Maverick Driver

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Revision as of 05:10, 26 October 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

Maverick_Failure is another one of the friendly users on The SSBB. We h8 him.

Sorry, Maverick. You're getting the UC treatment.


The User

There could be a lot written about Maverick if he actually had a personality. Sadly, he lacks one, and makes up for it by being a lolcow and a failure.


Maverick, like the rest of the lolcows on the SSBB, hates HereIsFree and doesn't understand what sarcasm means. However, that's as far as what can be said of him goes, truly. You can't really say he's dumb, but he just lacks so much personality and any individuality at all that it makes him notable ... for the fact that he is not notable at all. Srsly, Puffteam and Toad_allstar2 have more personality than Maverick.

Given this information, Maverick is probably a Conservative.

Maverick will be offended by this image.

The best way to troll Maverick is to act racist and sexist. Like any other good citizen, Maverick will be highly offended by it and resort to classic LOLCOW techniques. If this is the case, keep on trolling him. He of course isn't smart enough to just ignore you after some time.

Maverick is currently on the blacklist for being a nigger. The holy fist of Allah shall soon crush him.

Failing at InterLife

omg! maverick a spy for HereIsFree?!

Well, I did lie. There is one notable thing about Maverick. His level of failure is over 9000, easily. Like any noob who has no sense of humor, he resorts to face_mischief and buttsecks for "lulz." Oh, yeah, that sure is funny. Haven't we already gone over this before? When will these retards learn?!

But, oh yeah, he and his little retard friends sure find it hilarious. I'm sure they laugh maniacally whenever they see that little Down Syndrome face, spraying milk and apple juice all over their keyboards in the process. You know, because that face is SO FUCKING FUNNY.

Good lawd.

Oh, and did I mention, that, like any other given SSBB retard, Maverick has a vendetta against HIF? Yep. However, seems like he doesn't even have the balls to launch a riot against us. Well, none of those idiots do. Figures.

I do imagine that upon seeing this article Maverick will get butthurt and try to balete it all. However, he'll fail, seeing as how wiki pages are cached (doubt he'll read this line anyway. Srsly, this kid fails) GUESS WHAT GUYS HE ALREADY TRIED! lol


Just like any other user of the Gay Club of America, Maverick hates UC's ass. Expect him to make some nice edits to his page. How creative will he be? Call him gay? Tell him to commit suicide? WHO KNOWS?!

Let's piss him off even more, so he attempts to riot us and fails miserably in the process. What idiots on IGN don't realize is that HIF can automatically stop riots, which makes their vendetta against us fail. How dissapointing :(

External Links

On any given day, you can find some nice Maverick failure here.

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