
From Hate

Revision as of 08:38, 3 May 2006 by Foeke (Talk | contribs)

Mission: America, founded by Linda Harvey in 1995, is a US-based christian organisation. Through the power of prayer, it seeks to publicize its conservative christian viewpoints, particularly on the subject of homosexuality. In April 2006, it joined Concerned Women for America in launching the "Risk Audit Project", which they claim measures how far American public schools have been affected by the "homosexual agenda".


1 Any district with a homosexual club, any program or curriculum that would tend to influence children to regard homosexual behavior as in any sense normal or acceptable, should be identified as a clear and present danger to children and society (...). (src)

2 (The "homosexual lifestyle") reduces life expectancy at age 20 by at least 8 to 20 years. (src)

3 [In homosexuality, c]hild sexual abuse is frequently a factor. (src)

4 Homosexuality involves practices that are dangerous and high-risk to the body, which is designed for heterosexual function, so the first priority of adults who really care for youth should be to help them at all costs avoid these behaviors. (src)

5 Millions of religious and non-religious taxpaying Americans find homosexuality abhorrent, and do not want it promoted nor condoned in discussions with their children. Finding homosexuality repulsive is a natural human instinct to protect oneself (...). (src)

6 Because of the dysfunctional, unhealthy and changeable nature of homosexuality, legitimizing it as "marriage" constitutes irresponsible and reckless public policy that endangers the future of our children and grandchildren.

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