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From Hkmsc07

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(Meeting Minutes)
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The hkmSC Wiki has been successfully set up.  The goals of this Wiki is to improve communication between counselors and to create a common base of knowledge.  Anybody is allowed to edit this, so please edit with discretion.  
The hkmSC Wiki has been successfully set up.  The goals of this Wiki is to improve communication between counselors and to create a common base of knowledge.  Anybody is allowed to edit this, so please edit with discretion.
==Meeting Minutes==
'''Meetings will now be Sundays after mass and Thursdays 8:30pm.  Please be punctual.'''
[] [] [] =-=
Ms. Juliana Lee (parent at HKM) will serve as a Budgetary Coordinator
*  Camp Memory Book (preferably electronic version)
      Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition,  
**From this year, we will make ‘Camp Memory Book’ and distribute to all campers and leaders
      and with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God
**Paper Book would be fancy, but pricy; Electronic Book is cheaper and portable
      that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.  
**We will discuss the details in the meeting
* Quality Assurance Staff and Historians
      Philippians 4:6-7
**We need three (3) Quality Assurance Staff and Historians
**They will document all of the prep progresses, plans, meeting minutes, and activities at the Camp
**They will photograph various items for Camp memory Book
**They will make sure that we follow the plans and milestones as designed
**They will design and publish Camp memory Book
* Theme & Bible Verses; need further discussions
* Prep status and progress
* Camp T-shirt design and contest for MCs/Counselors and Kids
**Winners will receive $50 gift certificate per each; one for MCs/Counselors shirt and one for Kids shirt
**If one wins both designs, $100 gift certificate will be given
**All coursers and kids from Baltimore, Harrisburg, and Cleveland Churches are eligible to participate the design contest)
** We will discuss the details in the meeting and will determine the final design contest specs.
* Counselor Join Deadline: 5/27
* Counselor Join Lock-in Date: 6/2 (Saturday)
**Will meet at Retreat Center (Bleu Room rented out)
**Dinner will be served
* Quality Assurance Staff will develop Emergency Protocols and Guidelines
**Medical emergency due to existing medical conditions
**Medical emergency due to accidents
**Other uncontrollable events and behaviors at the Camp
* Weekly meeting will be held after the Youth Mass at 4th Grader Room from 4/22
* Ms. Gabriella Oh will e-mail Ms. Juliana Lee and Mr. Daniel Kang the summary of material purchase for the 2006 Camp
* Will review the feedback from 2006 Camp
* Will check the status update re. kids from from Archdiocese of Taegu, Korea
    Jesus is Peace!
    Peace is Power!
    Power is forever!
    and Forever is Ours!
==Latest Meeting Minutes==
See the meeting minutes page.
Ms. Gabriella Oh will serve as Purchasing Coordinator and will be onsite.
Three (3) buses reserved
    Boen Transportation
    Phone (443) 535-0203
    Fax    (443) 535-0204
*Tom Kwon = the MC for this year’s Camp
*Paul Lee = the Co-MC
*Approx. 10 kids from Harrisburg Church will join the camp.
*Approx. 30 kids from Archdiocese of Taegu, Korea might join the Camp, but not confirmed yet (the exact details is TBD; the Church Office will inform us)
* Mr. Dongha Kim (parent at HKM) will serve as a Safety Coordinator onsite and oversee safety issues in evenings (from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m.)
====Movie Clips====
* Andrew Hong will work on the clips
* Andrew will choose ‘future movie producers’ and train them
* Discussed some ideas about the theme
* Handed Retreat Guide Books Tom Kwon and Paul Lee
*  Approx. 15 kids from St. Andrew Kim Korean Catholic Church in Cleveland, OH will join the camp.
  Youth Leader: Dustin Yoon
  Sunday School Director: Joan Kim
  Program Coordination: Catarina Kim
===Kick-off meeting===
* Deposit $2,000 sent to Summer Lake
* Need to develop detailed ideas re. the theme, ‘Peace in Him’
* Counselor selection and number of counselors
* Retreat Guide Books
* Camp Information
      Summit Lake
      7610 Hampton Valley Road
      Emmitsburg, MD
      Phone (888) 770-5338
      Fax    (919) 556-3458
      Kathy Coley (Business Director)

Current revision as of 05:33, 13 August 2012

The hkmSC Wiki has been successfully set up. The goals of this Wiki is to improve communication between counselors and to create a common base of knowledge. Anybody is allowed to edit this, so please edit with discretion.

Meetings will now be Sundays after mass and Thursdays 8:30pm. Please be punctual. =-=

[edit] Verse

     Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, 
     and with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God 
     that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. 
     Philippians 4:6-7

[edit] Slogan

   Jesus is Peace!
   Peace is Power!
   Power is forever!
   and Forever is Ours!

[edit] Latest Meeting Minutes

See the meeting minutes page.

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