The Assassin's Guild

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The Assassin's Guild

The Assassin's guild was formed for the expressed purpose of protecting the people. They do not randomly DM and they do not kill anyone they are paid to kill. Their leader Dante Monichi has temporarily disbanded the group till he is able to restablish his contacts.

The Three Tennants

1. You do not kill innocents.

In the course of an assassination you only kill your target noone else.

2. Don't get caught.

All assassinations must be performed in private and with the person fully knowing whats going on. For example attracting a target to a hotel then telling them that the client sends their regards.

3. Do What you Must to Complete the Assassination.

If you must bribe a cp then do so. If you have to ask for the help of a fellow assassin then so be it as long as the other tennants are followed then it is allowed.


The Guild has connections to almost every group on the server and does not discriminate its clients only its targets. They could be hired by a member of the black hand to kill a member of the providers and then hired to kill black hand by someone else we do not hesitate to kill such people for we believe that they do not have the peoples interests at heart. We do not kill simple people who are trying to survive the combines repressive rule. We also have many contacts within the Civil Protection we use them as needed and reward them for their services.

Since it's creation no member of The Guild has ever been caught by citizens and Cps alike. --Maddog 22:38, 19 February 2008 (EST)

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