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[[Image:Antilolzturtle.gif|thumb|The embodiment.]]
'''Puffteam''' is the lord of all that is [[Fag|gay]]. Srsly, this kid's a fag.
Puffteam would also like you to just [http://youtube.com/watch?v=OTti_gynVoU stick it in your Genesis].
== Puffteam, the User==
Puffteam has come to odds with [[HereIsFree]] several times since its inception, and is one of their few true enemies. He's also the "face" of the [[SSBB]], the wretched hive of scum and villainy that is the biggest enemy of HereIsFree. Moreso, he's credited for making the first forum MeGaBiTe ever declared [[JIHAD]] against, [[Puffs Online Network]] (no, I did not make a typo. He really did forget the apostrophe).
As you can see, this guy's agenda isn't too similar to ours.
Puffteam is thirteen years old, and acts like an average person of his age. Like a fucking idiot.
[[Image:Puffteam.jpg|thumb|Puffteam's a [[Fag|nigra]].]]
Puffteam is under the assumption that he's HILARIOUS. This would be true if [[buttsecks]] and [[face_mischief]] were top-of-the-line articles in the field of comedy. If they were, this guy would be as funny as George Carlin.
Puffteam has a guro fetish. He doesn't delete any of the guro porn we plaster his shitty boards with whenever we riot them.
Finally, this fucker really likes Kirby.
==Puffs Online Network==
Puffteam is most famous - and most hated - for making the only board that ever even came somewhat close to rivaling HereIsFree, '''Puffs Online Network'''.
[[Image:Pon fail.png|thumb|Puffteam's board had many new and original ideas.]]
[[Image:Pon mu.png|thumb|Puffteam never stole any ideas from any [[IGN|other board]]! Why would you believe such nonsense?!]]
Well, that was, until we rioted his shit, and then went through [http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/7_proxies 7 proxies] to continue to riot his shit. He put up a <strike>valiant</strike> fail fight for about half a week, and then gave up. His forum is currently [http://pon.forumarena.com dead].
We still riot in occasionally [http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/For_the_lulz for the lulz.]
==PON Riot Pix==
Image: News1.png|Lulzy
Image: News2.png|Dangerously Lulzy
Image: News3.png|Dangerously Cheesy
Image: Riot4.jpg
Image: Riot5.jpg
Image: Ponownage.jpg|Dangerously HereIsFree.
==Puffteam on IGN==
Naturally, this kid fails on IGN, too. However, he happens to be very well respected on the [[SSBB]] and can be considered their leader in the issues of our jihad against them. He's also probably the leader of their (failed) riots, and a friend of [[Toad_allstar2]], [[Maverick_Driver]], [[Scorptile3122]] (DECEASED LOLZ), and [[spigelwii]]. Coincidence? LOL I THINK NOT.
Puffteam is one of the major, and oldest, contributer of the fail of the SSBB and its Community Thread. He came around about a year ago and quickly amassed some 2,000 posts with dumbass one-word posts in every thread he could get his hands on. He quickly came to be hated. This only became worse when he went into a brief stint as a [[colorfag]].
He would have left, if not for [[The Traitor| feelafear12]]. Like with every other stupid idiot who had came on the board, feelafear established an [[Internet Love Connection]] with puffteam and caused him to stay. Good job, feela. This is exactly why we hate you.
Now that [[The Great War]] has begun with IGN, puffteam has became even moar arrogant and dumb, claiming that it is impossible for us to get into his account and fuck up his shit. We will. He has a 20 [[Point| point]] bounty on his head, the biggest of any IGN user (save Toad_allstar, who has the same bounty). Puffteam doesn't seem to know of the magic of Keyloggers. He will soon, though.
How nice to think of that?
==The Great War==
It has now come to this. Puffteam and the rest of his dumb friends have begun to attack HereIsFree, failing miserably in the process. Nevertheless, it's gay, and it's just making us moar angry at Puffteam.
A huge war has begun, and Puffteam is part of it. He is one of the main faces of the SSBB and can be considered one of their leaders. He has given his okay to the rioting of HereIsFree. We're going to be hyprocrites and say this is NO GOOD. Our hatred of Puffteam only grows stronger every day.
If anything, Puffteam now deserves moar than just his IGN account ruined. We may even get into other accounts of his. HereIsFree has the morality to not usually do this, but this retard has overstepped his bounds and is now a threat to HereIsFree itself. Puffteam is turning into something like LightYoshi. He's starting to get REALLY ANNOYING.
If you do obtain his password, feel free to screw up his shit on any other of his accounts. This douche deserves it.
==Gallery of Puffteam Fail==
Image: 102.png|Desu!
Image: 109.png|Desu!
Image: ImprovedPuffteamusercard.jpg|Desu!
Image: Sidewaysusercard.jpg|Desu!
Image: Myusercard.png|Desu!
Image: IPhoneUC.jpg|Desu!
Image: Puff.jpg|Desu!
Image: Puffteam_card.gif|Desu!
Image: Greencard.gif|Desu!
Image: Card.png|Desu!
Image: Lol.jpg|WHAT</gallery>
[[Category: Faggots]]
[[Category: Black List]]
[[Category: IGN]]

Revision as of 03:34, 28 October 2007

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