Confession Program

From Hkmsc07

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(Trial: Tabernacle (Live Skit))
(Trial: Tabernacle (Live Skit))
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Jesus looks up, says nothing, then drops his head from exhaustion.
Jesus looks up, says nothing, then drops his head from exhaustion.
Pontius Pilate:''' So be it!  I wash my hands of this trial.  Go now, Jesus of Nazereth!  Look at your life… what you’ve become!  These people want nothing to do with you!  CRUCIFY HIM!
'''Pontius Pilate:''' So be it!  I wash my hands of this trial.  Go now, Jesus of Nazereth!  Look at your life… what you’ve become!  These people want nothing to do with you!  CRUCIFY HIM!
[campers will be dismissed by groups of 2 to go through the trail accompanied by a counselor.  each pack (of 2 groups) should be accompanied by a counselor]
[campers will be dismissed by groups of 2 to go through the trail accompanied by a counselor.  each pack (of 2 groups) should be accompanied by a counselor]

Revision as of 02:18, 24 July 2007

Confession/Cross Program
Counselors: Diana Hong, Dustin Yoon, Geun Lee, Jenn Ryu, Monica Paik
Time: First night, 4-5 Hours
Place: Tabernacle, Soccer Field, Camp Fire, Forest
Cost: {{{Cost}}}


Counselor Volunteers

  • Jenn Ryu (thief)
  • John Kim (thief)
  • Andy Hwang(a Jesus)
  • Will Yang (guitar @ campfire)
  • Jeong-Oh (guitar @ campfire)
  • Andrew Hong (guitar @ campfire)


  • Flash paper/glue
  • Crosses
  • Microphone
  • Two projection screens
  • 200 feet extension cord
  • Amp
  • LCD projector
  • Strobe light
  • Glow sticks (white(25), red(5))
  • 3 white poster boards
  • Packing tape (clear)
  • 3, torches (will make from wood)
  • Rags wooded to torches to light
  • Opaque red paper that can be put over large lights
  • White sheets for all the Jesuses (9)
  • Yellow trucker rope (already have)

Tabernacle: Confessional Time, Letter Writing, Cross Writing

Start in Tabernacle with Confession Time: Approximately 1.5 hours, Diana & Monica will coordinate this portion Diana & Monica will coordinate a confession program with music, testimony, and cross writing. There will be one huge cross covered in flash paper in the center of the tabernacle surrounded by a circle of candles. Only red and black markers will be used to write on the cross.

Diana & Monica will explain in the beginning of the program that the campers will be writing letters to God, which will be burned in a fire after their confession to priests. They will explain that the letters should not directly be read to the priests, but used a guide to formulate their thoughts for confession, that no one will read their letters. Didi & Mon will also explain that they will go by groups to the center of the cross to write their sins in the form of symbols, phrases, pictures (emphasize: very lightly, since the flash paper is VERY fragile)

BEFORE this time, Tom must have other counselors start to transport chairs to the soccer field so that the confessional portion is not interrupted. Dustin will set up 2 projection screens (taped with white poster board) with Geun, along with an amp & microphone & extension cords from the Director’s cabin.

Trial: Tabernacle (Live Skit)

Lights will be turned off, except for one of the large lights covered with red opaque paper

Pontius Pilate: Jessuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus!! Do you know who I am? I am Pontius Pilate, Governor of this Judea Province! Do you have nothing to say for yourself?

Jesus, covered, stripped down to white shorts, has crown of thorns, red blood on body, is accompanied by two soldiers with torches, who are holding him up at the arms. Jesus says nothing.

Pontius Pilate: You Nazarean! Do you not know that I have the power to let you live or diiiiiiieeeeeeeeee??!! SAY SOMETHING!! DEFEND YOURSELF!!

Jesus looks up, says nothing, then drops his head from exhaustion.

Pontius Pilate: So be it! I wash my hands of this trial. Go now, Jesus of Nazereth! Look at your life… what you’ve become! These people want nothing to do with you! CRUCIFY HIM!

[campers will be dismissed by groups of 2 to go through the trail accompanied by a counselor. each pack (of 2 groups) should be accompanied by a counselor]

[2 campfires should be start to be lit by this time so that within one-hours time, confession will be ready]

Stations of the Cross

Starts from the open area by the Cafeteria and throughout the forest

First Station: Open field. Jesus, kneeling down, has a white glow stick in his hands. A pack of campers will surround him and see him praying. They will see red blood on his forehead/face, symbolizing the beads of blood sweat. Campers listen to Jesus praying the same thing over and over again… Jesus Christ Prays to God: Father, is it I, your son, Jesus. I am scared. What is to become of me? If you are willing, take this cup away from me. Your will be done, not mine.

