Combine Training Guide

From Hl2land

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===Radio Function===
This is a basic function that all combine should learn. Now the chat command to use the combine radio is “/r <message>”.
The radio is used for communicating with other combines. Such as calling for help and calling for backup, sending in information about a suspect. You should make sure that any combine you are training understands the full use of the radio.
===Combine Requests for help===
===Combine Requests for help===

Revision as of 09:41, 30 December 2007




Combine Requests for help

This is a command that citizens can use if they have a radio to request help from the combine. The chat command to call for Combine assistance is “/cr <message>”. Now when a citizen requests for Combine assistance you should say on the combine radio “/r <message>” and tell the other Combine’s that you are going to investigate, aid, search. Depending on what kind of situation it is you will end up responding differently. So make sure you learn how to respond in different situations.

Binding Combine voice commands

The Combine voice commands are voice commands taken from half-life 2. An example of a voice command would be a combine saying “Move along.” Now to find all the voice commands currently in the script for the combine you type “rp_soundlist” in console and there should be numerous amounts of voice commands coming up. Now how you would bind one is by typing this in the console “bind k rp_playline 10” After you have entered this command in the console you can then press the key that you have bound the command too and then your character, if a combine will say the command in sound. Now for a more complex and better way of giving commands is adding text along with the sound command. To do this you would enter this into the console “bind k rp_playline 10; say Move along.” Once you have entered this into the console when you press the button you will both play a sound command and a text command. You can also make your character yell the command “bind k rp_playline 10; say /y Move along.” This is a major thing a combine should know how to do.

Collecting Loans

One of the more fun tasks a combine can do is collecting the loans that citizens have taken out. To find what current citizens have loans that need to be paid type the command “rp_loans” into the console and a list of citizens and how much they owe should appear. If there are citizens that only owe small fees you shouldn’t worry about them as much as the citizens that have taken out large sums of money. Now comes the fun part. You use broadcast to call the citizen to the Nexus, either call them directly and hope they come or you can use a fake bribe of rations. Once they appear up at the Nexus you can either ask them to kindly come into the Nexus for the rations or you can beat them to unconsciousness and forcefully bring them into the Nexus ( Don’t forget to tie them up!) and into the interrogation room. This is the biggest room in the jail cell area that has no windows and on chair and one metal desk in it. Next you wait until they are awake and then you persuade them to pay it back or you can let them rot in jail for a bit until they either pay it or not. It is your choice how you go about getting loans back from the citizens.

Detaining Citizens

Detaining a citizen is when you knock them out, tie them up and promptly bring them to jail or to one of the other combine detainment centers. Like the Combine housing, Combine Storage and Train station detainment areas. Reasons to detain a citizen would be for numerous things, such as Anti-citizen behavior, trying to steal, doing stupid and/or irritating things over and over and any other behaviors that you think are worth being detained and questioned about. After you have brought a citizens to one of the area’s you can detain them in you then process them for what they did and either let them off with a warning or you bring them to the jail in the Nexus and then jail them for however long they’re sentence is. You are the judge, jury and prosecutor.


Another important chat command a Combine can do is called Broadcast. It is a command that will let you broadcast what ever is needed to every citizen in the city. This is very important for Judgment Waivers, calling citizens to the Nexus, and for alerting citizens of ration distribution. To use the broadcast command do the following “/bc <message>” Be warned though if you use it for idiotic reasons and a higher ranking combine catches you, you can be in a deep trouble.

Keeping the Nexus Citizen free

This is probably one of the things that tick off other combine the most. It’s when a Combine comes into the Nexus and leaves all the doors open so that any random citizen can rush on in. In order to stop this all you have to do is make sure that every combine door you open you either close it by aiming at it and pressing “use” or else waiting for it to close on its own. There are only two doors that combines must close on there own though, they are the two doors often referred to as “air lock doors” Since they are the secondary protection against any citizen coming into the Nexus. All you have to do is keep doors closed and you will be liked by the other combines in short.

Ration line watching

This is just as important as the Ration distributor. Your job is to watch the line to make sure citizen’s stay in line, don’t steal and you detain any that need to be detained. Now while watching the line you stand somewhere in plain view, watch the citizens for any rowdy behavior and make sure the line runs smoothly. The common fix for a citizen that is holding the line up is a stun stick to the face until he is knocked out and can be moved out of the way.

Ration Distribution

The job of the Ration distributor is a fairly hard position. To begin you make sure you have at least one other combine with you so that either you or him can watch the line. After that is established one of you will enter into the Combine ration distribution chamber. Then you should drop about ten rations on the floor out of reach of citizen’s grav and phys guns. Now when everything is ready you make a broadcast along the lines of “/bc Citizens report to the Train Station for Ration distribution.” Once citizens start to appear you will ask them for two things, they’re name and they’re Citizen Identification (CID). Then if you want to really role-play well you can do the following “/me checks Combine Database”. If they’re Name is wrong and you checked the combine database well that means you can have the Line watcher either detain or just throw him out of line. Now you can check the name and the cid with F4.If it is all correct should say either “Affirmative” or “Correct” and then precede to hand the citizen one ration.

Facial Scan (The Power of F4)

If you catch a Level One offender (Talked about later), don't immediately stunstick him to the ground. Approach him with your MP7; tell him to get against the wall. Then, tell him to face it. Tell him you will tie him up for security measures, and he will be untied when everything is sorted out.

