Citizen Rules

From Hl2land

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(Fuck off Frank, stop crying because you got banned for minging)
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=== Don't Punch Whore === Do not punch CPs or random civilians. This is what's known as "Punch woring" and may very well get you jailed, killed, kicked, or even banned. Do not go around punching people. It pisses people off. If you punch a CP, you'll be lucky if you make it away alive.
=== Don't Punch Whore === Do not punch CPs or random civilians. This is what's known as "Punch woring" and may very well get you jailed, killed, kicked, or even banned. Do not go around punching people. It pisses people off. If you punch a CP, you'll be lucky if you make it away alive.
=== Stay Away from the Nexus === The Nexus is the large building in the city that facilitates the Combine and their activities. The jail is also located here. It is a high priority building for the Combine, and for that reason, anyone near or inside the Nexus who is not following a direct order of the Combine will find themselves beaten, jailed, or killed. If a Combine officer instructs you to do something, such as move away from the Nexus or get off the Nexus steps, you are to do so immediately. Do not walk up the steps to converse with an officer, or request to visit someone detained inside the Nexus.
=== Obeying Orders === Listen to Combine orders. If an officer tells you to leave the area, face a wall, stop running, keep away from nexus, or something of the sort, listen to them! If you don't, you may be seeing the inside of a jail cell very soon. Likewise, don't get in their way. This will just piss them off.
=== Obeying Orders === Listen to Combine orders. If an officer tells you to leave the area, face a wall, stop running, keep away from nexus, or something of the sort, listen to them! If you don't, you may be seeing the inside of a jail cell very soon. Likewise, don't get in their way. This will just piss them off.
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=== Hierarchy === Know the combine hierarchy. This means that its probably OK to walk up to a Metro Police Forces CP and ask them a question, but with every level up, the danger for you increases. Here is what this means: Metro police are basically human. However, Overwatch soldiers are heavily brainwashed, and view citizens like a disease. Talking to one of them will probably result in a beating. Along with brainwashing, they also have a larger arsenal then the Metro Police. This means that if you annoy them, you are more likely to get knocked out quicker, and running wont help you when a piece of rubber is hurtling towards you. The best thing to do is talk to an officer who seems to not be busy, and who is not at the nexus. Alternatively, you could talk to the City Administrator if he is present. Use the chat command /cr <text> to send a Combine Request to alert officers of any crime in progress or about to happen. For those of you who don't know the hierarchy, it is as follows:  
=== Hierarchy === Know the combine hierarchy. This means that its probably OK to walk up to a Metro Police Forces CP and ask them a question, but with every level up, the danger for you increases. Here is what this means: Metro police are basically human. However, Overwatch soldiers are heavily brainwashed, and view citizens like a disease. Talking to one of them will probably result in a beating. Along with brainwashing, they also have a larger arsenal then the Metro Police. This means that if you annoy them, you are more likely to get knocked out quicker, and running wont help you when a piece of rubber is hurtling towards you. The best thing to do is talk to an officer who seems to not be busy, and who is not at the nexus. Alternatively, you could talk to the City Administrator if he is present. Use the chat command /cr <text> to send a Combine Request to alert officers of any crime in progress or about to happen. For those of you who don't know the hierarchy, it is as follows:  
*Temporary CP
*Trial CP
*Recruit CP
*Low CP-1
*Low CP-1
*Low CP-2
*Low CP-2
*Low CP-3 (Can now Possess a Beanbag)
*Low CP-3
*High CP or TL-1 / TL-2 (Squad Leader)
*Medium CP-4
*Medium TL-R
*Medium CP-5 (Can now Possess a Beanbag)
*High TL-1  
*High TL-2
*City Council Member
*High EU
*Overwatch Soldier
*Overwatch Soldier
*Overwatch Assassin
*Overwatch Assassin
*Overwatch Marksman
*Overwatch Marksman
*Elite OverWatch Soldier
*Elite OverWatch Soldier
*Overwatch Commander
*Lead Division Commander
*Lead Quality Commander
*Lead Elite Commander
*City Administrator
*City Administrator

Current revision as of 14:42, 18 August 2008



=== Don't Punch Whore === Do not punch CPs or random civilians. This is what's known as "Punch woring" and may very well get you jailed, killed, kicked, or even banned. Do not go around punching people. It pisses people off. If you punch a CP, you'll be lucky if you make it away alive.

=== Obeying Orders === Listen to Combine orders. If an officer tells you to leave the area, face a wall, stop running, keep away from nexus, or something of the sort, listen to them! If you don't, you may be seeing the inside of a jail cell very soon. Likewise, don't get in their way. This will just piss them off.

=== Knocked Out Bodies === Don't try to drag a body away if an officer is tying them up. This will most likely get you arrested as well, or even killed, depending on the current mood of the officer. When an officer is arresting someone, its OK to watch, but don't stand right next to or behind them. Watch from a distance. Crowding an officer when he is interrogating someone or zip tying them is just going to annoy them and make them paranoid, increasing the chance that you will get arrested, knocked out, or shot at or killed.

