/0, to a total of -2/-4.
- Master Two-Weapon Fighting: Reduces attack penalty for wielding two weapons or a double-bladed weapon by 2/2 for a total of -2/-2. A "balanced" weapon in the off hand can further reduce the attack penalty by 2/0, to a total of 0/-2.
- Armor Proficiency (Light): Allows the use of light armor.
- Armor Proficiency (Medium): Allows the use of medium armor.
- Armor Proficiency (Heavy): Allows the use of heavy armor.
- Caution: Gives a +1 skill bonus to Demolitions and Stealth.
- Improved Caution: Gives a +2 skill bonus to Demolitions and Stealth.
- Master Caution: Gives a +3 skill bonus to Demolitions and Stealth.
- Critical Strike: Doubles the critical threat range of a melee weapon. Also stuns the enemy (Fortitude Save of character level + strength modifier). Defense of user suffers a -5 penalty when used.
- Improved Critical Strike: Triples the critical threat range of a melee weapon. Also stuns the enemy (Fortitude Save of character level + strength modifier). Defense of user suffers a -5 penalty when used.
- Master Critical Strike: Quadruples the critical threat range of a melee weapon. Also stuns the enemy (Fortitude Save of character level + strength modifier). Defense of user suffers a -5 penalty when used.