Maria Ushiromiya

From Hinamizawa

Revision as of 22:00, 2 May 2008 by (Talk)



Name: -
Ushiromiya Maria Age: -
9 Gender: -
Female Date of Birth: -
Zodiac: -
Country: -
Japan Grade: -
3 Occupation: -
Home/Location: -
Ushiromiya Mansion Language(s): -
Japanese Weapon(s) of Choice: -
An umbrella. Current Status: -
Alive Current Virus Level: -
2 Character Song: -
幻耀の蝶 by Shinra Etsuko




At nine years old, Maria is the youngest known member of the Ushiromiya family, born to Ushiromiya Rosa and an as-yet-unnamed father. Due to Maria apparently being illegitimate, Rosa treated Maria as more of an annoyance than a daughter, even displaying cruelty to her on more than one level. Despite this, Maria loves her mother and firmly believes that someone else is doing this to punish her for "being a bad girl." After hearing of Oyashiro, Maria became obsessed with him, wondering if perhaps he is the one punishing her and wanted to go meet him to ask if he could make her mother better. It was perhaps due to this that Maria was sent to Hinamizawa to stay with her cousin, Jessica, for a few months.

In Hinamizawa (Updated Per-Cycle)

Cycle 1:

Cycle 2:

Cycle 3:


Not in Play character LATER

In Play Character LATER

Random Facts



NAMEGOESHERE is played by mun and NAMEGOESHERE is from the anime/game/manga series SERIESGOESHERE, which is owned/produced by NAMEGOESHERE.

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