The campers will move on to the next station after this. Jesus stay there until the next group comes.

Second Station: Entrance of the Forest before going in. Judas Betrays Jesus. Jesus is kneeling, praying… Judas, is standing in front of Jesus. Jesus: Judas, so you have come with your army to arrest me? You have come to betray the Son of Man with a kiss? Judas, kisses Jesus on the cheek, and says, “Arrest this man… he is the one who claims to be the Son of Man.” Jesus: All have dipped their hands in the cup of betrayal. All hold responsibility. Third Station: Jesus is scouraged. Strobe light in the forest at a distance, so that the campers will not be too close, but see what is going on. Jesus will be on the floor, crying out in sharp & loud moans, while a soldier scourges him! Fourth Station: In the forest, a male counselor (St. Peter) will be holding red glow sticks. There will be a female counselor’s voice in the background, but whom can’t be seen. Voice: You, Peter, you were with Jesus! Weren’t you?! You were with him, Peter! Shaking his head in disbelief and trepidation, he says “No… no… no, I wasn’t.” Fifth Station: At the exit of the forest, there will be Jesus with a cross. Kneeling down on the grass, there will be 3 women who will be weeping, crying looking up at Jesus holding the cross. The cries of the women will be heard while Jesus will be moaning.

[Reference for stations:]

Crucifixion & Who is your Jesus?

Soccer field, Chairs are already set up w/ projector & screen. Andrew Hong will be there with a guitar, playing songs and singing in the front, while the rest of the groups are finishing up in the forest. Geun will take the lead on the Powerpoint Video & Passion Film. Jesus, accompanying 2 soldiers, thief (Jenn, dark clothes) w/ accompanying soldier, thief (Ajushee, dark clothes) w/ accompanying soldier. Soldiers (shirtless w/ dark shorts) will have torches and start from behind the chairs/campers. Crosses will be laid out at the foot of the hill with a large light shining with red opaque paper. Music when thieves are taken to the Calvary @ Golgatha: Suspenseful. (Possible – The Capponi Library) Music when Jesus goes to the hill: Vide Cor Meum by Hans Zimmer


On a black background screen, in white letters will fade in… Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, and with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 This will fade out, and then it will say, “Who is Your Jesus?” These interviews are frank, talking about idolatry and the worldly things that we have made Jesus. (no more than 10-15 seconds/counselor). Counselor 1 interview. Different counselors will have different TOUCHING stories and it will end with a heart-warming self-evaluation directive. So, this will start worldly, but end with what it SHOULD be. Counselor 2 interview, etc. “WHO” should focus on how they’ve made ordinary people their Jesus (i.e. girlfriends, friends, parents…”

“What is your Jesus?” Interviews. These should be frank about how counselors have made their school, games (dota), material possessions, etc.

“Where is your Jesus?” Interviews. In my heart… In my friends… In my family…. In me.

“What is peace?” Interviews. Peace is God. It’s the knowledge/feeling that He will guard my heart & mind. In WHITE LETTERS, it will say: But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. - ISAIAH 53:5 Thieves will start their journey to Golgatha. Then PASSION Video will start. While the video is starting the thieves will finish their journey to Golgatha individually. Then Jesus will come with Hans Zimmer Vide Cor Meum music. The live crucifixion skit will correspond to the Passion Video, so that the campers can watch both. Thieves will be crucified first, then Jesus.

While campers are dismissed by groups to the campfires, Andrew Hong will be playing guitar.

The Sacrament of Confession @ 2 Campfires

4 priests, 2 at each station, William Yang will be at one campfire with guitar playing, Jeong-Oh Oh Oh will be at other campfire playing guitar; 8 chairs needed at campfire, 4 for the priests, and one in the front of the priest for confession.

After campers confess their sins, they will throw their letters into the fire as a symbol of resolution.

Final Resolution of Sins @ Tabernacle: FLASHPAPER GALORE

After campers are done with their confession and penance, they will gather in the tabernacle for the final cross portion. Diana will tell the students to gather, tell the students that the cross was once pure with all the goodness of Christ Jesus, but through our sins, we have written in His blood (red & black markers), we have stained the cross. However, through His ultimate sacrifice, (lights off - flashpaper is lit), we are cleaned through our sins (lights on). With the purification of sins, there are no ashes remaining (flashpaper is clean, no ashes), no sins remain… you are PURELY & COMPLETELY forgiven…. God does not hold grudges... it is PURE, the sin is gone... and all that is left is a cross... a reminder... of the COST to make those sins disappear.

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