Peter LaBarbera

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Peter LaBarbara is a conservative from the US state of Illinois, who founded and heads two organisations called Americans for Truth and the Illinois Family Institute.


1 Whether it’s redefining marriage to legitimate sexual sin, indoctrinating impressionable schoolchildren with pro-homosexual lesson plans, (...) it’s all about the "gay" adults and their desperate need for approval of their lifestyle choice (...). (src)

2 (...) the movement for (gay) "rights" based on aberrant sex. (src)

3 We need to find ways to bring shame back to those who are practicing and advocating homosexual behavior. (src)

4 (...) most mothers are more concerned with protecting their children from homosexual activists, who insist on their supposed 'right' to propagandize young schoolchildren. (src)

5 [Gays, lesbians and their allies] routinely promote half-truths and lies in their quest to normalize behavior long considered taboo and sinful. Chief among those lies is the claim that homosexuality is a healthy, natural and fixed 'identity' - as opposed to a harmful, immoral and changeable behavior.

6 (...) apparently helped to recruit young Wade back into the gay life. (src)

7 Homosexual, bisexual and transsexual groups spend tens of millions of dollars every year to market and normalize their abhorrent lifestyles (...). (src)

8 The law is merely a tool in [the GLBT's community] never-ending quest to overturn America's Judeo-Christian norms regarding family, sex and marriage. (src)

9 (...) more corruption of youth at the hands of pro-homosexual activists. The movement that once asked just to be left alone is now pushing homosexuality on middle school students. (src)

10 (...) the proud homosexuals who speak of hell to mock [Jerry Falwell] will be headed there one day unless they repent and turn away from this lifestyle, as many men and women already have. (src)

11 PFLAG (...) is a national parents group that erroneously believes that the way to properly love a ”GLBT” child is by affirming his or her choice to live in a homosexual, bisexual or transgendered lifestyle. (src; src)

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