Night Razor

From Gwn

Revision as of 22:47, 11 November 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
Libra0-1NR Gundam Night Razor
Model Type: Experimental Gundam
Pilot System: Basic Gemini Pilot System
Construction: Gundanium Beta Alloy mounted on a Moveable Frame
Date Built: March 3rd, AC 259
Date Destroyed: Overhauled on May 30, AC 260 to the Shadow Blade
Height: 17.1 m
Weight: 45.9 t
Design Features: Hyper-Jammer Stealth Suite, mounted on upper back; self-destruct system
Weaponry: Standard Armaments
  • 2 x vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head, 600 rounds
  • 2 x Machine Cannon, mounted on shoulder, 500 rounds
  • 1 x Heat Claw, mounted on right wrist
  • 1 x Beam Scythe, Handle compreeses to Beam Saber Handle Size, (individual power rated at 1.5 MW)
  • 2 x Beam Saber, stored in Waist Recharge Units (individual power rated at 0.80 MW)
  • 1 x beam rifle, power rated at 4.0 MW, powered by rechargable energy cap, stored on thigh hardpoint when not in use
  • 1 x Bazooka, Clip fed, 4 rounds, stored on back of left shoulder when not in use
Pilots: Unknown Gemini Test Pilot, Thomas Epsilon

Manufactured by the Gemini Foundation

Design Features

Hyper-Jammer Stealth Suite- Self-Destruct System-

Ability Levels


Ability Levels:

  • Fighting: 180
  • Weapons: 120
  • Speed: 135
  • Armoured: 125
  • Power: 130
  • Total: 690
The Libra0-1NR Gundam Night Razor equipped with its beam scythe.
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