Linda Harvey

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Revision as of 15:11, 17 June 2006 by Foeke (Talk | contribs)

Linda Harvey is the founder and current president of Mission America, an organisation that "focuses on homosexuality from a conservative christian viewpoint". She opposes anti-discrimination laws for LGBT people.


1 [After a parent leaves the family for a same-sex partner], children are left to sort through the wreckage of selfishness and dysfunction. (src)

2 [Homosexuality is] an array of high-risk, abnormal behaviors. (src)

3 [Gay-Straight Alliances are] training groups that prop up the homosexual identities of vulnerable kids by fomenting bias against traditional morality, while concealing the grave risks of homosexuality. (src)

4 Some teens will engage in homosexual or bisexual behavior before they leave high school, and more will surely do so when it's treated with "respect" at their public school. (src)

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