Toad allstar2

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If Puffteam is the great king of faggotry, Toad_allstar2 is surely his right hand man and soul mate. Although perhaps not as coniving and arrogant as the puffmeister, Toad manages to be less intelligent and moar annoying on a regular basis than he. What does this mean? It means that he's quite possibly the most hated user on HereIsFree. Almost all the users there would absolutely love to see him hacked, and he he shares the largest bounty on the Blacklist with Puffteam. Toad's story begins in the wretched city of The SSBB, where he quickly became very popular for being an idiot.


Toad Rising

Toad_allstar2 was born a bastard child to the Laws of English Grammar, who abandoned him on the doorstep of Idiocy when he was but a wee babe. Idiocy took him in, both excited and shocked at the tiny, malformed baby before him, and raised him with all the love and nurturing that she could give. Toad learned the art of Dumb at an early age and was a master at that - perhaps the fact that he was born with Down's Syndrome helped this. By the age of 5, he was a master at Dumb. The boy was hailed as the dumbest boy around, and everyone loved him.

Amazingly, Toad was so dumb at age 5 that he had managed to turn into a nigger.

At the age of 7, Toad was given the opportunity to attend the prestigious college of Dumb, the "Community Thread," located in the city of The SSBB. Idiocy had a hard time letting her adopted son go, but, with such an opportunity ahead of him, how could she refuse? Again, Toad was left without parents: this time turned out to go to the big city, where he would learn the most hallowed and secret techniques of Dumb with people three and four times his age. Toad did not know, however, what he would find at the Community Thread: love and friends ... but also a great enemy.

Toad's legendary career would start when he first walked in the doors of the Community Thread, and learned of the secrets of AIDS.

The Early Exploits - Toad Finds Puffteam and True Love

Toad spent the next 7 years of his life in the Community Thread, learning of the secret arts of Dumb and the hallowed traditions of faggotry. If every tale was told from this time, it could fill a billion books. But none of these tales matter. lol.

By now, Toad was 14, and craved teh cock. But nobody would let have a taste, seeing as he had Down's Syndrome and looked like a fucking leprechaun. Because he could not get dick, he decided to try to suck dildos instead. It didn't work too well. Although he almost choked on them, they still did not fufill what he desired: hot, juicy come.

Toad was so desperate for it, he eventually set himself to suck his own dick. After taking a few yogo classes, he finally managed it, and he got his first taste of come. He became so enlivened from the experience that he continued to come, which, in the end, almost drowned him. He passed out, deformed dick hanging out for all to see, his own come streaming from his lips. The headmaster found him there and immediately woke him. In a rage, the headmaster expelled Toad and sent him to live out on the streets of The SSBB, as much an orphan as he was when he was born.

Toad fell into depression and despair? What could he possibly do now? Idiocy was miles away, he was alone in a scary new world, and, worst of all, he now had herpes in his mouth. Apparently, his dick had it too. Wutafag.

But, just before he fell past the point of no return, he met the young boy HORSE lol known as Puffteam. Puffteam was different than the rest. He had heavy Down's Syndrome, too, but he never had the opportunity to go to the Community Chat. Still, Toad felt feelings for him he had never felt for any other boy before. He knew, this time, it was really love.

The two began to see each other, and, one beautiful Spring day, in a lovely meadow, Toad sucked puffteam fucking DRY. There was so much come on the place, you could've thought you were in Antarctica. Afterwards, the two lay down upon the wet, hot grass, and took turns gently jacking off one another. Toad knew, at this point, that he would never leave Puffteam.

Toad and Puffteam loved to have the sex.

The Mid Exploits - The Return to the CT and the Discovery of Buttsecks [face_mischief]

Although Toad was quite content having nasty animal sex with Puffteam, whenever his herpes flared up they were unable to do so, which made them very bored. Although Toad was able to give Puff handjobs during this time, that just wasn't the same as a good ol' blow, and, when one outbreak lasted a particularly long time, the pair went crazy. Because they were rather bored, they decided to do something crazy for the lulz. Toad finally decided on it - take back the Community Thread, in epic faggot nigra fashion.

So the two did storm the Community Thread, succeeding all too well in a Zerg Rush that cumpletely destroyed the CT. The old holders of Dumb, the great regs, were driven from their home. And Toad and Puff were all too happy to reveal the secret of the art of Dumb, the original keepers of it actually only used it sarcastically and as a joke! Toad and Puff made themselves the leaders of the CT and vowed to do what the regs never did, actually be Dumb. They brought the CT into a new age of glory. They brought it into a new age of truth. They brought it into a new age of Dumb.

At this time, Puff and Toad once again grew bored. But this was not because of an STD. Blowjobs ... had just lost their magic. But they couldn't find any sexual practice to compensate for it! What could they do?

Their salvation finally arrived in the meek cry of a child. "It's titer in the but," he said.

Toad proceeded to rape him.

Why he was doing it, he made the most mischievious face. And to this day, Puffteam and Toad both love buttsecks, and they both make that face whenever anything vaguely alike to it is mentioned.

But, unbeknownst to them, the regs had planned their revenge.

The Latter Exploits - The Great War

When The Great War began, the CT was the first target. As the regs Zerg Rushed the CT just as the two lovers had done months before, chaos broke loose. The young students scattered in chaos, fear, and Dumb. Two were killed outright. The regs were finally repulsed by b&hammer, but the damage had been made. The CT was in chaos. The whole city of The SSBB was in shambles. Puffteam laid injured in his lover's arms.

It took some time for the city to regain even a semblance of order, but the couple quickly launched themselves upon it. They restored order and called the downtrodden Dumbs to arms.

The regs would not go back to their wretched hive of scum and villainy unmolested (lol). No, they'd bring the fight to the regs themselves. In just one day brave faggots NIGRAS marched across the plains of no-man's land, led by Colonol spigelwii, to launch the gr8 offensive on the evil forces of HIF. Too bad they were all IP b& before they could do anything. LOL.

But Toad still continues his fight to this day. He sincerely believes he can destroy HIF. We just have to see for ourselves (read: no).

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