Jade Cassel

From Gwn

Jade Cassel
Aliases: Syren, The Eleventh Zodiac, Soldier Aquarius
Birth Date: AC 240
Birth Place: Earth Colonial Cluster
Nationality: American
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 133 lbs
Eye Color: Dark Green
Hair Color: Light Brown (Sometimes dyed)
Blood Type:
Genetic Status: Unclassified Newtype
Relatives: Astraea Kushrenada


Character Background

Another Gemini Newtype NPC.

Genetic Analysis


Weapons of the Trade

Did she use a Gun?

Mobile Suits Used


Jade Cassel was born on a colony orbiting the blue sphere known as Earth. She raised as a normal girl on Earth in a military family. Her father was an EFF Colonel, thus Jade grew up around the military life. When she was very young, her mother divorced her father, and emmigrated to the space colonies above Earth. Both Jade's mother and father died during the pre-Gemini conflicts, and Jade never got to know her father. This added to the anti-Earth sentiments already present from her education in the colonies.

After joining the LaGrange Point Council's military branch, she was on the front line to defend the colonies from Gemini's advance. After the fall to Gemini, Jade and the other survivors left to Mars, to join the Anti-Gemini resistance. However, her role as a freedom fighter was shortlived.

During the LGPC defense, her abilities as an ace pilot, and her display of her Newtype powers led her to be picked up by Gemini, namely Regal. While on a date with a fellow freedom fighter, Zaknefien, Jade was abducted by Gemini agents. After a few weeks of brainwashing and conditioning, her will was shattered. Jade Cassel was then turned into Syren, the Eleventh Zodiac.

Syren was an alternate personality, the complete polar opposite of Jade. Syren was cold, sadistic, and a very efficient killer. Gemini blessed it's 11th agent with the fourth Generation Gundam ZMW-004 Apophis. Even though Syren and the other Zodiacs were highly skilled, it could not keep Gemini from falling to the alliance. Like the other Zodiacs, she was cured of the Zodiac conditioning. Jade was eventually cured of her alternate personality, and went on to become important to later events that would shape humanity's future.

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