Pharsti Suvota

From Gwn

Revision as of 22:32, 22 October 2006 by Pharsti (Talk | contribs)
Pharsti Suvota
Abbreviation: {{{group_abbrev}}}
Group Numbers: {{{group_membership}}}
Leadership: {{{group_leaders}}}
Goals: {{{group_goals}}}
Recruitment Policy: {{{group_recruit}}}
Contact: {{{group_contact}}}

Pharsti Suvota

Genetic Analysis

Currently no analysis has been completed, possibility of newtype powers or other genetic traits are unknown.

Mobile Suits Used so far

  • NOVA-01b Nebula Burst Series
  • PTX-000 Gespenst Test Type
  • Note - All mobile suits/armors piloted by Pharsti are renamed by her into 'Trombe'
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