After tying the offenders, they tend to turn around. Shout out, "FACE THE DAMN WALL" and stunstick them once. Then, ask them for their name and CID. After they say it, you can tell them to turn around for a facial scan, to confirm their identity. Once they turn around, face them, and press F4-and hold it. Now hover your mouse around a bit, until the box turns blue. Click and it will tell you his name and CID. If he lied, you can add 1-2 minutes for giving false information to a combine officer if he's telling the truth, you now have his information, and you can tell him his charges. At this point, he can't run fast enough to avoid you, so tell him to follow you to the Nexus cells, and tell them how long they're in. Written by Austin Bones

Melee combat training

Melee combat is kind of self-explanatory. All you have to do is make sure that the combine you are training understands how to use the stun baton to knock out a citizen. If you wish you can also duel the combine you are training with either your fists or stun baton, this is called sparring and is done periodically by all combines for exercise and entertainment.

Firearm Combat training

This is also another fairly self-explanatory training. Usually the combine have a marked area for Firearm training and is usually in the nexus. Once they have an area setup then you can train your trainee in the use of combine 9mm standard sidearm and the mp7. This also includes teaching your trainee in shooting for the legs of offenders to slow them down. You need to teach your trainee not to use guns as a first choice and to always warn and make clear their messages to the citizens.

Level One Situation

A level one situation can range from many different things depending on what kind of attitude and personality your combine has. I would say level one situation can contain anything from irritating a combine up to assaulting the combine with a melee weapon, not a firearm. For a level one situation the combine should at the very least give the citizen a vocal and text warning, or tie him up and throw him off somewhere to teach him a lesson. But you can also detain the citizen and bring him in for what he has done. I would say you should jail a person for a level one situation from 3-5 minutes. When Someone Runs away combines with standard issue side arms (combine9mm) are allowed the right to shoot the offender in the legs slowing the target down. This allows for stunning and detaining the citizen. But sometimes can lead to loss of blood by the offender so you should use this when you can handle that type of situation.

Level Two Situation

A level two situation is a much more dangerous situation for a combine. The situation can contain anything from a citizen using a pistol to kill another citizen to attempting to kill a combine with a pistol. For this type of situation lethal force is an okay thing to use if necessary. The time to use lethal force is when you are outnumbered and backup is still far away, the citizen has a high powered pistol and has already injured you fairly decent. If the citizen is running away and there is no hope of stopping or catching him besides the use of death. Now if you do manage to catch and detain a citizen for a level two situation I would jail them from 6-12 minutes.

Level Three Situation

This is the most dangerous situation for a Combine. This would involve anything from a citizen using a high powered weapon other than a pistol (Sniper, automatic, shotgun) and attacking a citizen or combine. It would also include armored robbery with the kinds of weapons listed above, and this would include an assault on the Nexus with weapons listed above. In these situations it is almost always necessary to kill the anti-citizen, since it is highly unlikely they will go with you willingly and they obviously will be able to kill you before you reach them with a stun baton. As for an assault on the Nexus you would be then required to turn the shield on for safety, initiate a judgment waiver and then go on to taking out the assaulting force. If in some miracle you do manage to detain a Level three offender then you should keep them in jail from 13-20 minutes and have a thorough investigation and interrogation. Often times leading to amputation, also known as executing the anti-citizen.

Judgment Waiver

A Judgment Waiver is a command that is started by either the City Administrator or a Combine ranked of HCP or higher. Any temporary combine or LCP Combine caught executing a judgment waiver will be punished. It doesn’t matter even if he was told to by a higher ranking officer. Another Combine that is HCP or higher should execute the command not you. Now to do a judgment waiver currently you treat it as a broadcast by typing “/bc Judgment Waiver is now in effect! Citizen’s return to your homes now or be detained! You have one minute.” It is suggested you repeat the command at least once but leaving out the one minute part. Now any combine can police the streets making sure all citizens make it to they’re homes. After the one minute period is up you can now use your stunbaton or beanbag shotgun to knock citizens out and put them into a hotel, or you can detain them for being out on the streets during a judgment waiver. In addition if citizens begin to taunt you by running in and out of a building feel free to knock them out and teach them a lesson. But remember just because judgment waiver is on doesn’t mean you go around and kill any citizen you wish that is outside. That is completely the opposite of what you should do. Now lastly once the city seems to be back under control you can end the Judgment Waiver by saying “/bc Judgment Waiver is now over, citizens return back to your normal lives.” Note: In the future there may be a command to call and end a judgment waiver.

Block Investigation

A Block Investigation is when a group of combines, preferably at least 3 enter a building and search that entire building. Whether it is for illegal activity, recent murders in the building or something that requires an investigation. Once again this is a command that should only be issued by a combine of the rank HCP or higher. Any LCP or Temp combine caught doing a command like this will end up being punished. Now when you go and search a building you should broadcast it after you are outside of it and prepared. “/bc A Block Investigation has begun on (so and so building) any citizen inside should move and face the walls of the room they are in. Any citizen caught attempting to escape or resist will be detained for further processing.” After that has happened the group of combines you are with should entire the building. One of you will watch the doorway, another should watch outside windows if there are any. And lastly the remaining combine should begin the investigation of the building. After you have searched and detained or destroyed what ever you need to do was finished you can return to the building exit and then state that the investigation is over. “/bc The investigation of (so and so building) is finished, citizen are now allowed to return to this building.” Note: In the future there may be a command to start and end a block investigation.

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