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In the simplest terms, this is how to describe how space travel works.


Reality is made up of many dimensions (universes), and between these universes are 'pocket' universes. These universes are different than our universe, and concepts such as time and space are different. Since our universe (referred to as origin universe) vibrates at a specific frequency, offsetting this with a massive burst will tear a hole between the origin universe and the 'pocket' universe. This tear is called a hyperspace window, and the 'pocket' universe is called hyperspace.

Destination depends on speed, trajectory, and gravity influences, and until recently, it was unknown where a object would end up. With further mapping of the galaxy, and using probes equiped with hyperspace communication devices, a better starmap has been formatted. Now, computers equipped with these maps and calculations are being used to perfect hyperspace travel.

Space travel are like highways. Since interstellar travel would have to take in to account gravity wells and other galactic abnormalities, different routes to the same place would exist. Civilian routes would be longer trips, where military routes would be shorter and quicker.

Warp Gates

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