Linda Harvey

From Hate

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'''Linda Harvey''' is the founder and current president of [[Mission America]], an organisation that "focuses on homosexuality from a conservative christian viewpoint". She opposes anti-discrimination laws for LGBT people.
'''Linda Harvey''' is the founder and current president of [[Mission America]], an organisation that "focuses on homosexuality from a conservative christian viewpoint". She opposes anti-discrimination laws for LGBT people.
1 ''<nowiki>[After a parent leaves the family for a same-sex partner]</nowiki>, children are left to sort through the wreckage of selfishness and '''dysfunction'''.'' ([ src])
2 ''<nowiki>[Homosexuality is]</nowiki> an array of '''high-risk, abnormal behaviors'''.'' ([ src])
3 ''<nowiki>[Gay-Straight Alliances are]</nowiki> training groups that prop up the homosexual identities of vulnerable kids by '''fomenting bias against traditional morality, while concealing the grave risks of homosexuality'''.'' ([ src])
4 ''Some teens will engage in homosexual or bisexual behavior before they leave high school, and more will surely do so when it's treated with "respect" at their public school.'' ([ src])
5 ''Homosexual activists and their allies are, in case one hasn't noticed, the torch-carriers for a movement to destroy biblically-oriented Christianity and its positive influence on our culture.'' ([ src])
6 ''People (...) can be '''seduced into homosexual behavior''' and have their identity molded around the homosexual lifestyle.'' ([ src])
7 ''(...)the promotion of this <nowiki>[gay]</nowiki> behavior to our children has '''incredibly destructive potential''' (...).'' ([ src])
8 ''They have decided to alter Scripture or disregard it for '''their own twisted purposes'''.'' (Speaking of [ Faith in America], an organisation meaning to "educate Americans about the misuse of religious teachings to discriminate and isolate gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people" [ src])
9 ''By encouraging people to believe homosexuality is compatible with Christian doctrine, they will lead many people directly into harm's way, into sin, and into believing a deception that may separate them, possibly forever, from Christ'' ([[ src])
10 ''(...) both [ GLSEN] and [ PFLAG] advocate book selections for youth that include positive portrayals of homosexual sex between boys, pornography use, cheating on a spouse with a homosexual lover [and] homosexual sex between underage youth and adults (...).'' ([ src])
[[Category:United States of America|Harvey, Linda]]
[[Category:Christian|Harvey, Linda]]
[[Category:Mission:America|Harvey, Linda]]

Current revision as of 17:10, 4 October 2008

Linda Harvey is the founder and current president of Mission America, an organisation that "focuses on homosexuality from a conservative christian viewpoint". She opposes anti-discrimination laws for LGBT people.


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