Act Responsibly

Act like you would if you were really that citizen. Don't jump around everywhere, yell for no reason, or run around in circles. Don't pull a gun out in view of the Nexus and every citizen on the street. (This includes punching your fellow citizens for no reason.) This also means don't do stupid stuff like constantly jumping up and down when an officer is trying to detain you. Doing that is just going to piss them off, and will not help you get away from arrest, just prolong it and aggravate the officer.

Don't Metagame

Staying in character is very important for a roleplaying script. Metagaming, in summary, is using Out of Character (OOC) information for use In Character (IC). This includes, but is not limited to: Not obeying New Life Rule (see below), using PMs as In Character, and instantly knowing someone's name or job title without it being told to you. (You're supposed to imagine their name and job title isn't floating above their head.)

Don't Powergame

Powergaming is similar to Metagaming, but can, in most cases, be far more severe. Powergaming is the use of priveledges or powers that you would not normally have, or are being used on people in a way in which they cannot be prevented/stopped. Such things include situations such as (/me stabs Player in the neck, causing him to bleed to death), "Psychic" powers (Mind reading, etc), Pretending to be a CP, when you've not stolen a suit (asked permission from admin then RPed stealing a CP uniform), and other such things.

New Life Rule

In short, the New Life Rule basically means that when you die, you remember little to nothing of what happened to you before you died. This means you cannot identify who killed you. You do remember such things as your occupation, if you owned a property, etc, but no specifics other than that. This applies to all Citizens and Combine alike.


=== Typing, and YOU! === You don't have to capitalize and punctuate everything, but please don't use abbreviations such as lol, omg, wtf, u, etc. If you go and buy something from someone, or get a ration from the Combine, say thank you, don't just run away.

=== Shooting === When someone, especially a CP, starts shooting, or running with a gun out, or goes to arrest someone, don't follow them or crowd them! If someone pulled an mp7 out and started shooting at someone, would you run up to the person?! No, you would run away screaming! Likewise, if you see an officer running toward a building with a gun out, don't follow them! You are likely to get shot, or be arrested for being present at a crime scene.

=== Hierarchy === Know the combine hierarchy. This means that its probably OK to walk up to a Metro Police Forces CP and ask them a question, but with every level up, the danger for you increases. Here is what this means: Metro police are basically human. However, Overwatch soldiers are heavily brainwashed, and view citizens like a disease. Talking to one of them will probably result in a beating. Along with brainwashing, they also have a larger arsenal then the Metro Police. This means that if you annoy them, you are more likely to get knocked out quicker, and running wont help you when a piece of rubber is hurtling towards you. The best thing to do is talk to an officer who seems to not be busy, and who is not at the nexus. Alternatively, you could talk to the City Administrator if he is present. Use the chat command /cr <text> to send a Combine Request to alert officers of any crime in progress or about to happen. For those of you who don't know the hierarchy, it is as follows:

  • Trial CP
  • Recruit CP
  • Low CP-1
  • Low CP-2
  • Low CP-3
  • Medium CP-4
  • Medium TL-R
  • Medium CP-5 (Can now Possess a Beanbag)
  • High TL-1
  • High TL-2
  • City Council Member
  • High EU
  • Overwatch Soldier
  • Overwatch Assassin
  • Overwatch Marksman
  • Elite OverWatch Soldier
  • Lead Division Commander
  • Lead Quality Commander
  • Lead Elite Commander
  • City Administrator

=== Death === Play like your life depends on it! Don't do things that will get you beaten, shot, or killed. Carry bandages and health vials with you and heal yourself if you get hurt, instead of just bleeding to death. Don't think, "Oh I'll just die that way I won't lose anything."

=== Out of Character === Use Out of Character chat (OOC) less. It's annoying when there is constant talk going on in OOC. There are alternatives: teamspeak, local-ooc and PMs. If someone DMs you or breaks new life rule, don't yell in OOC at them. Instead, use a PM. The whole server doesn't want to know about your problems. Local ooc is "[[text" or ".// text" and PM is "/pm FIRST NAME". If there are multiple people with the same first name, use their nickname or last name.

=== Crime === Report crimes. it will be beneficial to you, as it will keep crime low, which will be less of a threat to you, and keep the flow of ration distribution going. Rations give you money and will completely restore your hunger once hunger mod is working. It will also give you Karma, a new stat introduced to the server that allows people to judge how good you are as a player.

=== Binds === This applies to both citizens and officers. It is helpful to have certain things bound to keys (7 through = are good keys, since they aren't used). Some things that might be helpful for a citizen to have could be: /y HELP!, /y I'LL COMPLY!, your name and CID, I'll come peacefully officer, (if you are more prone to bad stuff, naughty you!) /y COMBINE COMING!, /y I SURRENDER, DON'T SHOOT!, things that go with your job like /y TRAVELING SALESMAN HERE, ect. Good things for Combine are: Face the wall!, Stop running!, Keep away from the nexus!, Get out of here!, Judgment Waiver is in effect! Get to your homes!, Final warning!. Think up your own binds that fit your character and your needs. Take note of things you say often, or that you may need to say quickly without typing to prevent something (such as you getting knocked out or shot) or explain something that needs an immediate response.

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