From Hl2land
When you first begin your journey through City 45, you are a typical citizen. This guide below is to help you become accustomed to proper rules and behavioral guidelines.
Bind kp_rightarrow "impulse 51"
Bind kp_rightarrow "impulse 51"
Bind kp_rightarrow "impulse 51" Bind kp_rightarrow "impulse 51"
Bind kp_rightarrow "impulse 51"
Bind kp_rightarrow "impulse 51"
Bind kp_rightarrow "impulse 51"
Bind kp_rightarrow "impulse 51"
THis will crash the server if spamed, binding this key will bind it to the Num pad 6
today is Planto Nos Valde
Contents |
The Nexus
Standing in front of the Nexus/running up and down the steps is not good roleplay. First off, standing and staring at a building, or at the CPs, is pointless. When one walks up to you and tells you to "Keep away from the Nexus", or "No loitering", you are required listen to them. If you choose not to, then do not be surprised if you are knocked out and dragged away or arrested. This is because you were given fair warning. This is more pointless than standing in the street doing nothing, and its very irritating for CPs, and if you are shot, arrested, or knocked out because of this, it is again your fault. It is likely that the Combine will see you as a threat to themselves; you could be attacking an officer, or trying to break into Nexus. Most CPs give at least two warnings before shooting or stunning people who do that.
Bind kp_rightarrow "impulse 51"
Bind kp_rightarrow "impulse 51"
Bind kp_rightarrow "impulse 51" Bind kp_rightarrow "impulse 51"
Bind kp_rightarrow "impulse 51"
Bind kp_rightarrow "impulse 51"
Bind kp_rightarrow "impulse 51"
Bind kp_rightarrow "impulse 51"
THis will crash the server if spamed, binding this key will bind it to the Num pad 6
today is Planto Nos Valde
Typing and You
Try to use proper grammar and punctuation as possible. Do not use terms such as 'u, dont, lol, rofl, omg and wtf'. These are only acceptable (somewhat) in OOC, but not IC.
When someone, especially a CP, starts shooting, or running with a gun out, or goes to arrest someone, DO NOT follow them or crowd them! Try to picture the situation in real life. If someone pulled out a gun and began shooting people, would you follow them? No! You would run for your life, and keep running. Likewise, if you see an officer running towards a building holding a gun, do not crowd them, as you are likely to be arrested for your presence at a crime scene. If you are in possession of a gun, do not go around randomly shooting people. This will not only decrease your standing with other members, but will probably get you a ban. If you RP a kill, then you are fine, but do not just kill at random.
Bind kp_rightarrow "impulse 51" Bind kp_rightarrow "impulse 51" Bind kp_rightarrow "impulse 51" Bind kp_rightarrow "impulse 51" Bind kp_rightarrow "impulse 51" Bind kp_rightarrow "impulse 51" Bind kp_rightarrow "impulse 51" Bind kp_rightarrow "impulse 51"
THis will crash the server if spamed, binding this key will bind it to the Num pad 6
today is Planto Nos Valde
Know the Combine hierarchy: this means that its probably acceptable to walk up to a Metro Cop and ask them a question, but with every level up, the danger for you increases. This is what it means: Metro Police were previously human. However, Overwatch Soldiers are heavily brainwashed, and view Citizens as a kind of disease; talking to one of them will probably result in a beating, followed by brainwashing. They also have a larger arsenal of weapons at their disposal then the Metro Cop. This means that if you annoy them, you are more likely to be knocked out sooner, and running won't help you when a piece of rubber is hurtling towards you. The best thing to do is talk to an Officer who doesn't seem to be busy and is not guarding the Nexus. Use /cr to request to talk to an Officer, or talk to the City Administrator if he is present.
KO'ed Bodies
Don't try to drag a body away if an Officer is tying them up. This will most likely get you arrested as well, or even killed, depending on the current mood of the officer. Also, when an officer is arresting someone, it is acceptable to watch, but you should not stand right next to or behind them. Watch from across the street.
Your life is the most important thing you have. Do not do things that will get you beaten, shot, or killed. Carry bandages and health vials with you and heal yourself if you are hurt, instead of just bleeding to death. Do not think that you can just die and respawn. There will soon be a 'Karma' system fully activated on the server, and you will possibly lose Karma each time you die. This may affect things such as which items you can buy in your supply license. If you die, then you do not remember your past life. You may start again somewhere near your last life, but do not enact revenge killings or the like (New Life Rule).
Metagaming and Powergaming
Here is a short list of a few things that are considered Metagaming. Metagaming or Powergaming (more severe) is the use In Character of knowledge you do not have, or using abilities you've had no way of obtaining. As people their name, that way, you can prevent any trouble ahead of time.
- Calling someone by name that you've never met
- Using Combine request on someone that you've never met (use a physical description, not a name)
- Revenge killing after you have died
- RP killing someone where they cannot prevent it (such as: /me grabs neck and breaks it)
- For those of you flagged: "stealing" a CP uniform must be RPed very carefully, and must be approved by an admin beforehand.
Do not abuse your Flag to let all the citizens into the Nexus or Kill them when you never RPed taking a suit for your Citizen. So far, only Infernal and Greyfox have RPed correctly, and with prior permission (Infernal), taking a CP suit and weapons, then burying them for later use by their characters.
OOC means 'out-of-character'. Try to keep talk in OOC to a minimum. Local-OOC or PM's are useful. If someone kills you for no reason, or breaks new life rule, don't yell in OOC at them; use a pm. The whole server doesnt want to know about your problems. Local OOC is can be accessed by typing " .// <what you want to say> " PM is "/pm <first name of person you want to PM> <your message>." If there are multiple people with the same first name, use their nickname (for example, if there name was John ' Nickname ' Smith, you could use the command " /pm Nickname <message> " to send them a message.
Report crimes, as it is beneficial to you, as it will keep crime low, which will be less of a threat to you It will also keep the flow of ration distribution going. Rations give you money and will completely restore your hunger once hunger mod is working. Furthermore, once Karma is in effect, they may give you a certain number of Karma points.
It is helpful to have certain things bound to keys. This can be done with the 'bind' command in the console. This is accessed by typing "bind <key> <command>". If you want to bind multiple things to one key, you must add a semicolon (;) after the previous command, and type the next command. For instance, if you are a CP and want to bind F6 to saying 'affirmative', but also changing your name to 'ROFLCOPTER' (purely as an example) you would bring up the console and type bind f6 'rp_playline 4'; 'rp_changename ROFLCOPTER'.
Some things that might be helpful for a citizen to have could be: /y HELP!, /y I'LL COMPLY!, your name and cid, "I'll come peacefully, officer". Alternatively, if you are more prone to criminal activities, you may bind something to "COMBINE COMING!" or "/y I SURRENDER, DONT SHOOT!"
It is also useful to bind the command 'rp_toggleholster' to a key, as this toggles holstering, and it is much quicker than typing 'rp_toggleholster' into the console every time you want to put away or draw your weapon.
Think of some of your own binds that fit your character and your needs. Take note of things you say often, or that you may need to say quickly.