Featured Character
Noriko Takaya was born to then-USF admiral Yuzo Takaya and housewife Aoi Takaya on September 12, AC 261, Noriko was a happy child, and extremely close to her father. Their time together would be short lived in between his trips into space, which would sometimes last for years, but, to Admiral Takaya, if it meant that Noriko would have a future free of things such as the Gemini, the Sakura Virus or the Barton Foundation, it was a small price to pay. Unfortunately, Yuzo would not live to see his daughter grow up.
During the attacks on UEG ships by the Black Dragoon pirate group and the increase in the Gen'Yaku Syndicate's drug running activities, Yuzo's fleet was caught off guard while chasing a drug running ship by the Black Dragoon. His flagship disabled in the chaos, the admiral ordered his men to abandon ship with whatever escape pods were left. Giving his place on the last one to an injured seaman named Leon Aergo, Yuzo returned to the bridge of his ship to see the battle through. Details are scarce on what exactly caused it, but the bridge of the ship was destroyed in the firefight, along with the admiral, whose body was never found. His sudden death was the final push Noriko needed to decide upon her future: She'd go up into space, and finish her father's mission for him. She'd help maintain peace and order for future generations.
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Featured Mecha
Odeon Satoki piloted the CMSG-55 Gundam Bahamut during the Gemini War until his resignation from the ICS. His rank as legate allowed him freedom on the battlefield, protecting the Jovian colonies from the Lightning Wave. After successfully surviving many battles, Odeon abandoned the Gundam on Mars, and soon became a Zodiac against his will. After escaping Gemini Conditioning, he returned to his suit and piloted it during the final battle against Gemini. The USF then ordered the Gundam dissolved in the sun, ending the career of this Gundam.
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Planet Spotlight
Niflheim is a small planet far from Jotunheim, and even further from the Asgard System's sun. It is, needless to say, frozen. Beneath it's surface lies a series of empty lava tubes that are heated from the semi-molten core. It's mainly composed of an easily refinable iron and related ore. Its main moon is Svartheim, which posesses the important port city Ascalon.
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