Stephen Bennett

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Stephen Bennett is a prominent American ex-gay. He claims to have had consensual sex with plenty of men, before a christian confronted him about his sexual orientation and he underwent therapy to cure him. He has now been married to a woman for ten years, and with her hosts Straight Talk Radio, a radio show in which gays and lesbians are urged to undergo reparative therapy because their sexuality is unnatural.


1 (...) homosexuality is a dangerous, destructive and unnatural lifestyle... how no one is born "gay"... yet a behavior that can and should be permanently changed. (src)

2 We appropriately compared (homosexuality) to that of drug addiction and alcoholism - lifestyles that one would be encouraged to seek help to leave - never encouraged to stay in. (src)

3 (Same-sex marriages) are an abomination to Him and a putrid stench in His nostrils. (src)

4 From Hollywood, the media, the government, the public schools…right into our churches, we are now seeing the rotten fruit and stench of the sin of homosexuality in our land. (src)

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